58. 7min in Heaven

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|Still at the brunch date|

Angela: (snaps fingers in Tima's face) girl you good?
Fatima: -zoned out-
Lori: uh-ah girl you scaring me, tf wrong with you
Fatima: (snaps out of it) I'm fine
Lori: no you not! You froze like you just seen a ghost
Angela: (worried) Tima did you just get bad news?
Fatima: no I was just daydreaming, I'm fine yall

Fatima looks behind her and sees Keith who has a smug look on his face, he winks at her then blows her a kiss. Fatima instantly gets filled with rage

Fatima: yall please excuse me for a second, watch my baby I'll be right back

Fatima stands up and makes sure she keeps her composure, she walks directly towards Keith's table.

Stacey: (smiles) oh hi, Fatima right? Girl you still gotta let me pay you for messing up your dress
Fatima: (ignores her) Keith can we talk
Keith: sure, Stacey I think we're good here- we'll finish the rest at the office

Fatima starts walking towards the door, Keith stands up and follows her

|Outside by the balcony area|

Fatima: (holds her phone) what the hell is this
Keith: it's a text message
Fatima: (sighs) don't act smart with me! What tf is this shit
Keith: okay it's a declaration
Fatima: of what
Keith: that I want to be a part of our child's life
Fatima: (fuming) OUR??! Nigga are you delusional
Keith: (smiles) ouu I like this fiesty side of you, it gives me flashbacks to the night our seed was conceived
Fatima: (laughs hysterically) oh I get it, I'm being punk'd coz ain't no way son
Keith: (steps closer) no baby you're not being punk'd, all this is real... as real as that night we shared
Fatima: you know what, I'm not gonna try to reason with a fucken psycho!!

Fatima turns around to leave but Keith aggressively pulls her back, leaving her arm slightly bruised...

Keith: don't you ever walk away from me
Fatima: (slaps him with her backhand) don't you ever put your filthy hands on me
Keith: (tightens his grip and forcefully kisses her)
Fatima: (pushes him away and strangles him) nigga do you value your life
Keith: (out of breathe) baby please don't do this
Fatima: (strangles tighter) keep fuckin with me Keith and you'll find out why the call me Big Tima NOT the little one
Keith: ( starts turning purple)
Fatima: don't let this suit fool you!! Nigga I'm hood all day- everyday (let's him go)
Keith: (gasping for air)
Fatima: word of advice, if you wanna live you'll leave me tf alone and stay out of my way

Fatima leaves a traumatized Keith on the balcony and makes her way back to their table

Angela: girl you're right on time, they just brought our food
Fatima: great! I'm starving
Lori: that's because you're eating for two now
Angela: (points ahead) oh look, there goes your lil frien-, oh I'm sorry "client"
Keith: (walks past them and mumbles) watch yourself bitch
Lori: hold on, wtf did that nigga just day
Angela: sounded like he said bitch
Lori: nah fuck that! I'm going after his ass
Fatima: Lori no!! Sit down, I got his ass
Angela: Tima wtf is going on, what'd you say to that man to make him so pissed
Fatima: if I tell yall you gotta promise not tell a soul
Angela: I promise
Lori: girl you know I got you
Fatima: (sighs) okay so it all dates back to 4 weeks ago
Angela: what happened 4 weeks ago?

Okay the following portion of the chapter will be a flashback of what exactly happened the night of the party, it picks up from the elevator scene...


Keith: so what's it gonna be?
Fatima: (presses her knees together) shitttt why'd I have to drink so much
Keith: (chuckles) yo you good
Fatima: no, I really need to pee
Keith: well my suite has a fully functional toilet
Fatima: just so we're clear, I'm only going there to use the bathroom then imma leave. No funny business
Keith: (smiles) sure... whatever you say

|Hotel suite|

Fatima comes out of the bathroom and finds Keith standing there in just his boxers, he has a perfectly oiled muscular body with abs. Fatima is lowkey turned on by his sexy body but snaps out of it immediately.

Fatima: (covers her eyes) oh uhm sorry, I didn't know you were getting dressed
Keith: (smirks) do you like what you see
Fatima: (faces the wall) Keith I said no funny business
Keith: okay okay, sorry for making you feel uncomfortable (puts on basketball shorts and a tank top= Fatima's weakness)
Fatima: (turns back around) no uh... (notices his outfit & clears her throat) it's cool, have you seem my purse
Keith: (points) it's there by the couch

Fatima makes her way to the couch and locates her purse, she pulls out her phone to request a ride back to the Carlisle hotel.

Fatima: (annoyed) shittt
Keith: (sits with her) what is it
Fatima: the nearest Lyft is atleast 20min away, I can't wait that long, I'm tired and I need to get out of these shoes
Keith: look don't panic, lemme give you a foot massage while we wait for the driver to arrive
Fatima: (hesitant but gives in anyway)

Keith stands up to go fetch some rubbing oil while Fatima unbuckles her platform heels. Keith sits back down and places Fatima's legs on his lap, he pours a generous amount of oil in his hands and starts caressing her legs working his way down to her feet.

Fatima closes her eyes to indulge in the feeling, after a few seconds she finds herself completely lost in the moment so she let's out a soft moan... Keith's dick begins to harden and she can slightly feel it beneath her legs

Fatima: (opens her eyes) oh my goodness!! I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to let that happen
Keith: if you can moan like that from a simple foot massage, imagine how you'd moan if I was inside you
Fatima: (removes her legs and sits up to check the Lyft ETA)
Keith: how far is the driver
Fatima: about 7 minutes
Keith: (smiles) perfect!
Fatima: excuse me
Keith: that's all the time I'll need to give you 7 minutes in heaven

Before Fatima can even say anything, he takes off his tank top and presses his body against hers on the couch.

Fatima: (lowkey scared) yo wtf??! Keith, get off me
Keith: (breathing in her ear) come onnn, you know you want this
Fatima: (tusslin) no!!! Get off me
Keith: (chokes her and forcefully starts kissing her lips and neck)
Fatima: (anger building up) yo I swear to God imma kill you if you don't stop this shit
Keith: (ignores her and rips off the straps of her dress, leaving her perky breasts exposed)
Fatima: (starts crying as Keith overpowers her) please don't do this Keith

Keith ignores her cries and continues kissing her all over, Fatima's phone starts beeping- indicating that her ride has arrived.

Keith: (covers her mouth) nobody's coming to your rescue baby, this is a soundproof suite

Keith now begins to lower his hands to her panties and starts feelin on her pussy. In that moment Fatima decides to stop crying and save herself. She starts swinging at Keith and then shoves him in the balls using her knee, Keith falls off the couch screaming in pain. Fatima jumps up and runs towards the door, she grabs her purse and Keith's jacket so she can cover up. She decides to take the stairs because she feels the elevator would be too slow.

Fatima finally arrives to the pick-up area and locates her Lyft, she's out of breathe because she just ran down 7 flights of stairs.

Driver: are you Mrs Fatima Taylor
Fatima: (nods)
Driver: (turns back and sees that's she's very shaken) mam are you okay
Fatima: (wipes her tears) yeah uhm I just need to leave here NOWWW!!! please just drive

The time was around 01:00am when Fatima arrived to her suite at the Carlisle Hotel, she walked in and found Nicki fast asleep besides Yanah who was also asleep and sucking her finger.

Fatima smiled at the sight and made her way to the bathroom, she locked the door and then stripped naked. She filled the bathtub with a generous amount of bubble bath and scalding hot water. She slowly laid in the bathtub and finally let the tears she had pent up escape her eyes

The next morning she packed up all of hers and Yanah's belongings and moved back to the Taylor residence. Nicki suspected that something must've happened to lead her sister to a sudden change of heart, but because Fatima was not ready to talk, she chose to let it go and not pester her.


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