65. Welcome home

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...still outside

Fatima: (annoyed) nigga why don't you take off that damn mask, it ain't hiding shit
Keith: (takes it off) who says I'm hiding
Fatima: what do want
Keith: (flirts) I want you
Fatima: this house is full of people who want you dead and you thought it's smart to set your raggedy feet here (turns to walk away)
Keith: (stops her) Fatima wait! Please just gimme 2min of your time, I just wanna apologize about that night. I wasn't myself- it was truly the alcohol
Fatima: (rolls her eyes) GTFOH so you're blaming your failed r*pe attempt on alcohol??!
Keith: that's not what I'm saying at all, please just give me a chance to explain


Not too far from outside the gate where Fatima and Keith are standing, Belinda and Jeremiah are in her car hooking up.

Belinda: (sitting on his lap) did you really miss me baby
Jeremiah: (feelin on her ass) you know I did!! Now come here sexy

They start kissing and feeling all on each other until Jeremiah starts reaching into her pants so she stops him

Belinda: (breathing heavy) wait... wait
Jeremiah: what's wrong babe? I thought we both wanted this
Belinda: (sighs) I do... but I can't just let go of all the times you hurt me
Jeremiah: (shows his bandaged arm) but baby didn't you get your lick back
Belinda: (slaps him) nigga fuck you!! That lil cut ain't shit compared to everything you did to me
Jeremiah: (getting turned on) ouuu do it again
Belinda: (chuckles) wtf are you on
Jeremiah: (kissing her neck) slap me again baby, punish me however you see fit
Belinda: (laughs and kisses him) boy you're crazy
Jeremiah: and you love my crazy ass
Belinda: I hate to admit it but I do
Jeremiah: (smiles) I love you too
Belinda: (getting weak) okay fine we'll only do this on one condition
Jeremiah: (getting harder) whatever you want baby!
Belinda: (laughs) baby I'm serious
Jeremiah: okay what's the condition
Belinda: you have to go to therapy! You can't claim to love me but then turn around and hurt me
Jeremiah: okay I'll go only if you agree to come with
Belinda: nigga ion need no fuckin therapy
Jeremiah: (chuckles) baby yes you do! Shit we both do- we're toxic asf

Belinda laughs and starts unbuckling his pants while Jeremiah kisses her neck and starts unbuttoning her top. Just as she's about to reposition herself to suck on his dick she freezes and stares towards the direction of the gate and yells "oh my God!!!!"

Jeremiah: (panicking) baby what is it
Belinda: (opens the door) baby come on!!! Get out we need to hurry
Jeremiah: what!! What's going on
Belinda: Fatima just got snatched up
Jeremiah: whaaaat

Belinda runs back into the house where everyone is chilling, she comes in yelling frantic with Jeremiah slowly following behind her.

Lori: wtf are you yelling for
Brenda: nah fuck that, why is your top half opened and are those hickies on your neck
Belinda: (fixes her top) uhhh nvm that, it's not important
Brenda: (side eyes) not important my ass
Kiesha: (sees Jeremiah fixing his pants) mmhh yall ain't slick
Angela: (irritated) IKYFL!!! B you've gotta be fuckin kidding me
Lori: fr!! Wtf kinda shit are yall on
Kiesha: bro wasn't this chick threatening to kill you just a few hours ago??!
Brenda: (starts singing toxic by Summer Walker)
Jeremiah: (irritated) can yall just shut tf up and stay out my business!!! B got something important to say, it's about Fatima
Zac: (stops what he's doing) what about Fatima
Belinda: (hesitant, stuttering)
Madam: speak up!!!
Belinda: (shaking unable to talk)
Angela: (gives her water) B talk!!!
Belinda: okay... I was uhm outside with uhm
Madam: girl respectfully, no one cares about your sexcapades. Wtf happened to my cousin
Belinda: I saw Fatima talking to some guy and it all happened so fast (starts crying) next thing I saw, the nigga covered her mouth with a cloth and threw her into a black SUV then drove off
Zac: (drops glass) man wtf??! Somebody had the nerve to snatch up my pregnant wife??! Did you see the guy? his car registration? Something???
Belinda: (shaky) no! Like I said it happened too fast and it was pretty dark

Everyone starts panicking and yelling, Zac is the most pissed off and his friend Nate is tryna calm him down. All the loud chatter eventually causes the older gang (parents) to wake up and come rushing downstairs...

John: wtf is all this noise about
Nicki: (panicking) daddy they saying Fatima just got snatched up
Deb: (worried) my Fatima??!
Quincy: yeaa

Deb starts hyperventilating while Anita helps her sit down and they get her a glass of water to calm her down...

Lucious: I need everyone to calm down!!! (Looks at Belinda) tell me everything you saw
Belinda: (explains)
Lucious: (pissed) so this shit happened more than 15min ago and none of yall mfs thought to check the CCTV footage
Zac: shit!! You're right pops! I got a camera that points directly to the gate

Zac connects his laptop to the TV and pulls up the CCTV footage so everyone can get a clear view...

Angela & Lori: (in unison) oh hell no
Zac: what
Lori: I know that nigga
Angela: yeah that's ol boy from the restaurant
Zac: (confused) what restaurant?!
Madam: ladies we gon need more than that so we can find Tima, his name? occupation? etc
Lori: shit I forgot his name, but he's a business man of sorts
Angela: yeah... he said he was a client, I just can't remember his company
Zac: (irritated) yall really ain't helping!! We need tangible stuff dammit!
Nicki: (remembers) wait hold on!! I've seen this nigga on LinkedIn, he's uhh... Keith!! Keith Hall
Brenda: (Googles him) it says here he owns a tech company, IKT
Madam: (pulls out her phone) that's good! That's all imma need to find her
Lucious: (pulls out his phone) imma call some of my jail contacts too
John: yeaa I got some people too!
Zac: I appreciate yall efforts! And lemme just put it out there... NO ONE'S GOING TO SLEEP UNTIL WE FIND FATIMA!!!


|Secret location|

Keith finally pulls up to his place that's secluded and practically in the middle of nowhere. Fatima is still passed out from inhaling the benzene that Keith had poured on the cloth he used to cover her mouth. Keith carries her to the bedroom and gently places her on the bed.

He grabs his tablet and puts the whole house on lockdown. Since he's a tech mogul he's really good at using technology to his advantage- basically all exits/ entrances are locked and can only be unlocked with a special pin code that gets randomly generated after every two hours!

He walks into the walk-in closet and changes into his pyjamas. The opposite side of the closet is full of female clothes, jewelry and purses that match Fatima's aesthetic. He opens the drawer and takes out a matching pair of the pyjamas he has on... he walks back into the bedroom and undresses Fatima then dressed her in the pyjamas.
He gently rubs on her belly and then kisses it.

Keith: (smiles) welcome home my loves

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