Sundays are for lovers

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Despite all the drama that took place, Zac and Jeremiah were able to put their differences aside and celebrate the rest of Thanksgiving weekend doing fun activities with the whole family! Today's Sunday, Zac and Fatima are flying back to ATL to get ready for the work week. Jeremiah and Belinda left on Saturday- Belinda and Fatima both decided that they'd have a sit down talk to possibly resolve their differences, but only after baby Taylor is born.

Zac is loading the last of their luggage into uncle Tommy's car, then they all gather in the living room to come say their goodbyes.

Zac: aight we out family! This was a week well spent!
Brenda: (sad) do yall really have to go so soon? I enjoyed having yall around.
Fatima: (hugs her) don't look so sad sis, we'll be back to visit soon or you and Kiesha can always come visit us
Kiesha: (hugs Tima) we just might take yall up on that offer
Zac: (chuckles) aht aht don't yall bring no drama to ATL
Anita: (hugs Zac and then Fatima) can't yall atleast leave tomorrow? So we can go to church together
Zac: if it was up to me we would mama but this one (looks at Tima) is too much of a workaholic! Do you know she's been working late, coming back at around 8 for the past 4 weeks
Fatima: (chuckles) Zac don't start! You know I'm just tryna get enough work done before I have to go on maternity
Kiesha: girl you stronger than me, when I was in month 6 I was over all of it!
Uncle T: okay yall, let's cut this chatter short before they end up missing their flight

They all do a group hug and Anita says a short prayer for travel mercies. Kiesha and Brenda promise to come to ATL for the baby shower... they drive out the gate and wave goodbye as they head to the airport.

|Sunday afternoon: Taylor residence|

Zac and Fatima finally made it back home. Fatima is currently unpacking and doing laundry...

Zac: baby you know you could've just left those clothes, I would've washed them tomorrow
Fatima: baby you know I hate clutter, don't worry I'm almost done! This is the last of it.
Zac: nope! Come with me (pulling her by hand)
Fatima: (chuckles) babyy where we going?
Zac: I just wanna spend sometime with my fiancé, especially since you have to work late again this week (eye roll)
Fatima: baby don't be like that! I told you how important this Davis case is to me and unfortunately, Mr Davis and I can only meet after hours because our day schedules clash
Zac: yes I know baby, I must meet this Davis person! See the nigga that's been keeping my baby away from home
Fatima: (awkward laugh) naw there's no need to meet him baby, trust me he's just a nobody.

Zac leads Fatima to the bedroom, carefully helping her up the stairs because she tends to get dizzy since the stairs are fairly high.


Fatima walks in and sees her favorite bikini laid out on the bed...

Fatima: (confused) Zac what's this
Zac: it's your bikini baby
Fatima: (chuckles) I see that but uhh... baby it's not gon fit me!!
Zac: sure it will! Put it on please baby, I just want us to bond in the jacuzzi.
Fatima: (shocked) jacuzzi??! Baby that's not safe at all! If I slip and fall, that could go bad
Zac: imma make sure that don't happen baby, just trust me!
Fatima: (chuckles) okay fine but afterwards you have to watch my favorite movie with me!
Zac: (smacks his teeth) fine! but anything other than Dreamgirls!! Baby you've seen that shit a million times
Fatima: (laughs) and imma watch it a million times more.

She reluctantly put on the bikini and it barely fit, her breasts and butt cheeks were practically hanging out but Zac enjoyed the sight. Zac carefully helped her into the hottub as she sat in-between his legs with his hands placed around her belly. They just cuddled and enjoyed each other's presence, it was a much needed relaxation. Afterwards they showered and sat comfortably on the couch to watch Dreamgirls. Zac stared in awe as Fatima sang along to the soundtrack..

Fatima: (singing) it's hard to say goodbye my love...
Zac: (chuckles) I love you baby
Fatima: I love you more baby! Thank you for all this- it truly helped me unwind and get mentally ready for this long ass week that awaits me (sighs)
Zac: baby when is this damn Davis case wrapping up? I can't do another 4 weeks of my wife coming back in the wee hours of the night!
Fatima: it's wrapping up soon baby, I promise! I'll try to come back earlier tomorrow.

Fatima believes that keeping Ian's case a secret from Zac is a good thing because she doesn't want him to overreact or jump to conclusions. In her mind- it's purely just business and she thinks Zac wouldn't see it that way, so she decides to keep the peace by changing the topic.

Fatima: anyway baby you know that session in the hottub made me consider having a water birth, what do you think?
Zac: I'm cool with whatever you want baby
Fatima: I'll talk to Dr S about all my options at our next appointment (yawns) I'm sleepy baby, let's go to bed please.
Zac: okay my love, lemme carry you up the stairs- ion want you getting dizzy.
Fatima: speaking of that, we need to start house hunting baby! This duplex is not ideal for a baby
Zac: I'm working on it baby, matter fact I scheduled a viewing for tomorrow at noon- that work for you?
Fatima: sure! Just send me the address and I'll be there
Zac: (kisses her lips) aight baby, goodnight I love you
Fatima: I love you too, sweet dreams

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