17. The first time

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Today's Saturday and after talking to her mom and sister, Fatima has finally gained the courage to go see her baby for the first time. Her appointment is in the next 2 hours and she can't wait to see Zac's face when she tells him!

|Taylor residence: Bedroom|

Fatima: (rubs on Zac chest) good morning handsome
Zac: (barely opens his eyes) morning baby, why you up so early
Fatima: well... I-
Zac: (quickly opens his eyes) waiiit!! Is everything okay with the baby? Are you experiencing cra-
Fatima: (chuckles) baby relax! Everything's fine, I just want you to go get ready, we're going to see the OB-GYN in a few hours.
Zac: (jumps up excited) Tima don't play with me rn!! You for real?
Fatima: (smiles) yep!! And baby I'm sorry about being moody the other day
Zac: (laughs) you good baby, I'm just scared imma be tiptoeing around you for the next couple of months
Fatima: (chuckles) yeaa and to think we not even out the first trimester yet... ouu its gon be a long couple of months.
Zac: tell me about it!! You're naturally moody now imagine if it's that mixed with baby Taylor (rubs on her belly) take the wheel Jesus!!
Fatima: (laughs) shut up Zac!! YOU should've thought bout that before shooting the club up... Mr "please baby just for a second" (laughs hysterically)
Zac: oh ik you ain't talking Mrs "don't like it when I pull out" (laughs)
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) yk what Zachary!! Go head and hop in that shower, wit yo musty ass (laughs)

|Greenside hospital: OB-GYN appointment|

Zac and Fatima are sitting in the lobby when a nurse let's them know that they're ready for them. Zac sees the nervousness on Fatima's face so he gently holds her hand and whispers "I got you" as they walk in...

Dr Smith (Dr S): good morning, I'm Dr Smith and I'll be taking over from Dr W- he transferred your file some weeks ago (handshakes them)
Zac: thanks doc
Dr S: okay let's get right into it! Fatima please lay on the bed and lift you shirt

Fatima does as told while the Dr gets all the equipment ready and explains the process...

Dr S: this is gon be a lil cold (she applies the gel and grabs the ultrasound machine and gently starts moving it across her tummy)

She moves it around for some seconds... which turn into minutes... she tries to keep her composure but Fatima can tell that somethings wrong. Dr S notices the tears falling from her face and says "I don't want you to worry, just close your eyes and take a deep breathe". Zac is also starting to worry but he wants to be strong for Tima so he stands up and goes to hold her hand. The Dr keeps moving the monitor around her belly and there's still nothing reflecting on the screen until...

Dr S: (shouts) dammit those bloody interns??!
Fatima: (opens her eyes) what is it doc?
Dr S: uhm turns out the intern I tasked with this didn't set it up right so the monitor wasn't reflecting because it wasn't plugged in, she also turned the volume all the way down
Zac: (slightly irritated) yo what? Do you have any idea how worried we were? Wtf kinda hospital is this??!
Dr S: I'm sorry about that Mr Taylor I'll definitely talk to all the interns, I assure you this won't happen again! Now if you will kindly turn your attention to the screen you'll see your baby... everything looks alright except it looks a little small for 8 weeks (looks at Tima) have you been eating right Ms Wilson?
Fatima: (sees the side eye from Zac and rolls her eyes) uhmm... no but I'm working on it!
Dr S: okay no biggie, the baby's fine! Would you like to hear his/her heartbeat?
Fatima and Zac: yessss

She clicks play on the monitor and the room is filled with their baby's heartbeat. Fatima and Zac both shed happy tears as the Dr wipes her stomach and leads them back to the desk area...

Dr S: Fatima I've prescribed you with some prenatal vitamins, you can get them on your way out along with your schedule of appointments for the next couple of months.
Fatima: thank you doc
Zac: yes thanks doc, so other than the eating issue, everything's fine?
Dr S: yes! However, since she is infection prone she's gonna have to take it easy! No stress whatsoever!
Zac: got it! Thank you doc.

They leave the Dr office and in the car Fatima suddenly gets a craving, it's like now that everything's confirmed to be fine she can finally start embracing this journey...

Fatima: baby I'm a little hungry
Zac: it's about time you stop starving my baby!! Whatchu wanna eat?
Fatima: mmmh... I'm in the mood for some pickles and ice-cream with a dash of hot sauce
Zac: (looks disgusted) what the hell???!
Fatima: (laughs) it's not me it's the baby

They stop by the mall and grab the food then drive back home. Back at the house Fatima is genuinely indulging on hot sauce infused ice-cream like its the best combo in the world! She takes it a step further by dipping the pickles in the ice-cream mix.

Zac: (🤢) baby ain't no way you're seriously enjoying that?!
Fatima: it's really good, wanna try?
Zac: hell nooo!! I'm just glad you're finally eating
Fatima: yea me too, this just a snack btw idk what imma eat for lunch
Zac: do I even wanna know what weird ass combo you gon try next?
Fatima: (laughs) uhhh no!
Zac: (laughs) I love you
Fatima: I love you too (tries to kiss him)
Zac: aht aht... not until you rinse out your mouth
Fatima: (smacks her teeth) naw fam, what happened to "yours mine and ours". Come get this pickle infused kiss boo (chasing him around the lounge)
Zac: (laughs) baby quit playing nie (sees that her favorite song is playing on the TV, grabs the remote and increases the remote)
Fatima: (sits on his lap facing him and starts singing to him)

Ion usually do this but uhh... can I sing to you? Yeaaa

Yours, mine, ours. I can do this for hours sit and talk to you for hours

Zac: (joins in) I wanna give your flowers and some champagne showers. Order shrimp and lobster towers

Fatima: but it's me that gets devoured (seductively kisses his lips)

Zac: (wipes it off and laughs) you lucky I love you girl

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