50. Deja vu

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|Taylor residence|

Fatima comes through the door visibly upset, with Quincy following behind her also clearly upset

Nicki: (smiles) omgg sissy!! I'm so glad you're back
Fatima: (storms past her and walks upstairs)
Nicki: (looks at Q) bro what the hell happened
Quincy: (sighs) a lot sis
Nicki: don't just stand there, talk! Who upset Tima this much
Quincy: one word... the Taylor's, every last one of them
Nicki: (slightly annoyed) please stop talking in codes and tell me wtf happened
Quincy: I think I'll let Tima tell you, lets go check on her

They both run upstairs straight into Fatima and Zac's bedroom, they're expecting to find her crawled up on the bed crying- but instead they find her doing the opposite

|Bedroom/ walk-in closet|

Fatima: (aggressively throwing clothes into a suitcase)
Nicki: what the hell, where you going
Fatima: I'm done!!
Nicki: done with what? Please talk to me sis
Fatima: done with Zac, the Taylor's, this fuckin house! All of it!!!
Nicki: why, what happened
Fatima: (closes up suitcase) I'll explain once I'm calmer, for now I just need to make sure I get tf outta here before they return

Fatima leaves and makes her way to Yanah's nursery to pack her things, she's fast asleep in her crib with a soft lullaby playing in the background...


Fatima: (kisses her cheek) my sweet baby, your daddy got me fucked up
Yanah: (starts fussing)
Fatima: (gently rubs her back to calm her) sorry baby, I didn't mean to wake you
Yanah: (quiets down)
Fatima: smile if yo daddy a bitch
Yanah: (smiles in her sleep)
Fatima: (chuckles) yea you definitely my daughter

Fatima finishes packing then grabs hers and Yanah's suitcase and loads into her car. Thereafter she gently carries her baby and places her into her car seat. She grabs her bag, phone and car keys as she prepares to leave out the door

Nicki: Fatima Marie Taylor!! For the last fuckin time, what's going on
Fatima: it's Wilson
Nicki: bitch what
Fatima: look Nicki, I said I'd explain later. For now I'm leaving, yall can stay here or go back home- whatever suits you! And thank you for coming to my rescue
Quincy: are you sure you'll be alright if we leave
Fatima: (sighs) yea Q, I promise I won't do nun stupid
Quincy: (hugs her) okay sis, I love you and for what it's worth... that bitch ass nigga never deserved you
Fatima: (laughs through the tears) love you more bro
Nicki: Q you can leave, but imma stay with her for a while

Fatima and Nicki book a 2-bedroom suite at the Carlisle hotel while Quincy heads back home...

A few hours later, Zac arrives back home with his mother

|Taylor residence|

Zac: (yelling) Fatimaaa
Anita: baby why you yelling, you clearly see her car's not in the driveway

Zac runs upstairs to go check her but notices that some of hers and Yanah's clothes are gone, indicating that she's not coming back and she didn't leave any note/message of their whereabouts.

Zac: (comes back downstairs) FUCKKKK!!!
Anita: what's wrong son
Zac: I think I might've lost her for good ma
Anita: well good riddance! You heard what your father said, she's not who we thought she was
Zac: (tears) no ma!! Fatima has been nothing but genuine, I can't believe you stood there and doubted her
Anita: (chuckles) that's rich coming from you
Zac: wtf is that supposed to mean
Anita: you doubted her too son, shit I was only following suit
Zac: fuckkkk!! What am I going to do, I have to get her back
Anita: no you don't! You heard your father
Zac: (getting angry) please stop calling him that!!! He's not my fuckin father, he's just a sperm donor who abounded us for years and like an idiot I let him get into my head
Anita: don't speak ill of him son, he gave you life- you're half of him
Zac: (disgusted) ugh!! What kinda hold does that man have over you, it's sickening
Anita: (slaps him) watch your fuckin mouth, I'm still your mother
Zac: if only you'd act like one
Anita: what
Zac: I'm sorry ma but I just feel like you took his side over mine, this is just a rerun of the fucked up cycle of when I was growing up
Anita: what the hell are you talking about Zac
Zac: typical Anita, always putting a man over her kids and everything else!
Anita: (rolls eyes) typical Zac, can't never take accountability for shit! Your wife left because of YOU- deal with it
Zac: (tears start falling from his eyes) I'm so fuckin stupid! I thought you'd change ma, this is deja vu of all those times you neglected me and J to chase after some dick... you're doing that shit again!
Anita: (slaps him again) I told you to watch your fuckin mouth

Zac walks to the bar and grabs a bottle of whiskey while Anita disappears upstairs for a while...

A few moments later, Anita comes back downstairs dragging her suitcase, Zac is sitting on the barstool drinking himself to a stupor.

Zac: where are you going ma
Anita: chasing dick, apparently that's all I'm good at according to you
Zac: (cries) ma I'm sorry, you know I didn't mean it like that, please don't go
Anita: (tears) I'm sorry son, but you made your bed (kisses his forehead) now you gotta lay in it

Zac's eyes get filled with tears as all the memories of when his mom would leave him and Jeremiah alone for days without food to chase after men.

Anita: (crying) goodbye Zac, I love you- never forget that (leaves)

Just as she closes the door Zac gulps the last bit of whiskey that was left in his glass and takes the half empty bottle and throws it against the door yelling "fuckkkk"

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