2. Tipsy

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It's Saturday morning at the Taylor residence, the clock just hit 11:00... Fatima is exhausted from the wild night they had, Zac had her legs shaking all night long... she is woken up by the smell of a greasy breakfast so she heads downstairs.

Fatima: morning baby whatchu cooking, she says while making her way to the kitchen
Zac: morning fiancé, why you out of bed? I was gon bring you breakfast in bed. Ik yo legs must still be recovering after last night (smirks).
Fatima: (chuckles) yeaa they are but it's cool I'm already here, plus we got a lot to talk about.

Zac finishes setting up the table and pulls a chair out for Fatima. He places a full plate in front of her and a glass of orange juice.

Zac: so... you wanna talk about the baby right?
Fatima: yeaa... What you gon do about that situation?
Zac: I've had sometime to think and also researched the lab that your office uses, Google said their results are never wrong, so as much as I hate to admit it... I think he might actually be my son.
Fatima: yeaa, I had that same realization too. So I guess we need to set up a meeting with Heather?
Zac: (heavy sigh) yeaaa... but it's cool if you not ready for all that, I can meet with her alone.
Fatima: nah its cool bae, I'm actually at peace with this whole situation. I mean it is what it is...
Zac: (kisses her cheek) thanks for being so understanding baby, so whatchu got planned for today?
Fatima: well... I'm going out with Lori in the afternoon, she's actually pretty cool hey.
Zac: (shocked asf) Lori??! As in Nathan's Lori?
Fatima: (laughs) yeaa, she reached out to me on IG, she's good people and I think me and her gon really get along.
Zac: get along???! Baby did you forget that you slapped her husband?
Fatima: (laughs) yeah and what about it?! Matter fact sis thanked me for that shii, Nate grimey ass deserved that shit and that bat that hit his nose!
Zac: yk what I ain't gon win this so imma sit it out, I can tell this brewing friendship between you and Lori gon be a problem...
Fatima: whatever ZACHARY (laughs) just be glad that yo fiancé is friends with your best friend's wife!

Later on in the day Fatima went to a restaurant called Tasha's to meet with Lori for drinks...

Lori: hey boo (hugs her)
Fatima: heyyy, look at you looking all gorgeous and shii
Lori: girl please that's all you!! This dress is giving me bawdyyy
Fatima: thank you girl! I ordered us drinks, wasn't really sure what you like though.. so I went with long isl- (gets cut off)
Lori: long Island ice tea??! Gurl that's my shit!!
Fatima: no ways!! Mine too sis (they laugh and cheers their drinks)
Lori: listen atp tell whoever yo bestie is to move over because I'm not letting up on you frennn! (Fatima laughs, she truly has found a friend that matches her energy)

Fatima: gurl you crazy!! I like yo ass already! Anyway, uhm how's Nathan doing?
Lori: pleasee, that lil ass hit to the nose wasn't nothing compared to the shit he's put me through! He at home recovering and watching the kids, he'll be aight though.
Fatima: gurl ion blame you at all!! These niggas be wylin and it's on us to get they ass straight! Zac know not to mess with me! He knows what damage I can do with a bat!
Lori: (cheers) ikdr! But ain't it crazy how he's put me through so much but I just can't leave him, I love him- as fucked up as our situation is! (sighs)
Fatima: it's not crazy at all sis! Listen Zac has put me through some shit too and we ain't even been together that long... but it's like you say- I love him through it all!
Lori: gurl let's order more drinks while I talk you through some of the shii that nigga has done.
Fatima: some?
Lori: girl yeah, if I told all we'd be here til next year!

|Intermission: Back at the Taylor residence Zac has just called Heather and asked her to come over at 18:00 so they can discuss a way forward... he also texted Fatima to be back at that time|

Back at Tasha's the clock just hit 17:00, Tima and Lori are on their fourth drinks. Still talking, laughing and lowkey drunk asf.

Fatima: wowww gurl he truly has put you through the most! But yk what, I admire your resilience.
Lori: thank you boo! But it wasn't even all me hey... I had to stay strong for my babies, lol one good thing that nigga did was give me some beautiful babies (smiles)
Fatima: gurl speaking of babies... my nigga got a bm who's a stripper and I'm supposed to go meet with them at 18:00
Lori: woww, how do you feel about that sis?
Fatima: yk you the 1st person to ask me that... honestly, idk how I feel, I mean I always thought I'd be the one to give him babies, but at the same time that lil boy is such a cutie and he truly deserves a relationship with his father.
Lori: I hear you gurl, but look at it like this... you may not bear his first child but you'll still be the first woman who he's gonna be there for throughout the whole thing, the 1st bm didn't have that! Cherish those thoughts sis.
Fatima: yk what you right, shit look at the time I need to head back now but I think imma uber, my head's kinda spinning (laughs)
Lori: yeah me too, this was fun boo! Next time perhaps we can have a play date for the kids, you can bring your new step-son along...

The time is now 18:30, Fatima is running late to the meeting with Heather but she's on the way...

|At the Taylor residence|

Heather arrived 30min ago and Zac basically informed her of how they stole the DNA and it proves that his the baby daddy... Heather is livid that they went behind her back, she's yelling at Zac and causing a scene while Fatima's uber is pulling up into the driveway...

Zac: yo imma need you to calm tf down!! Wtf you expect me to do? You didn't want to give us his DNA willingly
Heather: nigga shut tf up! Thats no excuse!! Yk I can sue for this shit?
Zac: okay chill, ain't no need for all that! We share a son Heather, we need to atleast be cordial for his sake.
Heather: nigga if you think imma have my son around that bitch you out yo rabbit ass mind.

The door opens and one thing Fatima hates is being called a bitch... she immediately makes her presence known.

Fatima: BITCHHHH??! who tf you calling a bitch hoe?
Heather: (walks up on Fatima) you bitch, tf you gon do bout it?
Fatima: Zac you better get her!! I'm tipsy asf and I'm not in the mood, she got one more time then imma lose it!
Zac: (stands in the middle of them) Heather chill yo, trust me you don't wanna go there with her... especially if she's had a few drinks.
Heather: nigga you think I'm scared of her? Fuck you and this bit- (gets cut off, all she felt was Fatima's hand across her face)
Zac: Tima damnnnn!!! I thought you said you was gon stop fighting people.

That slap had so much force, Heather fell to the floor and her cheek had a print of Fatima's hand.

Heather: (holds her cheek) did you just slap me??? (She gets up and grabs her bag) yk what Zac you can forget about ever meeting Roman(his son)... all imma need is my back child support- fuck yall and see you in court!!!

**she leaves**

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