55. Hypnotic

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Fatima finally arrives at the Ritz-Carlton hotel where the party's being hosted, she's fashionably late so as she walks in all eyes are on her

Keith: (hugs her) wowww, you look absolutely beautiful
Fatima: (smiles) thank you and sorry I'm late
Keith: oh don't sweat it, I totally get it
Fatima: (surprised) you do?
Keith: yeah, you can't rush perfection
Fatima: (blushes) thank you
Keith: would you like something to drink
Fatima: yeah, a martini please
Keith: (gives her a look)
Fatima: (chuckles) what?
Keith: it's nothing, your drink choice just made me aware of something
Fatima: something like?
Keith: (chuckles) I know you're ready for a good time!
Fatima: (smiles) always
Keith: you're my kinda girl Fatima

The party has been going on for some hours, it's overall good vibes, good food and good music. Fatima is thoroughly enjoying herself and having fun meeting and networking with all of Keith's co-workers

Keith: this is Mr Biggs, our leading man- the COO
Fatima: (smiles) good evening
Mr Biggs: Fatima right? I've heard so much about you
Fatima: (smiles and sips on her 4th glass) good things only, I hope
Mr Biggs: of course! I really admire your work skill, keep up the good work and pretty soon you'll be climbing the corporate ladder
Fatima: that's the ultimate goal, thank you
Mr Biggs: (reaches out for a handshake) well Fatima it was lovely meeting you
Fatima: (reaches out hand) likewise
Mr Biggs: (kisses her hand) ohhh I see the lady is a Mrs
Fatima: (smiles but stays silent)
Mr Biggs: where's the lucky guy who gets to call a gem like you his wife
Fatima: (hesitant) he's uhh...
Keith: (mumbles under his breathe) too busy making her cry instead of appreciating her
Fatima: (gives him a wtf look)
Mr Biggs: (confused) huh
Fatima: (awkward smile) he was unavailable
Mr Biggs: oh okay, hopefully I'll get to meet him next time. Enjoy the rest of your night
Fatima: you too (smiles and nods as Mr Biggs walks away)

Fatima is now pissed off at Keith for telling her business so she aggressively pushes past him and makes her way to the bar for a 5th drink. Keith follows her...

Keith: Fatima did I do something wrong
Fatima: (mocks him) "DiD i Do SoMeThInG wRoNg" nigga yesss
Keith: what'd I do
Fatima: you don't know shit about me or my husband so why on earth would you fix your mouth to say that dumb shit (gulps her whole drink at once)
Keith: I'm sorry okay, I don't know what came over me
Fatima: whatever Keith, please get tf outta my face and bartender, another drink please
Keith: ( stops him) no I think you've had enough
Fatima: (tipsy) nigga you're not my father
Keith: I know but I care about you so it would be irresponsible of me to watch you drink yourself to a stupor
Fatima: (trying not to cause a scene) you know what... FUCK YOU, coming here was a mistake
Keith: you don't mean that you're just drunk
Fatima: nigga being drunk doesn't make me immune to sensing bullshit!! That stunt you pulled was pure BS
Keith: look I'm sorry ok... can we go somewhere quiet and talk
Fatima: no

Fatima stands up and as she turns around a drunk girl accidentally bumps into her, spilling a full glass of red wine all over her dress

Keith: Stacey what the fuck
Stacey: omggg I'm so sorry girl! I didn't see you there (grabs napkins) here lemme help you clean it up
Fatima: no it's fine
Stacey: I'm sorry, please take my number and I'll pay to get it cleaned
Fatima: you know what it's cool, I was about to leave anyway
Stacey: you sure
Fatima: yeah girl it's no big deal (walks out the venue and heads to the elevator)

Fatima stands there waiting for the elevator to reach the floor she's on, once again Keith comes running after her

Fatima: oh for fuck sakes!!! Please stop following me
Keith: I just wanted to make sure you're okay
Fatima: I'm fine! It's just wine, nothing a little detergent can't fix

The elevator finally comes and Fatima steps in, as does Keith. Fatima presses "G" for ground floor while Keith presses 7.

Fatima: (sighs)
Keith: before you start, I'm not following you
Fatima: -silent-
Keith: since this is the only time I'm able to talk you away from the noise, can I just say something
Fatima: you gon talk whether I agree or not, so whatever
Keith: I want you
Fatima: (shocked) whaaat
Keith: I've wanted you from the first time I laid eyes on you, thats why I lashed out tonight. I know it wasn't my place but the thought of you claiming a nigga who brings tears to those beautiful eyes didn't sit right with me
Fatima: (interjects) Keith please stop talking
Keith: no let me finish, Fatima I know we haven't known each other that long but I swear I feel you in my spirit. (Backs her into the elevator wall) tell me I'm wrong, that I'm the only one who's feeling this way

Fatima focuses on her breathing because Keith's cologne and the scent of Hennessey are somewhat hypnotic.

Fatima: (looks down) Keith this is wrong! I'm a married woma-
Keith: (puts his finger over her lips) shhh
Fatima: (starts getting weak)
Keith: (whispers in her ear) what he doesn't know won't hurt him (lifts her chin) let me make love to you

Keith starts kissing her neck and then he gently places his lips onto hers and lowers his hands to her waist. He passionately kisses her for some seconds until the elevator doors finally open on the 7th floor. He steps out and blocks the door with one hand while reaching his other hand out to Fatima

Keith: so what's it gonna be?

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