67. For now

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|Secret location|

Keith is on a phonecall with his assistant (Bob)

Bob: hey boss man wassup
Keith: ion got time for small talk I need you to do something for me
Bob: aight I'm listening
Keith: I need you to go buy a few items for me
Bob: okay bet, list them
Keith: I need a wound disinfectant, bandages, cotton wool, pain killers
Bob: (suspicious) hold on wtf you need all that for? I thought we agreed you weren't gonna hurt her
Keith: (irritated) nigga do I pay yo ass to think
Bob: no sir
Keith: aight then, so go buy all those items
Bob: yes sir, but uhm imma need your location so I can drop em off
Keith: (chuckles) you think you slick huh, I'm not giving up my location nigga
Bob: well how tf am I supposed to get this shit to you
Keith: drop it off at IKT former building, lmk once you leave then I'll come fetch it
Bob: (confused) I don't understand, why am I bringing this shit to an abonded building
Keith: because nigga!! I'm covering my tracks just in case there's someone tailing you
Bob: boss man you know I'd never betray you
Keith: (chuckles) that's cute Bob, but I trust no one! Just do the task and text me once you're done
Bob: copy *hangs up*

|Former IKT Building|

Madam, Lucious, John, Quincy and Zac just arrived. They're scouting the place looking for clues but so far they've found nothing

Zac: Quincy bro are you sure this is the correct address
Quincy: nigga yes!! How many times you gon keep asking me that shit
Lucious: fellas calm down, no need to get hostile
John: exactly! Let's just keep looking, we're bound to find something eventually
Quincy: (irritated) nah pops fuck that! Zac acting like he the only one hurting over this shit- news flash nigga, Fatima is my fuckin sister
Zac: (squares up) and she's my fuckin wife!! Who's also carrying my child! So excuse me if I seem a little more worried than the rest of yall
Madam: (annoyed) omg can both of yall shut tf up damn
Zac & Q: (in unison) who tf you talking to
Madam: I'm talking to yall!!! (Points) look a car's pulling up

They all go silent and hide to observe the car. Bob puts his car in park and leaves the headlights on before walking to a box that's strategically placed in the corner. He drops the plastic bag of medical supplies in the box and pulls out his phone to inform Keith.

Lucious: (behind him with a gun) young man, if I were you I'd put that phone down or it'll be the last call you ever make
Bob: (immediately drops the phone and starts shaking)
Lucious: (chuckles) good, you learn fast! Now turn around

Bob slowly turns around and is met by the wrath of Quincy's fist across his face. He drops to the ground immediately and spits out blood from his mouth...

Madam: damn Q, why yo ass can't never stick to the plan
Quincy: fuck that! I'm tired of waiting (pulls Bob up) nigga if you value your life you'll answer all my questions, understand?
Bob: (stuttering) yea.. yeah, I understand

Quincy drags him and sits him on a chair, they all stand around him pointing him with guns.

John: what's in the bag young man
Bob: (stuttering unable to speak)
Quincy: (punches him again) that's a muthafuckin question!! Which means you gotta answer
Bob: (scared) it's uhmm.. medical supplies
Zac: (panicking) wtf he need medical supplies for??! Does this mean he hurt her
Quincy: nigga who tf are you working for
Bob: Keith Hall, but I promise I'm not involved with whatever he got planned, he just told me to bring these here
Zac: do you know where he is
Bob: no! I swear on everything, he refused to give up his location
Madam: (chuckles) okay here's how this is gonna work, you're gonna call your boss and keep him talking for a bit
Bob: that'll never work! He'll get suspicious because he told me to text him
Madam: (slaps him) nigga IDGAF!! Find a way to make sure he doesn't suspect anything
Bob: (shaking) okay... imma need my phone back
Lucious: (gives it to him) no funny business or else your ass is dead


|Secret location|

Fatima is now tied to a chair, she starts feeling her pants get wet on the calve area, she looks down and sees blood coming from her leg.

Fatima: muthafucka I can't believe you shot me
Keith: I warned you Fatima but you just didn't listen
Fatima: Keith whatever fucked up game you're playing needs to stop now!! I'm bleeding out
Keith: (smirks) I'm aware of that captain obvious
Fatima: then get me to a fuckin hospital!! If I lose too much blood then what's gonna happen to baby K-
Keith: oh shut the hell up with that bullshit! I don't give a fuck about you or that damn baby anymore
Fatima: (starts crying) Keith pleaseee, put whatever beef we have behind us! My baby's innocent
Keith: bitch fuck you and that fuckin baby!
Fatima: Keith why are you doing this??! I did nothing to you
Keith: (chuckles) oh you did nothing to me?
Fatima: (confused) nigga yesss!!!
Keith: well baby, see that's where you're wrong! You most definitely did something to me and this is payback
Fatima: (confused) what the hell are you talking about
Keith: (smirks) ever wondered what or should I say who the "I" in IKT stands for
Fatima: no! Why the hell would I
Keith: come on... think hard, I know it rings a bell
Fatima: Keith, I swear you must've got the wrong person! Idk wtf you're talking about
Keith: shall I give you a hint?
Fatima: nigga I don't have time for you stupid games! I'm literally bleeding out! I'm dehydrated and you haven't fed me since I've been here
Keith: (laughs) oh that's right! That explains why you're so cranky, I've heard about cranky pregnant woman- never thought I'd see it with my own eyes
Fatima: (annoyed) fuck you
Keith: aht aht, that's not the way to get what you want. I'll give you some food only if you get the hint right
Fatima: (rolls eyes) I already told you, idk what the "I" stands for
Keith: it's not what... I said who, implying that's its a person. Now let's think... who have you hurt who's name starts with the letter "I"
Fatima: (confused) for the love of God!! I've never hurt anyone, I don't even know anyone who- (starts thinking)
Keith: (smiles) it finally came to you huh
Fatima: Ian??!
Keith: (chuckles) bingo!!! Looks like someone just earned themself a plate of food
Fatima: Wtf does Ian have to do with any of this?

Keith's phone starts ringing and it's Bob calling... he leaves the room to go answer the call

Keith: nigga didn't I tell you to TEXT!!
Bob: uhm I know bossman, I just wanted to check on you (chuckles)
Keith: whatever! Did you get the stuff?
Bob: (stuttering) ye- yeah.. I uhm, I did
Keith: (suspicious) why do you sound so jumpy
Bob: (coughs) I must be coming down with a cold, but I got everything and it's in the box
Keith: aight bet, text me after you leave so I can come by there
Bob: waiiit! How is she, is she still alive
Keith: is that your business?
Bob: no sir, I'm just asking out of concern
Keith: (sighs) well if you must know, she's alive for now- but she wont be for long
Bob: what's that supposed to mean
Keith: bye Bob! *hangs up*


|Former IKT Building|

Zac: (fuming) wtf did he mean she's alive for now??!
John: Zac calm down, we're gonna find her
Madam: Q please tell me you got it
Q: (looks up from his laptop) hold on its still loading
Zac: hurry up!! We're running out of time
Q: (jumps up) yesss!! Okay I got it- we managed to track his current location
Lucious: okay let's go
John: (points at Bob) what do we do with this fool
Madam: (points gun to his head) I say we kill him
Bob: (pleading) waiiit!! Please nooo!! I can help you
Madam: (lowers gun) help us how?
Bob: if he's where I think he is, then you'll need a special code to enter and only I can help yall crack the system
Quincy: seems like we might have to keep his ass alive.... for now

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