69. Rescued

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|Secret location|

Keith noticed Bob's car outside and realized that he might have been set up so he came running into the house but only sees Quincy.

Keith: who the hell are you and wtf are you doing in my house?
Quincy: nah nigga, I ask the questions round here
Keith: excuse me?
Quincy: we can do this the easy way or the hard way
Keith: (unbothered)
Quincy: where's Fatima?
Keith: I'm sorry who? Idk anyone by that name, you must've got the wrong hou-

Keith feels a gun on his head but it's pointing from behind him, he freezes and stares directly at Quincy.

Quincy: (chuckles) you chose the hard way, now I'm gonna ask you again. Where is Fatima?
Keith: (turns around slowly) she's uh..

Zac interrupts him by barging into the living room, he notices a trail of blood that goes from the kitchen to the stairs. Zac grabs the gun from Lucious and points it directly between Keith's eyes.

Zac: (fuming) nigga I ain't got time for games, either you tell me where she is now or I blow your brains up
Keith: (chuckles) ohh Zacky, clearly you're dumber than you look
Zac: (about to pull the tigger)
Lucious: (stops him) son no!! He's the only one who can lead us to Fatima
Madam: exactly! (Looks at Zac and Q) imma need yall to be cool until we know for sure that Tima's safe

Fatima hears from the room upstairs that there's multiple voices downstairs so despite her feeling weak, she starts yelling "HELPPPPPPP" loud enough til they can hear her.

Lucious and John restrain Keith while the rest run upstairs to find where the noise is coming from

Zac: (yelling) Fatimaaa baby, it's me!!! Where are you?
Fatima: (speaking low) Zaccc
Zac: (identifies the door) I'm coming baby, hold on

Zac tries breaking down the door but it's as hard as concrete, he keeps kicking but nothing is happening.

Quincy: (grabs him) Zac stop!! You're gonna hurt yourself
Zac: I don't care Q!!! My baby needs me, she sounded out of breathe
Madam: I know Zac, but you need to calm down! Let's go back downstairs and get that nigga to give us the code

|Back downstairs|

Keith: (looking smug) your muscles are useless when it comes to my tech system Zac
Zac: man fuck this!! Let me kill this nigga
John: Zac no!!! Please just calm down son
Keith: (chuckles) yall gon be here til next year before I give up that code
Lucious: (getting pissed) I'm getting sick of this shit (pistol whips Keith)
Keith: (laughing) so you think you beating me up is the way to get what you want? You're very mistaken old man
Madam: fuckkk!!! Can all yall calm tf down and stick to the fuckin plan
Keith: no plan is gon help yall! Nobody can access my codes except me an-
Bob: (walks in) and me
Keith: (shocked) Bob??! What happened to "I'd never betray you?"
Bob: (chuckles) aye boss you know I draw the line when it comes to women and children, wtf were you thinking?
Keith: Bob listen to me!! Whatever they're paying you to unlock that door, I'll double it- hell I'll triple it!
Bob: (stops typing on the laptop to think)
Quincy: (walks up to him) Bob nigga, don't let me fuck you up! I was just starting to like your ass
Bob: (chuckles) oh come on, it was clearly joke! Just tryna lighten up the mood
John: (irritated) wtf is up with this generation?!
Lucious: (also irritated) right?! If they're not gay then they on some other bullshit
John: (chuckles) I knew something was off with him by how tight his pants are
Lucious: (laughs)
Madam: (clears her throat) please let us know when yall are done being homophobic so we can get back to work
Bob: (smiles) thank you Madam boo for having my back against these close minded old people
Madam: I'm not your boo!! Just get back to work please
Quincy: how long until the hacking is complete?
Bob: I've already got 2 of the 4 digits... the last 2 are giving me trouble
Keith: (chuckles) by the time you guess those last 2 digits she'll be dead and reunited with my brother in the afterlife
All: what the fuck???!
Zac: who's your brother?
Keith: (smiles) her first love, her one true love
Madam: (slaps him) stop speaking in codes nigga
Quincy: (chuckles) now who's losing their temper and deviating from the plan
Madam: Q imma need you to shut up and go help Bob
Quincy: what are the first 2 digits man? Maybe we can just punch in random numbers until it opens
Bob: (laughs) that'll never work! There's over a hundred different combinations
Madam: (irritated) what are the fuckin digits Bob!!
Bob: okay okay, chill. It's uhm... 10
Quincy: wtf??! There's endless possibilities
Bob: (mumbles) that's what I just said
Zac: hold on I think I got it, but nahhh. No way can he be that dumb
Lucious: what is it son?
Zac: Bob try... 1017
Bob: one-zero-one-seven?
Zac: nigga yesss!!! Try it

They all go silent and stare at Bob in anticipation as he punches in the code onto his laptop, they wait for about 2min while the system processes

Bob: (looks up smiling)
Zac: did it work?
Bob: yeah! How'd you guess it?
Zac: (chuckles) this dumb nigga made the code her birthday
Quincy: (laughs) yeah this one dumbass mf! I really can't wait to kill him

Zac and Madam run back upstairs to the room where Fatima is in. They untie her from the chair and notice that her leg is bleeding... she's also very weak.

Madam: (yells) Quincy call an ambulance
Quincy: I'm way ahead of you cuz, they're almost here

Zac comes downstairs carrying Fatima in his arms, he places her on the coach.

Zac: (crying) baby please stay with me, help is on the way
Fatima: (speaks very low) Za- Zac... I... l-love you *she passes out*
Zac: (crying yelling) NOOOOOOOOOOOO

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