9. The aftermath

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A few days have went by since that horrific dinner... Fatima has been shutting eveyone out- including Zac!!! She's barely eating and she's ignoring calls, texts even emails. Truth is what Deja did hurt her, that abortion was a very sensitive part of her life and she just couldn't believe that a fellow woman would do that to another woman.

Zac is really trying to be supportive and understanding throughout this ordeal but Fatima is not letting him. When she's hurting she likes to isolate herself and that's not healthy. Zac decides it time he takes action before Fatima sinks into depression, he calls Dr J for an emergency session.

|Noon at the Taylor residence|

Zac walks in to their bedroom and opens up the windows and curtains

Zac: baby you've been sitting in this bed for days!! It's killing me seeing you like this.
Fatima: I knowww Zac and I'm sorry, but I just can't help it.
Zac: well allow me to help you baby, I ran you a nice hot bubble bath with your favorite oils and salts. Go unwind while I tidy up here and make you something to eat.
Fatima: (starts crying) you're too good for me. What'd I ever do to deserve you?
Zac: I love you baby, no matter what! We gon get through this.
Fatima: how are you so sure Zac?
Zac: well for starters I invited Dr J for a private session. She'll help us through this rough patch
Fatima: (stands up and walks towards to bathroom but stops at the door) Zac... I'm really sorry about all this, I never meant for you to find out like this.
Zac: don't worry about that baby, we'll discuss it all in the therapy session. Now go get cleaned up and come join me downstairs for breakf- (checks his watch and laughs) well it's not breakfast anymore but you get it...

It's now 4:30 in the afternoon and Dr J is parking her car outside. The door bell rings they both yell "come in".

Dr J: good afternoon to my favorite couple, your home is beautiful btw
Fatima: (smiles) thank you, would you like something to drink?
Dr J: just some water please
Fatima: cool (she comes back with 3 bottles of water)
Dr J: okay... so how have we been since our last session?
Zac: (looks over to Fatima for confirmation)
Fatima: it's fine you can tell her
Zac: doc alot has happened but imma try to summarize it because of time... [insert summary lol]
Dr J: wowww so she blurted out such a sensitive topic like that? Yeah this Deja person is distasteful! Fatima how did that make you feel?
Fatima: hurt, broken and devastated! I was never gonna keep this a secret from Zac, I was just waiting for the right time
Dr J: I'm sorry you had to go through that, but now that the bandaid has been ripped off are you comfortable going into detail?
Fatima: (takes a deep breathe) yes I can try, but please bare with me- that situation is just a really emotional part of my life.
Dr J: no judgment over here Fatima, take your time and uhm Zac please don't interject unless it's completely necessary
Zac: got it doc
Fatima: okay so Ian was the the first guy I ever fell inlove with. We were young and I was crazy inlove with him- crazy that I'd do anything for him. We dated for a lil over 3 years and it was all rosey until one day he got me pregnant, I was excited and couldn't wait to tell him, however nothing could've prepared me for his reaction. (She starts crying and grabs some tissue) sorry uhh...
Dr J: that's okay, take your time
Fatima: I was about 4/5 weeks pregnant when he convinced me to get an abortion because HE wasn't ready... his words shocked me because we had spoken about having kids before and we were both on board. Anyway he knew I'd do anything for him and he used that power to manipulate me. He booked me an appointment and I went to the abortion clinic alone, this nigga didn't even have the decency to accompany me, he said something about a work emergency. Fast forward a week after I had the procedure, I got very sick and admitted into the hospital- the Dr said I had developed an infection due to my abortion being high risk and due to that infection I would probably never be able to carry a child. I was hospitalized for a week and he never even came by to see me, until that Friday... he walked into my hospital room holding a bouquet of yellow roses looking fine as ever- to this day I hate all types of yellow flowers!! Anyway I was still processing the reality that I may never be able to carry a child... He sat down on that white chair by my bedside and basically told me that it was over and that he was marrying his ex tomorrow!!!

Zac and Dr J are both crying with her, it's just hard to believe that someone could be so heartless.

Zac: I'm so sorry you went through that baby, I didn't know
Fatima: it's okay baby, I'm just glad I can finally confront my past hurt and trauma and it's all thanks to you. You've given me a reason to believe in love again
Dr J: wow Fatima you've been through so much and I really admire your strength!
Fatima: thank you doc, but honestly I have this handsome man to thank for that! He really walked into my life and changed it for the better. I love you Zac
Zac: I love you more baby
Dr J: aww see this way I'm team Zatima (laughs) this was a very fruitful session. I'm proud of you both for finally opening up and trusting each other, pretty soon you'll be graduating.
Fatima: graduating?
Dr J: (laughs) yes! I like to treat my clients like students, so soon as I see that their issues are resolved we host a "grad gala dinner" to congratulate them on their success. And you two have a few more sessions before you get an invite.
Zac: ayeee that's what I'm talking about!! Thank you so much for your help doc, we are in a better place both mentally and physically.
Dr J: the pleasure was all mine, you guys enjoy the rest of your evening. * she leaves*

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