Labor pains

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It has been exactly 3 weeks since the babyshower, baby Taylor is due any day from now... Fatima and Zac are beyond ready for her arrival, they've already packed the hospital and Zac has also set up the nursery- however, Fatima will only be be allowed to see it once the baby's born since it's a surprise!

|Taylor residence: midnight|

Fatima suddenly gets the urge to go pee as she slowly releases herself from Zac's arms and walks to the bathroom. Before she even reaches the bathroom door, a gush of clear liquid streams down her legs.

Fatima: (yells) omgggg
Zac: (wakes up) baby what is it
Fatima: it's happening!!
Zac: (still sleepy) what's happening
Fatima: (screams in agony) ahhhhh!!! Zac the baby's coming!!!

Zac jumps out of the bed and rushes towards her

Fatima: baby be carefu-

Before she can finish warning him, he slips on the puddle of water and falls flat on his ass.

Fatima: (chuckles) I tried to warn you baby, my water just broke
Zac: (laughs) damn well next time speak faster! (He gets back up) lemme get dressed real quick then we can go to the hospital
Fatima: I wanna take a bath first
Zac: (confused) bath? I thought you said the baby's coming NOW
Fatima: (chuckles) I've only had one contraction since my water broke, we've still got time
Zac: okay baby, I'll get the bag ready and mop while you do that.

After about 15min, Fatima walks out of the bathroom and puts on a lounge wear set. Zac carries the hospital bag as they slowly walk down the stairs and head towards the door...

They finally make it inside the car, the hospital is about 25min away... 5 minutes into the drive Fatima gets another contraction and screams

Zac: (panicking) baby just breathe, remember those exercises... wooo...ahhh...(breathing sounds)
Fatima: (yells) I'm breathing Zacccc!!! Drive faster!!!!

They finally make it to the hospital and Fatima's contractions are now much closer. Zac rushes to the reception area and yells for someone to bring a wheelchair...

Nurse: mam I need you to calm down, we're wheeling you to the labor ward
Fatima: (gives a death stare while focusing on her breathing)

|Greenside hospital:
Labor ward|

Fatima: (breathing heavy) fuckkkk this shit hurts so bad!!
Zac: (looking sad) I'm sorry baby, try to calm down
Fatima: (yells) don't tell me to calm down Zachary!!! Get your baby outta me

Dr S walks in with a smile on her face...

Dr S: alright Fatima how're we doing
Fatima: how do you think I'm doing doc?! I can literally feel her in my vagina
Dr S: (chuckles) okay let's see

Fatima spreads her legs wide open while Dr S puts on some latex gloves. She looks in between her legs and then says...

Dr S: nope! Not there yet
Fatima: (shocked) what the fuck??!
Dr S: you're not yet fully dilated, I'll be back to check on you in an hour
Fatima: an hourrrr??!
Dr S: (chuckles) yes! Just try to relax and keep doing those breathing exercises . The nurse will stay here to monitor yours and baby's heart rate

The Dr walks out of the room. Zac has just been rubbing her back trying to ease the pain but it's barely helping, she's sweating profusely and yelling all kinds of slurs at him.

Fatima: (screaming) oh my God it hurts so badddd!!
Zac: (kisses her forehead)
Fatima: (pushes him away) Zachary Luther Taylor I swear to God if you ever get me pregnant again I'll kill you!!!
Nurse: (chuckles) is this your first child
Fatima: (nods)
Nurse: don't worry Mr Taylor, they all get like this.

After some minutes Fatima's pain slowly starts to subside. She's calmer now that she's standing while slightly leaning on the bed with her back arched and her head laying on her hands.

Fatima: did you call my mom
Zac: yeah, both our moms are taking the 1st flight out tomorrow
Fatima: (smiles) thnx and I'm sorry for yelling baby
Zac: (chuckles) don't worry you good baby. Does it really hurt that bad
Fatima: nigga yesss!! I used to think people were exaggerating but this shit feels like a dinosaur is stomping on your back while a big ass object is physically trying to squeeze its way out your vagina
Zac: (shocked) damnnn

An hour later, Dr S comes back into the room.

Dr S: I see we're a bit calmer than before (chuckles)
Fatima: that's because you said an hour doc!!! Times up! Get this baby out of me nowww (spreads her legs)
Dr S: (looks in between her legs measuring the dilation) nope! Still not there yet

Fatima starts screaming crying as the pain has now returned only with much more force!

Fatima: fuck it!!! Take me to theater doc! I want the c-section, idgaf about the scars no more!
Dr S: (chuckles) you don't need a c-section Fatima, you're doing really well. Let's give it one more hour. Try to get some sleep *she leaves*

Zac stands there looking distraught at his fiancé who's crying out in pain. He goes to sit on the bed with her and comforts her in his arms.

Fatima: (crying) I can't do this anymore Zac! It hurts sooo bad
Zac: (wiping her tears) I'm sorry baby, I wish I could do something to help
Fatima: talk to your baby Zac, tell her to stop torturing me
Zac: (places his hand on her belly and whispers) hey babygirl please make this easy for mommy, we love you and we can't wait to me you...

As Zac continues brushing her belly and whispering sweet words to the baby, the pain subsides and Fatima dozes off...

2 hours later she's woken up by the agonizing pain again, only this time she's fully dilated and ready to give birth. She gets wheeled to the delivery room while Zac is asked to change into theater clothes.

|Greenside hospital:
delivery room|

Dr S: ok Fatima its time! When I tap your thighs I need you to push
Fatima: okay

The nurse gently places Fatima's legs on the elevated pedestal. Zac walks in..

Fatima: aww you look so cute in those daddy
Zac: (laughs)
Fatima: babe are you sure you wanna be here
Zac: yesss! They said I should hold your hand while you push
Fatima: (smiles)
Dr S: (taps her thigh) okay push

She takes a deep breathe and pushes with all her might while Zac holds her hand the entire time. Baby Taylor arrives after the third push...

Dr S: (looks at Zac) come cut the umbilical cord dad!

Zac cuts the the cord with tears in his eyes... The nurse wraps a crying baby Taylor in a blanket and places her on Fatima's chest.

Fatima: (crying) hey babygirl
Zac: you did so good baby! I'm proud of you
Fatima: (out of breathe) I love you (slowly closes her eyes)
Zac: (panicking) doc she just closed her eyes!!! What's going on??! Is that supposed to happen??!

One of the nurses grabs the baby to go get her cleaned up and checked on. While the Dr rushes to check on Fatima

Dr S: Mr Taylor I need you to step out please
Zac: I'm not leaving my wife's side!! Wtf is going on?!

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