Bomb dropped

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Zac: (shocked) ma wtf are you saying to me rn
Jeremiah: ik you're upset but watch your fuckin mouth, cussin at our mama
Zac: Houdini please shut tf up
Lucious: look Zac I understand that this may be too much for you but I'm here to answer any questions you have son
Zac: (smirks) mmh let's start with why tf my wife here after you swore you don't know her
Lucious: (shocked) hold up she's your wife (points at Tima)
Zac: (smiles) yes! she's my queen, my everything
Lucious: (chuckles)
Zac: (steps up to him) what's so funny
Lucious: oh its nothing, just thought my son would have taste in women of a higher caliber
Quincy: (sucks his teeth) says the nigga that's dating a stripper
Anita: (slightly annoyed) Lucious stop it
Lucious: aye I'm just saying he can do better than this common trash

Quincy runs up on Lucious and has him in a chokehold against the wall, he just slyly laughs feeling no ounce of threat

Quincy: I dare you to say that shit about my sister again, see what happens!
Fatima: (sad) Q let him go, he's not worth it

Zac just stood there silently processing everything, however Fatima felt a way about him not checking his father for disrespecting her.

Fatima: (looks at Zac) so you just gon let him talk to me like that
Zac: (snaps outta his trance) I'm sorry baby but he's my father and I'm tryna be respectful
Fatima: (rolls eyes) whatever Zac, I'm bout to get tf outta here
Zac: (stops her) no baby wait, please let's just get to the bottom of things (looks at Lucious) wtf was my wife doing in your house
Lucious: she trespassed so I tied her up in the basement for my own safety
Fatima: woww, you're such a fuckin liar
Deja: zaddy ain't lying bout shit! We have proof of you not only trespassing on this property but also yo- *gets cut off*
Lucious: Deja baby, now's not the time to be dropping bombs, save it for later
Deja: (smiles) okay zaddy
Fatima: (disgusted) ugh I'm leaving
Zac: no one's going anywhere until all my questions get answered
Fatima: (getting pissed) well nigga since you Chris Brown with questions that need to be answsred, here's one... why tf did you meet up with this bitch at the café

Zac stands there with his mouth open, he's lowkey shocked that Fatima knows, because he made extra sure to cover his tracks

Fatima: (snaps) you wanna answer me
Zac: (scratches his head) uhh.. I was.. uhh (stuttering)
Fatima: speak up!!!
Lucious: mmh mmh son, this girl not right for you! She don't even respect you as a man, look at how she's talking to you
Fatima: (ignores him and takes a deep breathe to calm down) Zachary Luther Taylor, please answer me before I go tf off
Zac: baby, I found out that she was the one behind that threatening letter you received so I met up with her to pay her off so she could leave you alone
Anita: (confused) hold on, why was somebody threatening you Fatima
Jeremiah: (thinks to himself) oh this about to get good
Fatima: -silent-

The whole house goes silent as Anita awaits a response- mind you, Lucious is partially aware of what transpired because Jeremiah told him a falsified version of events. Zac and Fatima stare at each other but neither of them are bold enough to confess... after an awkward silence that lasted 5min, Deja spoke up

Deja: oh fuck it imma just say it! (Points at Tima) this raggedy bitch tried to kill your son
Anita: (laughs hysterically) that's ridiculous! Fatima absolutely adores Zac
Deja: your other son doofus
Anita: (gets serious) whaaat
Lucious: it's true Nita, that's why I don't like the bitch
Quincy: aye yo you got one more time to call her a bitch

Fatima's eyes start to water as she continously observes how Zac has not once checked his father for the series of insults she's had to endure

Anita: (looks at Fatima with teary eyes) is that true
Fatima: (nods)
Anita: (teary-eyed) so all those weeks when he was missing and you offered me contacts to help "find" him, you knew
Fatima: (tears) yeah but ma it's not as bad as it seems, I can explain... it was self defense
Anita: why would you possibly need to defend yourself against your own brother-in-law
Fatima: he was abusive to one of my close friends, nearly killed her so I stepped in and killed him... well atleast I thought I did
Jeremiah: she's lying mama, you taught me to never lay hands on woman
Lucious: that's right son! We Taylor men don't hit women
Fatima: (sighs) Zac please tell your mother the truth
Zac: (hesitant) I... uhh
Anita: so you knew about this too?!
Zac: I haven't known for long, I only found out recently
Anita: well was your brother really beating on that Belinda girl? Did you ever witness it
Zac: (hesitant) no I never witnessed it ma
Anita: just fuckin great! So it's pretty much her word against his
Zac: I guess so
Lucious: (looks at Zac) son I think you need to sit down for what I'm about to tell you
Deja: (chuckles) ouu you bout to drop that bomb zaddy

Fatima is lowkey shaking in her boots because one thing she hates is being blindsided, especially by a bunch of lying muthafuckas

Lucious: Deja please step out for a bit, this is a family matter
Deja: (whines) ugh just when it was getting good

Lucious gives her a mean look and she instantly gets the hint and leaves the room

Zac: what is it that you have to tell me
Lucious: whatever she told you about the night she "killed" your brother was all a lie
Zac: how tf would you know
Lucious: the night it happened was a week after I had gotten outta jail, your brother showed up to my doorstep mortified and son what he told me that night (sighs and shakes his head)
Zac: what did he say
Lucious: that Fatima came onto him trying to seduce him and when he threatened to tell you she attacked him and left him for dead
Fatima: (laughs) wowww Jeremiah you're much crazier than I anticipated! As if a peng ting like me would ever look in your direction, nigga please!! (Looks at Zac) baby there's no way you believe this shit right? You know me, you know I'm not a liar
Zac: -silent-
Fatima: (teary-eyed) Zac?
Zac: (teary-eyed) no I thought I knew you Fatima

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