59. Mama's here

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|Taylor residence|

After the shit show that happened at therapy, miss Anita insisted that they all go over to Zac's house and talk without the presence of a third party (Dr J). Lucious was reluctant but because he wants to do right by Anita, he went anyway.

They ordered some takeout and talked about their childhood, how it was growing up without a father and an estranged mother. Both Lucious and Anita sort of realized their wrongs but they're not all the way there when it comes to healing and moving on.

Fatima finally arrives, she walks in pushing the stroller.

|Living room|

Zac: (walks to her) hey baby, please don't be upset that they're here- it was a last minute decision
Fatima: (looking distraught) it's fine Zac, I ain't even pressed
Anita: (taking Yanah out the stroller) hey my grandbaby, I missed youuu
Yanah: (smiles)
Jeremiah and Lucious: hello Fatima
Fatima: (dry) hi
Zac: baby are you okay
Fatima: yeah I'm just tired
Zac: (hugs her) let's go upstairs and I can run you a bath (notices the bruise on her arm) what happened to your arm
Fatima: huh?
Zac: it's purplish
Fatima: (nervous) oh uhh.. it's nothing I must've bumped into something
Anita: (worried) Fatima I owe you an apology, do you have a second to talk
Fatima: (sighs) miss Anita, I'm really not in the mood for drama (walks upstairs)
Lucious: (sighs) whew son, that wife of yours is something else but atleast she gave you a very beautiful baby girl
Zac: please don't disrespect her in her own house


Zac: (walks in) baby are you okay
Fatima: yeah Zac I'm okay, why do you ask
Zac: you just don't seem like your usual self, did something happen while you were out with the girls
Fatima: nope, like I said baby I'm just tired imma take a nap (lays down and closed her eyes)
Zac: (kisses her forehead and she flinches) woah baby why you so jumpy, are you sure you're okay
Fatima: (throws the sheets over her head) I'm fine Zac

Zac leaves the room but he's severely worried about his wife. After Fatima heard the door close she cried herself to sleep because today was the first time she had to "re-live" the horrific events of that night.

|Angela's house|

Meanwhile over at Angela's...

Angela and Lori are both worried about Fatima after the big revelation, they feel like she's acting strong or bottling up her feelings. So Angela decided to call her cousin (Madam).


Madam: hey Angie what's up
Angela: hey girl, uhm how you been
Madam: girl you called me on the busiest day of the week to ask how I'm doing
Angela: (nervous) yeah girl, just checking on my favorite girl
Madam: Angela... what do you need?
Angela: (sighs) I promised Tima I wouldn't tell, but uhm she recently went through something traumatic so I-
Madam: you want me to come over there
Angela: not really I know you're busy, I just need you to let miss Deb know that her daughter needs her
Madam: okay cool

Some hours have passed...

|Taylor residence|

Jeremiah and Lucious left a few hours ago, miss Anita decided she'd spend the night to help around the house and help with Yanah since Fatima is feeling a little under the weather.

Knock knock knock

Zac: come in
Anita: how you just yelling come in and you don't know who's there
Zac: (chuckles) ma this is a very safe neighborhood and only a selected few of trusted associates know where we live
Deb: (walks in) hello Zac
Zac: (hugs her) wow miss Deb?! This is a lovely surprise
Anita: (also hugs her) hey Deb
Deb: I came as soon as I could
Zac: why? is something wrong
Deb: (sighs) I don't know yet Zac, I came to see Fatima. Where is she by the way
Zac: upstairs
Deb: okay lemme go check on her, please bring in my bags
Zac: sure

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