20. Dandelion

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Today is Monday and Fatima is officially back at the office. Zac was against having his pregnant fiancé back at work especially since the pregnancy is kinda "high-risk". However, she assured him that she wouldn't be doing strenuous work. And above all she just wants a change of scenery as she's been cooped up in the house for too long.

|Law firm|

Fatima is in the middle of sorting through client files while simultaneously doing research for her law assignment.

Layla (receptionist): (knocks) Ms Wilson there's someone here to see you
Fatima: that's weird. I don't have any appointments, who is it?
Layla: idk he refused to say
Fatima: (stunned) tf?! Well please go back to him and tell him that I will not see him until he discloses of mere info like his name for starters!

Layla laughs and walks back to the reception area, the man is still in the same spot she left him. He's adamant about not leaving until he has spoken to Fatima.

Layla: I'm sorry sir, she explicitly said she will not see you if you don't disclose your name and reason for visit
Man: (smirks) she's always been fiesty, okay do me a favor and tell her this one word, trust me she'll wanna see me!
Layla: (sighs) and what would that word be?
Man: dandelion

Layla walks back to Fatima's office looking confused asf, she walks back in...

Fatima: so... who he is?
Layla: (confused) dandelion
Fatima: (shocked) what?
Layla: yep! He said you'll want to see him after I say that word
Fatima: (sighs) send him through

Seconds later the mysterious man comes knocking on Fatima door and she yells for him to come in and take a seat.

Man: (stares at her and starts singing) beautiful flower, wild but yet divine- so hard to find
Fatima: ( slightly annoyed) really Ian?
Ian: (chuckles) what? You know you'll always be my dandelion
Fatima: I'm not your anything!!! And I'm pretty sure my fiancé wouldn't appreciate this
Ian: (irritated) fiancé?
Fatima: (waves her left hand) yes! Now if that's all you came here for please leave because I have a lot of work to do!
Ian: (smirks) I came here to see your pretty face, I guess mission accomplished
Fatima: (eye roll) boo tomato! tomatoes! throwing tomatoes!!!!
Ian: (laughs) okay I'm joking, I'm actually here on business. I want you to take on my case
Fatima: hell no!! Tf?!
Ian: come onnnn!! Why not dandeli-
Fatima: it's Ms Wilson to you and are you familiar with the term "conflict of interest". Not to mention, I'm not even an official lawyer yet, still got a few assignments and exams left
Ian: I know, however I remember you winning a debate on a matter similar to this back in the day. Your boss can handle the litigation, I just need you on the team. (Puppy dog eyes) pleaseee I'm begging!
Fatima: (sighs) firstly, thanks for the trust you have in my skills however, this can't happen! I'm sorry, but I can recommend some law firms who I'm confident will handle your case well
Ian: (smacks his teeth) I don't want any other firm Fati- I mean Ms Wilson! I want you. Please just hear me out, look at my file before you decline.

Fatima stands up and walks to the shelf where Layla placed Ian's file, he is completely shook and also a little hurt to see that she's pregnant.

Fatima: (sits back down) okay I'll have a look at your file and talk to Andi. Now if that's all, please leave
Ian: (sad eyes) you're pregnant?
Fatima: (smiles and rubs her belly) yep! Almost at 4 months now
Ian: (verge of tears) congra- (voice cracks) congratulations, guess he did what I wasn't man enough to do. I'm happy for you but ngl I wish that was my seed you were carrying
Fatima: you had your chance Ian and you chose to make me abo-(voice cracks, tear drop)
Ian: abort it! You can say it, I'm not proud of who I was back then and I hope that one day you'll be able to forgive me
Fatima: I had no choice but to forgive you, otherwise that past anger and trauma would've spilled over into my relationship with Zac and he's too good of a man for that!
Ian: (wipes his tear) better than me?
Fatima: better than you ever were
Ian: aight, well lemme let you get back to work- I'll be in touch.
Fatima: no!!! You'll wait to hear back from me! And don't come around here without an appointment (eye roll)

Fatima stands up to walk him out as he tries to hug her at the reception area she steps back and firmly shakes his hand saying "goodbye Mr Davis".

Fatima walks back to her office and swiftly scans through Ian's file until she sees something that catches her attention. She softly shouts "shitttt" as she walks across the hall into Andi's office.

| Andi's office|

Andi: (smiles) hey baby mama, what's up
Fatima: (chuckles) you got a second to talk?
Andi: sure
Fatima: (hands her Ian's file) take a look at this, particularly page 5, paragraph 2.3

The room goes silent for a few minutes as Andi quickly reads through the paragraph...

Andi: shittt!!!
Fatima: same thing I said!

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