F*ck You

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Today is exactly a week before Christmas, it has been 3 weeks since Zac abruptly walked out the door. The first night alone was tough for Fatima but she held onto hope that Zac would come back and they'd fix things. However, hours turned into days, days turned into weeks and before she knew it 3 weeks had gone by without hearing from Zac.

Within that time span she sunk into depression and completely withdrew from the world and started shutting eveyone out. She just couldn't believe how Zac failed to keep his promise of being there for his baby. Although her friends and family were there as a support structure, it just wasn't enough because they don't compare to her one true love!

Today's Friday and Fatima is making her way to Dr S offices for her 7 month checkup, she insisted on going alone even though Angela and Lori offered to accompany her.

|Greenside hospital|

Dr S: (walks in not paying attention as she finalizes something on her tablet) good day yall, Fatima please lay on the bed I'll be with you shortly.

Fatima slowly waddles her way to the examination room and lays on the bed, the Dr walks in 5min later and she literally freezes in shock at the sight of the woman in front of her, this was not the same Fatima she saw right before Thanksgiving.

Dr S: (sad) uhmm Fatima, how're you doing?
Fatima: (holding back tears) I'm surviving
Dr S: (sighs) what happened and why isn't Mr Taylor with us today
Fatima: doc if you don't mind... I don't wanna talk about it! Can we just get this over with, is my baby okay?
Dr S: (moving the handheld part of the monitor on her belly while looking at the screen) yes the baby's okay despite your drastic weight-loss! Look I'm not here to judge you Fatima, I just wanna talk, please join me back in my office.

Fatima reluctantly agrees to open up to Dr S about everything that transpired within the last 3 weeks, they sit and talk over tea and cookies.

Fatima: (wiping tears) so yep! That's the story of how my life literally crumbled right before my eyes.
Dr S: well have you atleast tried reaching out to him? Is he even okay, shit maybe he's passed out in a ditch somewhere
Fatima: (chuckles) naw I know for a fact that nigga still breathing! I'm still close with his cousins
Dr S: oh okay. I'm sorry you had to go through this. You know the last few months of pregnancy are supposed to be blissful, you're supposed to be gaining weight NOT losing!
Fatima: (sighs) I knowww doc but I'm trying, if I'm being honest this baby saved me! I would've given up if not for it!
Dr S: speaking of "it" would you like to know the gender?
Fatima: (teary-eyed) I don't think I'm ready for that yet, it's something that Zac and I had planned on doing together. You know those cute gender reveal videos that are all over Tiktok
Dr S: (chuckles) I hear you, no pressure.
Fatima: thanks for everything doc, it actually felt good to talk to someone about this. I literally feel like a load has been lifted off my shoulders!
Dr S: (smiles) I admire your resilience Fatima! I don't want you to worry, I've had a lot of single mother patients and they're doing just fine! I know you'll get through this and deliver a healthy baby- you're a very strong woman!
Fatima: (smiles) thank you doc, really means a lot to hear you say that. I should get going
Dr S: sure but please get as much rest as you can and work on re-gaining your strength! The next time I see you we'll be discussing the birth procedure and all the available options. Enjoy the rest of your day Fatima, and please do me a favor, stop by a restaurant and EAT!!!
Fatima: (chuckles) got it doc! Don't worry, when I come back here in 4 weeks I'll be Fatima thee stallion again
Dr S: (laughs) that's the spirit!

Unbeknownst to them, Zac was standing outside the office door listening to their whole conversation. Truth is he knew that today was the day of the 7 month check-up but he lacked the guts of just barging in, especially since he practically disappeared for 3 weeks...

Fatima slowly stands up from the chair, grabs her bag and starts walking out. She was moving much slower than before because although her body lost weight her belly continued growing, the baby was getting heavier by the day. She opens the door and freezes as she sees Zac starring back at her. He is beyond shocked at the sight of his heavily pregnant fiancé who has visibly lost a lot of weight.

Zac: hey
Fatima: (silently pushes past and slowly waddles away)
Zac: baby I'm sorry, please just talk to me! Say something
Fatima: (stops and turns around) fuck you Zac!

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