56. Wild thoughts

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4 weeks later...

Fatima decided to move back to the Taylor residence. A day after that party she literally spur of the moment, packed up and moved back in while Nicki flew back home. Zac was more than happy to have his little family back together again.

Zac has also been doing quite good himself, ever since Fatima returned he realized that it's time he seeks professional help because living without her was hell so he vowed that he never wants to find himself in the position of possibly losing her. Therefore, two weeks ago he started solo therapy sessions with Dr J to help him heal from all of his childhood trauma and be a better partner to Fatima.

|Taylor residence|

It's Saturday afternoon and Zac has just returned from his 4th therapy session, Fatima is in the kitchen cooking when he walks in holding a bouquet of her favorite flowers (white hydrangeas). He hugs her from behind before going to the fridge for a beer.

Fatima: (smiles) these are beautiful, what's the occasion
Zac: I can't just spoil my wife?
Fatima: (🤨) what're are you upto Zac
Zac: (laughs) here you go... baby why are you so suspicious
Fatima: (laughs) idk baby, maybe I'm a little insecure
Zac: (kisses her forehead) trust me, you have nothing to worry about
Fatima: you sure
Zac: (smiles) yes baby, because I would never cheat on you and I know you'd never do the same
Fatima: (chokes on her water)
Zac: you good
Fatima: yeah uhm... so how was therapy
Zac: (changes subject) did Yanah behave today
Fatima: yeah
Zac: (smiles) that's great! What are you cooking there? Smells divine
Fatima: (stares at him) baby what are you doing
Zac: what do you mean
Fatima: why do you keep changing the subject? I asked how was the therapy session
Zac: (sighs) it was going good until the last portion
Fatima: (pulls out a chair) come sit down honey, tell me all about it
Zac: (takes a seat and smiles with heart eyes)
Fatima: (smiles) what?
Zac: I don't know what I did in this lifetime to deserve you, you're literally so perfect
Fatima: (nervous laugh) come on Zac, nobody's perfect
Zac: (kisses her) well baby... YOU are the closest thing to perfection in my eyes
Fatima: (awkward smile) tell me what happened
Zac: (sighs) Dr J asked me to invite some people over to my next session
Fatima: okay... who?
Zac: the Taylors

Fatima goes silent and zones out, Zac notices that this is somewhat an uncomfortable conversation for her taking into account everything that transpired the last time they were all in one room

Zac: baby are you okay
Fatima: (snaps out of it) yeah I'm fine, so what're you gon do
Zac: well I guess the first step is to call them, but baby I won't do it if it'll make you feel some typa way
Fatima: babe don't be ridiculous! That's still your family, you should call them
Zac: well... are you ready to forgive them
Fatima: I mean you can't really forgive before an apology
Zac: yeah I guess you're right, idk what imma say... you know I haven't spoken to my mama in 4 weeks!?
Fatima: then take the first step baby, miss Anita is 10x more stubborn than you. If you don't take the initiative yall might never ever talk
Zac: (chuckles) I guess you're right
Fatima: (smiles) I know I am, now you go get cleaned up, dinner will be ready when you're done
Zac: (smirks and unbuttoned his shirt) you wanna come join me
Fatima: nope not really

She stands up and makes her way back to the stove to check on the pots

Zac: (suspicious) Fatima what's going on
Fatima: (chuckles) what do you mean Zac
Zac: baby you've never turned me down
Fatima: I'm just tired Zac and I'm not in the mood
Zac: baby you've not been in the mood for 4 weeks now
Fatima: (shocked) you've been counting
Zac: hell yeah!! Nigga ain't got nothing but time since you're depriving me of what's mine
Fatima: that's not my intention at all baby, my sex drive has just been off for some reason
Zac: well maybe you should go see a Dr
Fatima: (chuckles) babe it's not a sickness
Zac: (whines) it is to me... four weeks without feeling you is hell
Fatima: (rolls eyes) Zac please, you've gone longer without sex- you'll be aight
Zac: (🤨) no tf I haven't
Fatima: nigga do I need to remind you of the time you abonded me while I was pregnant with YOUR child
Zac: (under his breathe) technically, that was just 3 weeks
Fatima: whatchu say
Zac: (chuckles) nothing baby you got it
Fatima: (smiles) that's what I thought
Zac: (laughs) quit brining up old shit
Fatima: and you quit playing with me
Zac: okay fine! Well can I touch it (smirks)
Fatima: (sighs) Zacharyyyy

Zac kisses her and then playfully spanks her ass before running up the stairs to call his mother


...dialing Anita



Zac: (sighs) hey mama it's me, it's been a while but I hope yall are doing good. Uhm... I was calling because I need to talk to you, please hit me back when you get this message. Love you *hangs up*

Zac undressed and opened the shower tap to get the water warm, he stood there for sometime and pondered on his thoughts....

Zac: (thinks to himself) Fatima has been acting strange ever since she moved back in... now I wonder, what happened 4 weeks ago?

Author's note

Hi bookies🤓 I know the 4 week time jump might've been confusing/ disappointing BUT I promise it'll all make sense soon! The question of the moment is definitely "WHAT HAPPENED 4 WEEKS AGO?"
Find out February 1st, when Zatima: What if returns😏

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