80. Trial

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A few weeks later...

For the past few weeks Fatima has been in court as the prosecutor on the Louis Sr Cortez case, his lawyer is Daisy Hall. The trial has been hectic to say the least. Today's the last day of trial, where Fatima and Daisy will present their closing statements, the jury will give their verdict and the judge will give the sentencing.

|Taylor residence|

Zac: good morning baby, how'd you sleep?
Fatima: (kisses him) morning babe, I had a decent sleep but not the best
Zac: that's because yo ass don't listen
Fatima: (sighs) baby please don't start this again, we've already talked about it
Zac: no Fatima! WE never talked about anything, you made decisions on your own like you always do!
Fatima: it's not like that all, you know I couldn't just leave Teo to fend for himself- he needs me
Zac: your family needs you too
Fatima: I know baby and I'm sorry for being withdrawn but I promise after we wrap us this case today- I'm all yours
Zac: (smirks) all mine?
Fatima: (smiles) yeah
Zac: aight then, after this you better call Mr Parks and tell him you're going on maternity leave
Fatima: (sucks her teeth) babyyyy
Zac: don't baby me, you're 7 and a half months pregnant with twins!!!
Fatima: (rolls eyes) gee thanks for reminding me of the obvious! I know I'm fuckin pregnant Zac- my body reminds me everyday, I can't eat my favorite foods because they disgust me! I can't hit the gym no more because I've gotten sooo big carrying your big headed babies! My clothes don't fit- I can't wear my favorite YSL heels because my feet are swoll-
Zac: (interjects) okay okay, I get it! You win! I'm sorry baby
Fatima: (chuckles) it works everytime
Zac: (chuckles) keep it up with the guilt trippin shit- one day it ain't gon work no more!
Fatima: (laughs) one day?! Naw baby the bakery is officially closed after I drop these two
Zac: (kisses her) okay that's fair! Well we should get going, before you're late for the big day!
Fatima: thank you for loving and supporting me baby
Zac: (smiles) always and forever!


Everyone in the court room is ordered to stand as judge Mathis makes his entrance. After he makes it to his seat he orders everyone to sit back down.

Judge: good morning everyone, welcome to the final day of trial in The state vs Cortez case. Mrs Fatima Taylor, you have the floor
Fatima: (stands up) thank you. For the past few weeks I've presented the court with substantial evidence that not only proved of Mr Cortez's involvement in the murder of his own son but also proved his vile character
Daisy: (stands) objection your honor! Mrs Taylor is attacking my client's character and that's not the purpose for this trial
Judge: Mrs Taylor are you getting to something with your statement?
Fatima: yes your honor, if miss Hall would simply refrain from cutting me off
Judge: agreed, Ms Hall please wait your turn
Fatima: (continues) as I was saying, this man's character may not be on trial however it shaped the decisions he made to get us to this point! If he didn't have such a vile and questionable character he really wouldn't have killed his own son in cold blood. In closing, I ask that the jury think carefully before giving their verdict- this man is not only a danger to his relatives but to the community! Members of the jury, if you give a fair verdict you'll be restoring hope to the Cortez family! Teo will be able to fulfill his lifelong dream of being a Dr, the streets will have one less drug dealer to worry about and lastly, a man who committed a senseless killing will be in jail- where he belongs! Thank you.

The audience erupts into chaos and loud chatter, some are applauding Fatima's closing statement while others are condemning it.

Judge: order!! Order!! Order in the court

The noise subsides...

Judge: thank you. Ms Hall, you have the floor
Daisy: you know I find it funny that Fatim- I'm sorry Mrs Taylor. I find it funny that she has the nerve to stand here and base her argument on questionable character when she's guilty of that herself
Fatima: (pissed) objection your honor!! Relevance?
Judge: sustained!! Ms Hall, Mrs Taylor is not the one on trial here! Please present a statement that pertains to this case
Daisy: (smirks) sure! My client has been accused of murder based on a recording he wasn't even aware of! I just think it's discriminatory how he's the only one on trial right now, when that recording implicated two parties. (Pauses looks at Rosa) yes I'm talking about you!
Fatima: objection your honor!
Judge: on what grounds?
Fatima: your honor it has already been ruled that although Mrs Cortez's actions in the stabbing were distasteful, she was not in the right frame mind because the deceased was not only threatening her life/future but that of her kids too- they ruled it as self defense!
Judge: Ms Hall are you aware of these new findings?
Daisy: (sighs) yes but it still doesn't excuse the fact that Fatima's just as vile and evil as my client! If anyone should be on trial it's her!!! She murdered my cous-
Judge: (yelling) Ms Hall, Mrs Taylor approach me right now!!!

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