60. Decode

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A couple of weeks have went by since last time. Both Fatima and Zac have been doing progressively well with their solo therapy sessions, the Taylor's have also started warming up to Fatima. Dr J suggested that Zac take Fatima away on a short vacation where they'll be able to relax and re-ignite their old flame.

|Taylor residence|

Fatima just came back from work...

Zac: (smiles) hey baby, how was your day
Fatima: it was good but hectic, I'm soo tired
Zac: (disappointed) welp that kinda sucks
Fatima: (sighs) baby don't be like that, you know I'm trying but I'm just not there yet when it comes to us being intimate again
Zac: I know baby and I don't mean to pressure you, it's just that I'm suffering... it's been too long (puppy dog eyes)
Fatima: (pecks his lips) I'm sorry baby, but just think of it like this- when we do get back to being intimate, it'll be magical
Zac: (smiles) oh baby when that day comes, I feel bad for you son (chuckles)
Fatima: (laughs) whatever Zachary, anyway I'm bout to go shower.
Zac: no not yet! I have a surprise for you, ma and Yanah went out to give us some privacy

Zac blindfolds Fatima's eyes and tells her to trust him. He holds her hand and leads her to their backyard- he had it decorated with rose petals on the floor and the table, it's a candle lit dinner for two and he had Fatima's favorite chef prepare all her faves. In the background, there stands two members of an orchestra playing a violin and cello.

Fatima: (opens her eyes and tears immediately start to fall) babyyyy, this is sooo beautiful
Zac: (pulls out her chair) only the best for you
Fatima: (🤨) what's the catch, what're you up to
Zac: come on Fatima don't start
Fatima: (chuckles) I'm just messing with you
Zac: (laughs) keep playing with me

The chef serves them the starter and then the main course, they spent some time talking, feasting and making up for lost time...

Zac: so did you enjoy the food
Fatima: (smiles) yess baby it was divine! Thank you for all this, you're definitely on the right track
Zac: (smirks) so what I'm hearing is... I'll be back in pantyville sooner rather than later
Fatima: (chuckles and rolls eyes)
Zac: I'm just playing baby, no pressure! You're worth the wait
Fatima: (smiles) you keep saying all the right shit, you'll definitely find yourself back in pantyville soon
Zac: (smiles) okay jokes aside baby, to end off our night I have something to tell you
Fatima: (nervous) what is it
Zac: (gets serious) well... there's good news and bad news, which do you want first
Fatima: (more nervous) Zac baby I don't like where this is headed, just spit it out already, you're stressing me out!
Zac: (stands to go kneel by her) baby calm down, remember stress is not good for you or the baby (kisses her tummy)
Fatima: (deep breathe) okay fine, bad news first
Zac: (sits back down) do you remember that conversation we had about that nigga Keith
Fatima: yeah...?
Zac: the bad news is that the nigga disappeared from the face of the earth, idk who he's working with but that contact is good!!
Fatima: what does all this mean Zac
Zac: (sighs) it means we're gonna have to put a hold on taking him out, just until we locate him. BUT I don't want you to worry about that, we're working hard to find him, even if we gotta the world upside down
Fatima: who's this "we" you keep referring to
Zac: (mumbles)
Fatima: Zacharyyyy... speak up! Who are you working with
Zac: you gotta promise to keep it cool
Fatima: talk!!
Zac: it's me, your cousin, my pops and uhmmm (hesitant)
Fatima: (🤨) Zac
Zac: okay and your father! Look I tried to keep him out of it but baby this is personal for him
Fatima: (teary-eyed) so you mean to tell me all those people care about lil ol me that much
Zac: (chuckles) yes baby you're very loved
Fatima: even by Lucious?
Zac: yeah especially by him! Lol he had a tough exterior at first but he's come to terms with the fact that you're stuck with me forever
Fatima: (cries)
Zac: (laughs) not the hormones got your cry-baby ass acting up
Fatima: (playfully hits him) no Zac its not even the hormones, these are tears of joy- it feels good to know that so many people are looking out for me
Zac: well save some of those happy tears for the good news
Fatima: okay but before you tell me, I want yall to know idc whether yall find him or not. I've done healing on a much deeper level, I've realized that I have alot of love around me and thats all that matters to me
Zac: (kisses her hand) aww that's sweet! But baby.... the nigga still gotta die
Fatima: (chuckles) I hear you Zac, no objection over here

The chef finally brings them the final dish of the date- dessert. Zac went a little outside the box...

Fatima: (looks at her plate) baby is this your idea of dessert
Zac: (chuckles) just trust me woman
Fatima: okay okay, so what's the good news
Zac: this plate is part of the news
Fatima: (confused) okay...
Zac: (gives her the first fortune-cookie) answer all these questions about you truthfully and you'll decode the message
Fatima: (reads it) "what's baking in Fatima's belly?" (laughs) Zac is this some kind of joke
Zac: (chuckles) no! Keep going it'll all make sense at the end, just keep those answers in mind
Fatima: (breaks the 2nd one) okay... "what does Fatima say 1st thing in the morning?"
Zac: (smiles) keep going
Fatima: (breaks the 3rd one) "who's Fatima's favorite singer/artist?"
Zac: (hands her the last one)
Fatima: (breaks it) "what's the 3rd letter of our daughter's name?"
Zac: (smiles) you got all the answers?
Fatima: (confused) yeah, but what does all this mean baby
Zac: say them out loud
Fatima: okay... 1) a Baby 2) Affirmations 3) Lauryn Hill 4)-I
Zac: (stares at her smiling) you still don't get it?
Fatima: (getting frustrated) honey no!!! And it's driving me crazy, just tell me already
Zac: okay, it's a 4-letter word... you'll decode it by taking the 1st letter from each of your answers

Fatima takes sometime to think... and then it finally hits her!! She jumps out of her seat excitedly yelling "OMG BABY!!! WE'RE GOING TO BALI????!"

Zac: (hugs her) yes baby! We leave tomorrow morning
Fatima: (teary-eyed) my dream holiday destination!!!
Zac: (chuckles) damn those riddles had you so stressed I thought you'd never figure it out, baby how'd you even make it out of law school
Fatima: (playfully hits him) whatever, you know you love me! Even though I tend to be slow at times
Zac: (smiles) I love your lil slow ass
Fatima: (kisses him) woo hoo Bali here we come!!!!

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