Daddy's girl

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|Greenside hospital|

The next day Zac is at the hospital with his and Fatima's mother. They are headed to see her and also get an update from Dr S.

Dr S: good morning family
Zac: morning doc, so what happened
Dr S: it's nothing major so I don't want you to panic
Deb: okay.... SPEAK
Anita: maybe if we stopped interrupting her
Zac: (chuckles) aight chill yall... sorry bout that doc, please continue
Dr S: as I was saying, Fatima lost consciousness due to a lack of oxygen. However, we were able to give her a drip and she's fine now
Zac: (exhales) thank God!! May I ask, what caused this
Dr S: (chuckles) in layman's term, she was too stressed from the pain so her body "forgot" to send her brain the signal to keep breathing
Deb: (laughs) hold on so you mean this girl had me stressed tf out, just because her ass forgot to breathe
Dr S: (chuckles) yep! But she's awake now, you can go see her and I'll also get a nurse to bring in baby Taylor

They are all relieved that both Fatima and the baby are okay, they walk to her room holding flowers and balloons. Zac also called Lori and Angela, they're on their way...

Zac: (walks up to kiss Fatima) hey baby, how're you feeling
Fatima: (smiles) I'm okay, just tired
Deb: (chuckles) I bet you are! Childbirth ain't joke
Anita: ikdr! Zac you're gonna have to step up! She needs all the rest she can get
Zac: don't worry mama I'm ready
Nurse: (wheeling in the baby's crib) sorry to interrupt but somebody's ready for feeding (gives her to Tima)
Fatima: (smiles while breastfeeding) hey pookie
Anita & Deb: (stunned) pookie??! That's what yall named the baby??!
Zac: (chuckles) no! It's just a nickname
Nurse: speaking of... what is the baby's name? We just wrote baby Taylor on her wrist band

Just as Zac and Fatima are about to announce the baby's name, Angela and Lori come barging in with more flowers, balloons and a giant teddy bear...

Deb: well don't just stand there! What's my beautiful grand baby's name?

Zac and Fatima look at each other and then back at them. They smile and say her name in unison....

Zac & Fatima: Eliyanah Olivia Taylor
Nurse: (taking notes) lovely name! Welcome to the world Eliyanah, born 2/2/23 at 05:00a.m *she leaves*
Angela: that is a beautiful name indeed but what does it mean
Zac: (chuckles) yall want the full story of how we decided on the name or a summary
Lori: nigga ain't nobody got time for stories... summary!
Zac: (chuckles) as you all know this is literally our miracle baby. A prayer that we prayed for the longest time has finally been answered
Anita: boy stop rambling
Fatima: (laughs) he's terrible at explaining. Eliyanah is a biblical name which means "God has heard our prayers"
Everyone: awwwww

Fatima and Zac smiled looking at their little creation as she sucked on her tiny fingers. She was the most perfect baby, with big hazel eyes like her mama, a head full of coily black hair and caramel in complexion. She had her mommy's dimples but her dad's everything else. The whole room couldn't stop going on about how beautiful she is and also arguing about who she looks like the most.

Eliyanah got startled by the loud chatter and started crying...

Fatima: yall done scared my baby
Angela: (laughs) sorryyy but she gotta used to the loudness
Lori: exactly! We don't do quiet over here
Fatima: (hands her to Zac) baby please burp her and make sure you hold her neck

Zac holds her and walks around the room gently rubbing on her back... After a few minutes a loud burp noise shocks the room

Fatima: damnnn that was loud asf
Deb: girl that's just how you were too as a baby, that means she's gon have a voice similar to yours
Anita: well done on this beautiful creation you two! I'm proud of yo-
Zac: (yells) ahh hell naw!!
Fatima: (panic mode) what is it
Zac: (chuckles) this lil girl done threw up on me

They all start laughing at Zac's dramatic antics as he starts gagging at the smell of puke on his shoulder

Anita: baby you gotta get used to that it's gon happen often
Deb: yep! Anyway we gon step out, give yall some alone time

They all exit the room leaving Zac and Fatima behind... Zac goes to sit by her bedside and places Eliyanah in her hands.

Fatima: (smiles looking at her perfect baby) thank you daddy
Zac: no thank you! Baby you're the strongest woman I know!! This little girl gave you hell but you handled it like a G
Fatima: (chuckles) barely, not my dumbass forgot to breathe
Zac: (laughs) baby don't ever in your life scare me like that! For a second I thought I was gon have to raise her alone
Fatima: (kisses her baby's cheek) I promise I'll always be there for both of you
Zac: (pecks her lips) I love you baby
Fatima: (returns the kiss but more passionately) I love you more daddy

Baby Eliyanah starts crying at the sight of Fatima kissing all on Zac. Zac breaks the kiss and she instantly stops crying

Zac: (laughs) she don't want you to kiss her daddy
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) you are my daddy before you are hers (going back into the kiss)

She starts crying again, this time much louder than before...

Fatima: (slightly annoyed) 5 hours in labor and this is how you thank me
Zac: aye ntm on my baby, besides yo ass kissing me a lil too much like we ain't got a 6 week wait period (chuckles)

Eliyanah continues crying despite being in her mommy's arms so she gives her to Zac and she immediately stops and starts smiling while in daddy's arms.

Fatima: (smacks her teeth) well I'll be damned! Not her already being a daddy's girl
Zac: (chuckles) looks like somebody's got competition
Fatima: (laughs) whatever Zachary!

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