14. Concussion

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Two days later at the hospital... Fatima was put into a coma to allow her head injury to heal. The Dr informed them that she would be alright and that she should regain consciousness soon. Zac hasn't left her bedside since!! Her siblings and dad flew back to Philly after getting positive feedback from the doctor because they have to be back at work, however Mrs Wilson stayed behind.

|Greenside hospital|

It's around 1 in the afternoon and Zac is sitting by Fatima's bedside, holding her hand and speaking to her- the Dr said she can still hear them even though she can't respond.

Zac: baby I know you can hear me. I miss you real bad! I can't wait til you're awake and I can hold you in my arms again... you're my whole world and it's killing me to see you like this but ik you're a fighter. I love you Fatima and I can't wait til you come back because without you our house is not a home.

Fatima: (slowly opens her eyes) Zac...
Zac: (tears of joy) shhh baby take it easy, lemme call the Dr
Fatima: was I dreaming or did you just recite the engagement speech (laughs)
Zac: you definitely weren't dreaming baby, I'm so happy you're awake! I need to let the family know. (he texts the group chat)
Fatima: what happened Zac?
Zac: I'll let the Dr explain, here he comes now...

Dr Washington (Dr W) walks in dressed in a white coat and a stethoscope hangs around his neck. He's holding Fatima's file as he approaches her bed.

Dr W: welcome back to the land of the living Miss Wilson.
Fatima: (laughs) thank you doc, what happened and how long have I been out?
Dr W: you suffered a concussion due to a heavy object hitting your head. We had to put you in a short coma for 2 days to allow your brain to recover and regain consciousness.
Fatima: woah two days?! Zac did you call my office? I've been absent for soo long
Zac: yes I did, Andi said you can take all the time you need to recover.
Dr W: please don't rush back into work so soon. Matter fact, im placing you on bed rest for 2 weeks so you can fully recover and to avoid you fainting again. I'm also just waiting on your blood tests, so I'll be back after some hours to check on you and give you feedback on when you can go home. *he leaves*

Zac: thanks doc
Fatima: baby can you please call my mom, I know she must be worried sick
Zac: yeah you definitely are a mama's baby (laughs) she's actually on her way up, she refused to leave until she saw for herself that you were okay.
Fatima: (chuckles) lol I can tell she wasn't the only one worried about me, baby look at those eyebags under your eyes!! When was the last time you slept?
Zac: about 2 days ago
Fatima: Zac that's not healthy! You've seen that I'm okay and I'm awake now, how about you go home and rest for a while?
Zac: baby I can admit that I'm exhausted but I just don't wanna leave you here all alone.
Fatima: I'm not alone babe, there goes my mother right there (pointing to her mom at the door)
Deb: go get some rest Zac, I'll stay here with her.
Zac: okay cool, imma be back in a few hours. I love you (he kisses her lips and leaves)

Deb: you've got a good man there baby, do you know he never once left your bedside.
Fatima: (smiles) yeaa Zac really is the best thing that ever happened to me
Deb: (smiles) so how are you feeling babygirl?
Fatima: I'm okay just a lil headache but nothing too hectic.
Deb: baby please promise me you're gonna stop all this damn fighting!! I wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to you Marie.

Fatima knows her mom is fr, she only calls her Marie when she's being stern!

Fatima: I promise mommy, my therapist is also trying to help me stop choosing violence all the time, but damn these hoes be trying me (sighs)
Deb: I know baby, but sometimes you gotta choose peace! Try doing yoga, it helped me alot
Fatima: (🤨) helped you how??! Hold on so you mean to tell me you was about that action? (laughs)
Deb: pshhh girl now where you think you and Nicki got these fighting abilities from??! I used to beat hoes up back in the day!!
Fatima: (laughs) wowww I never would've guessed that mommy. So what changed?
Deb: well baby, the three of yall is what changed. When I became a mother I knew that I had to stop putting my life in danger and live for my babies. I know that one day you'll see what I'm talking about
Fatima: (teary-eyed) I doubt it mommy...
Deb: uh-uh what'd I teach you about that negative shit! You will conceive Fatima, you just have to believe it!
Fatima: (wipes her tears) but how can you be so sure mommy?
Deb: because the God we serve has never let us down! Close your eyes and let's pray baby...

4 hours have went by, Deb had gone out to buy Fatima fruits and some essentials. Zac is also on the elevator making his way back to Tima's room.

|Fatima's hospital room|

Dr W: alright Fatima I have your test results back, will your visitors be staying?
Fatima: yeah, it's my mom and my boyfriend- they're cool
Dr W: okay. Well all your vitals are great! The swelling on your brain has gone down and you'll be discharged tomorrow morning.
Fatima: (smiles) thank you doc
Dr W: sure... so are you still in any kind of pain?
Fatima: yes actually, my head is throbbing! Can you prescribe some stronger pain killers?
Dr W: I'm afraid I can't do that... due to your condition we can only give you paracetamol
Fatima: condition???!
Dr W: yess! Your blood test showed high levels of the HCG hormone.

Zac and Fatima both have a WTF look on their face, while Fatima's mom instantly starts glowing, she has thee biggest smile on her face.

Zac: uh-uh doc tf is HCG?
Dr W: (laughs) allow me to explain Mr Taylor. HCG is a hormone that only develops when a woman's pregnant.
Fatima & Zac: (shocked) WHAAAT??!
Dr W: (smiles) yes!! Congratulations you two, the test showed that you're about 5 weeks pregnant!!

Fatima, Zac and Deb all break out into tears. None of them actually believe this is happening, this is truly a miracle!

Zac: doc are you sure?
Dr W: yep! I'll be transferring her file to our OB-GYN, she'll set up an appointment with you and answer all your questions. Now I have to go check on my other patients, congratulations once again!

Fatima sits on her bed speechless, tears flow from her eyes. Zac goes to sit by her and places one arm around her so she can lay on his shoulder. They both cry as Zac places his and Fatima's hand on her belly. She looks over to her mom who's also very emotional.

Deb: (whispers) I told you, God got us!!!

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