10. Meet the Wilsons

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Today is a day after the therapy session (Friday). Fatima finally gained the courage to switch on her phone and face the world. It's flooded with tons of texts and missed calls, her friends were really worried about her but they decided to give her space. From the tons of messages there's one that steals her attention...

|The text message|

(10 missed calls)

Fatima Marie why is your phone off?

Little girl you better answer me!!

Okay now I'm starting to get worried!! Angela said you're avoiding her too? She hasn't seen or heard from you in days??!

Babygirl talk to me, what's wrong?

Okay that's it!! I'm coming over there on Friday, my flight is at 12:30 meet me at the airport!!

Fatima: (checks her calender and sees that it's Friday) ohhh shit!!
Zac: damn who got you cussing so early in the morning?
Fatima: my mom... she texted that she's coming to town today!!! In less than 3 hours she'll be here!
Zac: ohh okay that's cool, finally get to meet your family
Fatima: Zac you don't get it do you? I never told her that I moved out of my place to stay with a man I've known for less than a year, fuckkk she's gonna be furious!
Zac: baby calm down, you're a grown ass woman I'm sure she'll understand.
Fatima: (chuckles) yeah baby you don't know Ms Debra Wilson, she's old skool!! The kind that don't belive in shacking up or sex before marriage.
Zac: (laughs) welp we're wayyy past that
Fatima: (gently smacks his arm) that's not funny Zac!! We have less than 3 hours to clean this place up and figure out what I'm gonna cook for dinner.
Zac: okay I'll take this srsly, but baby I don't want you stressing about cooking- you're just now getting back to your old self. I'll take us out for dinner.
Fatima: (kisses his cheek) thank you baby, now get up!! Let's get to cleaning...

2 hours later, the house is spotless. The couple quickly shower and get dressed to head to the airport. Fatima's mom (Deb) texted that she'll be landing soon...

Fatima: (downstairs waiting on Zac) babyyy come on!!
Zac: I'm coming!! Shii you the one said I must look my best for mother-in-law
Fatima: (fixes his collar) you look good baby, okay let's go she hates tardiness...

|At the airport|

They are waiting by the airport drop-off zone when Fatima spots her mother from the crowd...

Fatima: okay there she is, you ready?
Zac: yea
Fatima: (turns to look at Zac) okay lemme fix your collar one last time
Zac: damnn baby I thought only Mommy dearest was coming to town
Fatima: yeah it's just her, what you talk- (turns around and sees her whole family... her mom, dad, brother and older sister) FUCKKK!!!

|INTERMISSION: the Wilson's names are as follow- mom (Deb), dad (John), brother (Quincy) and sister (Onika/Nicki)|

The family finally reaches where Zac and Fatima are standing...

Deb: well don't just stand there!! You gonna give your mother a hug?
Fatima: hey mommy (hugs her then the rest of them)
John: so are you gonna introduce us to the young man behind you?
Fatima: oh my bad, guys this is Zac my boyfriend. Zac meet the Wilsons.

|At Azure restaurant|

They're all sitting at a table for 6 feasting on different meals that range from seafood, soul food, Italian etc.. The Wilson's have been bombarding Zac with a bunch of questions but he's handling them like a pro- you'd swear Fatima coached him beforehand.

Onika: yk what Zac I think I like you already... my baby sis has thee worst taste in men but you aight
Zac: (smiles) thank you Onika
Onika: you can call me Nicki, we cool.
Quincy: (smacks his teeth) not you already sucking up to this nigga... I still gotta vet him
Zac: I hear you bro and I promise you, Fatima's in good hands- I love her and I must say I love how protective you are of her
Quincy: shii I gotta be, it's my duty... especially after what happened with that nigga Ian
Deb: ohh we shall not speak of that spawn of Satan!! He nearly destroyed my babygirl
John: I despise him so much!! But Zachary I see the love you have for her, welcome to the family son (cheers)
Zac: (cheers) thank you Mr Wilson, I promise I won't disappoint yall. I'll treat Fatima like the queen that she is.
Deb: (smiles) that's what I like to hear, my babygirl deserves the world! Thank you for dinner Zachary (yawns) that jet lag getting to me now...

Fatima gets nervous because she knows exactly what her mom's about to ask her... she had told her sister about her shacking up with Zac so hopefully she'll help her conceal her lies.

John: (yawns) me too... lol guess we getting old
Deb: I know you youngsters prolly wanna go out tonight. Fatima gimme your keys, daddy and I are gonna uber to your place.
Fatima: (scratches her head from nervousness) uhmmm actually I-
Deb: Fatima Marie Wilson!!! You better not say what I think you're gonna say.
Fatima: I'm sorry mommy but my old place is being le- *gets cut off*
Nicki: uhm mommy, Tima's getting renovations so I booked us all into a hotel. She's staying with Angela for now.
Fatima: (smiles at her sister and mouths THANK YOUUU)
Deb: oh okay, for a moment I thought my baby was gon say she's shacking up!! Lawd hammercy!! Thank God we raised yall right! **the parents leave and uber to the Carlisle Hotel**
Quincy: yo Zac thank you for tonight and don't worry I ain't gon tell on yall (laughs)
Zac: (daps him up) thanks bro
Nicki: (hugs her sister goodbye) you owe me!!
Fatima: (laughs) I knoww!! Spa date tomorrow?
Nicki: of course!!!! Bye yall, enjoy the rest of yall night and don't do anything I wouldn't do (winks at Tima)

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