63. Party time

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Today is Saturday and the day of the party has finally arrived!!

|Taylor residence: Bedroom|

It's 7 in the morning, Zac just came back from downstairs, he was letting the decor people into the backyard. He walks back into their bedroom and sees that Fatima is not in bed

Zac: baby where you at

All he hears is silence that's later followed by loud puking sounds, he rushes to the bathroom and sees Fatima on the floor with her head rested on the toilet seat.

Zac: baby are you okay
Fatima: yeah, its just morning sickness

Zac helps her up so she can brush her teeth while he flushes the toilet. Once she's done he puts his arm around her waist and walks her back to the bed

Zac: (tucking her in) are you sure you're okay
Fatima: yeah babe I'll be fine, I just need to get some rest

Hardly a few seconds later they both hear tiny footsteps approaching the door, the door opens and Roman walks in followed by Yanah.

Roman: (jumps on the bed) wake up sleepy heads
Yanah: (starts crying for Tima)
Fatima: (picks her up) happy 1st birthday baby
Zac: why yall in here waking mommy up
Roman: because it's Yanah's birthday, we have to go bake her a cake and I'm hungry
Fatima: I know baby but mommy's not feeling too well
Roman: (touches her forehead) what's wrong
Fatima: (chuckles) I'm just a little nauseous
Roman: (sad) I'm sorry mommy (looks at Zac) don't just stand there daddy, go make her some ginger tea
Zac: (chuckles) whatchu know about ginger tea
Roman: my granny used to make it for my TT when she had my baby cousin in her belly

Fatima and Zac look at each other shook at what Roman just said because they had not yet told him that he'd be getting a new sibling. They wanted to wait on the Dr visit first but it seems like he figured it out by himself

Roman: (rubs on Tima belly) wait a minute... mommy does this mean there's a baby in your bell-
Zac: (picks him up) okay that's enough! Let's go downstairs and I'll make yall some food while mommy gets some rest
Fatima: (laughs) thank you baby

Zac carries both kids out of the bedroom and heads downstairs while he leaves Fatima sleeping.

a little while later...

Zac fed both kids and left them to run around the house while he focused on some work calls/emails. While the kids were left unattended they made a mess in the kitchen which Zac was unaware of, Roman and Yanah spilled a whole bag of flour on the floor along with a dozen eggs and started play "baking" a cake. Roman realized that he couldn't reach the milk so he made his way back to the bedroom to go wake Fatima up...

Roman: (whispering) mommy
Fatima: -silent-

Roman gets on top of her and cups her face with his dirty flour/egg filled hands. Fatima's eyes slowly start to open and the first thing she smells is eggs, she can't stand the smell due to her pregnancy so she gently pushes Roman to the other side of the bed and runs to the bathroom to go throw up again.

Fatima: (comes back)
Roman: are you still feeling sick
Fatima: baby why are you so dirty, where's daddy
Roman: he's in the study on a phonecall
Fatima: (fuming) so this nigga left a 4-year-old and a 1-year-old unattended???!
Roman: (gasps) mommy you said a bad word!!! My teacher said the N-word is banned
Fatima: I'm sorry baby, come let's go talk to your father


Fatima gets downstairs and nearly passes out at the sight of the mess in the kitchen.

Fatima: (yells) Zacharyyyy
Zac: (comes running) yeah baby
Fatima: don't yeah baby me, look at this mess!!
Zac: (looks around) ohh shit
Roman: (gasps) another bad word
Fatima: baby not now please!! (Looks at Zac) how the fuc- fudge!! How the fudge can you leave two toddlers unattended
Zac: I got carried away on a business call, I'm sorr-
Fatima: (raises her hand) whatever!! Idc how you do it but clean up this damn mess and do it fast!! We have people coming over in less than 3 hours
Zac: (whines) baby you really expect me to clean all this shit up by myself
Roman: ouuu daddy said another bad word mommy
Zac: man shut up! This is all yo fault, matter fact yo ass should help
Roman: (looks at Tima) he went over 3-strikes mommy, can I pleaseee
Zac: can he what
Fatima: (smiles) go ahead baby

Roman throws an egg at Zac's face and it cracks open. Fatima, Yanah and Roman all burst out laughing.

Zac: (wiping his face) that's foul Ti
Fatima: (picks up Yanah) aight jokes over! This damn smell is making me sick!!! You two clean up my damn kitchen and then get ready for the party
Zac & Roman: yes ma'am

3 hours later...

|Party time|

Guests have started arriving as the party's about to start...
Fatima walks down the stairs carrying Yanah, they're wearing matching fits.

Deb: (smiles) aww yall so cute
Fatima: (smiles) thank youuu! Can you hold Yanah while I go check if they're ready outside
Kiesha: already done sis, they said we can start taking our seats
Fatima: (smiles) thanks sis
Brenda: (yells) aight yall, kindly please make your way to the marquee outside and stop stuffing this nice ass house with yall musty odors
Anita: (gasps) Brendaaaa
Brenda: (laughs) what aunty
Anita: Tommy you better get your daughter before I do
Tommy: nope im staying out of it

All the guests make their way to the marquee and leave Fatima, Angela and Lori in the kitchen.

Lori: you look good boo
Fatima: thank you
Angela: (nervous) hey uhm Tima please don't take this wrong but will Jeremiah be here
Fatima: uhmm not that I know of, he's not really fond of family functions but idc coz I still can't stand his ass
Angela: (sighs) oh thank God!!
Lori: girl what
Angela: Tima please don't be mad, but I may have invited Belinda
Fatima: you did what
Angela: look I ran into her while I was buying a gift and it kinda slipped
Fatima: (rolls eyes) as long as she behave we cool
Angela: don't worry she will as long as that nigga not here, you know they haven't seen each other since that incident
Fatima: ohh yeaa, I surely hope she's healed though

Knock knock knock

Fatima: come in
Belinda: (smiles) hey yall
Lori: (waves)
Belinda: for a party it sure is quiet in here
Fatima: that's because it's taking place outside, let's go
Belinda: (chuckles) okay but how bout some shots before we go out there, just for old times sake (pulls out a bottle of Clase Azul Tequila)
Lori: (smiles) shiiiit I'm down
Angela: me too
Fatima: (sighs) okay fineee, but ion got no shot glasses
Belinda: girl it's cool, we'll just use these champagne ones and measure it

Lori pours the tequilla into 4 glasses and they all cheers before taking it to the head.

Man: (walks in behind them) yo what's taking yall so long
Belinda: (freezes and drops her glass) Jeremiah?
Fatima: shiiiit

Before any of them can even blink, Belinda grabs a knife from the kitchen and practically jumps at Jeremiah- holding the knife to his neck

Belinda: give me one good reason why I shouldn't slice open your throat right here-right now

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