Code red

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Meanwhile back at the Taylor residence, Nicki and Quincy just arrived. They got on the first flight out once Nicki's one hour timer lapsed, she tried calling Fatima multiple times but her phone was off and as a result the live location stopped sharing.

|Taylor residence|

Nicki: (banging on the door) hellooooo
Zac: (opens the door holding Yanah) hey yall come in, this is a surprise I didn't know yall were in town
Quincy: bro where's Fatima
Zac: (checks watch) its just after 6, she should be home soon
Nicki: (panicking) when's the last time you spoke to her
Zac: around her lunch time, I think it was 2, why you asking
Nicki: she sent me a text saying I must come rescue her if she don't get back to me in an hour... and that was 2 hours ago
Zac: wtf??! Have yall tried calling her
Quincy: yeah it keeps going to voice-mail
Nicki: her live location also stopped sharing
Zac: well where was she right before it went off
Nicki: 63 pearly avenue
Quincy: bro do yall know anyone over there
Zac: no but I think I have an idea where it is, let's go
Nicki: where's miss Anita so she can watch Yanah
Zac: shit she's not here, she left not too long ago.
Nicki: ok it's cool, take Quincy and I'll stay here with my niecey pooh
Zac: (gives her Yanah) thanks sis
Nicki: make sure my baby sis comes back here in one piece
Zac: (grabs car keys) say less

Meanwhile over at Deja's...

Fatima has been tied up for a little over 2 hours, she's chilled but kinda growing impatient on waiting to be rescued. Lucious T refused to divulge any further info on who exactly he is or why he's even holding her captive.


Lucious: Deja don't be rude, give our guest here something to drink
Fatima: ion want shit from yall but some answers!! Why tf was she meeting with Zac, who tf are you and why do yall have me tied up
Deja: (chuckles) Zac and I had some busi- *gets cut off*
Lucious: didn't I tell you to let me do all the talking
Fatima: (looks at him) well talk then tf
Lucious: (chuckles) let's just say... you need to be careful of who you trust
Fatima: tf is that supposed to mean
Deja: he means the people around you aren't who they claim to be


Lucious: Deja for the last fuckin time I'll do all the talking!! Go back upstairs and see who's knocking
Deja: (rolls her eyes) yeah


Deja: (opens the door) ugh wtf are you doing here
Anita: (rolls her eyes) ain't nobody here to see you Otis, now be a good girl and go tell him I'm here
Deja: whatever, wait here

...back in the basement

Lucious: who was it
Deja: (rolls eyes) your old piece of ass
Lucious: show some damn respect!
Deja: -silent- (just rolls her eyes)
Lucious: stay down here with her and make sure she doesn't make a sound

...back upstairs

Lucious walks towards Anita with a wide smell and open arms to initiate a hug

Lucious: Nita babyyy, 20 years later and you still look so fine
Anita: (blocks the hug) we're not doing that no more
Lucious: fair enough, well... what brings you by
Anita: why didn't you tell me you got out
Lucious: I figured you wouldn't want to see me after all this time
Anita: you damn right
Lucious: (smirks) so I ask you again, what brings you by Nita
Anita: (shyly looks away) I just wanted to see for myself that you're okay
Lucious: (looks into her eyes and grabs her waist) that's bullshit! I know it and so do you (leans in for a kiss)
Anita: (smiles and whispers) stoppp
Lucious: (kisses her neck) tell me to stop

Anita becomes weak in the knees and gives in, before you know it the two are indulging in a passionate kiss

Meanwhile... somewhere down the road, Zac and Quincy just arrived at 63 pearly avenue.

Zac: (shocked) man wtf
Quincy: what's up
Zac: (points) I swear that's my mother's car
Quincy: you sure
Zac: deadass
Quincy: well maybe that's where Tima is
Zac: yeah that's where her phone last shared location
Quincy: you got a gun
Zac: no bro you know I don't like that shit
Quincy: I hear you but we don't know what we're walking into, just hold it incase
Zac: okay cool, I'm bout to open the door... cover me

Zac opens the door and is beyond shook at what he sees

Zac: (yells) ma??! What the fuck are you doing
Anita: (breaks the kiss) Zac uhhh... what are you doing here baby
Zac: shit I should be asking you that
Anita: aht aht I'm the mama, speak!
Zac: (looks at Lucious) who tf is this nigga you kissing on
Lucious: (smiles and reaches for a handshake) hey I'm Lu- *gets cut off*
Anita: (nervous laugh, pulls his hand away) uhm don't worry bout who he is- what are you doing here Zachary
Zac: it's a long story ma I'll explain later
Quincy: yeah right now we just wanna know if Fatima here
Lucious: -silent- (but looks suspicious)
Anita: (confused) why would Fatima be here

Zac starts telling her what happened and why they believe Fatima's there. Meanwhile... down in the basement, Fatima managed to untie herself, her and Deja are currently tusslin for the key

...back upstairs

Anita: (looks at Lucious) imma ask you this once and you better not lie to me
Lucious: I know what you're about to ask, baby I promise you I don't know anyone by that name, she's not here
Anita: okay Zac you heard him, yall can leave now
Quincy: no!! I wanna search the house
Anita: there's no need for that, he knows better than to lie to me
Quincy: respectfully, idgaf! I'm not leaving here until I've searched every room, matter fact imma start with that one right there

Quincy quickly runs to the door across the living room and busts it open, they all soon follow behind him and are all shocked at who they see

Zac: Jeremiah???!

In that same moment, Fatima comes running through that same door with Deja slowly following behind her

Zac: (hugs her) baby are you okay
Fatima: yea I'm goo- (sees Jeremiah)
Jeremiah: (smirks) hey lil lady
Anita: Lucious wtf is going on
Lucious: (chuckles and points at Fatima) this one messed with the wrong family
Zac: family??! Ma wtf is this
Lucious: (looks at Anita) you wanna do the honor or should I
Anita: (sighs) Zac... this is Lucious Taylor, aka Lucious T (starts crying) he's your father

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