54. THAT girl

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|Carlisle hotel|

Nicki: girl why you back so early
Fatima: it's Friday so Andi let us leave early
Nicki: oh okay great! Maybe we can watch a movie
Fatima: actually... I need your advice
Nicki: (looks behind her) is it about that money bouquet in your hands
Fatima: (sighs) yeah, but before I say anything you gotta promise me no judgment
Nicki: sure, so wassup who are the flowers from
Fatima: (smiles) from Keith
Nicki: (confused) Keith?
Fatima: (shows her a picture from his LinkedIn profile)
Nicki: (drools) damnnnnn
Fatima: (laughs) same thing I said when I first saw him, he's a client I've been working with- I think he kinda likes me
Nicki: okay... so what advice do you need
Fatima: he invited me to a staff party at his office
Nicki: do you wanna go
Fatima: yes and no, I mean I haven't been out in a minute, but I feel like I'd be "cheating" on Zac
Nicki: girl it's not cheating if you keep to your limits
Fatima: how do you mean
Nicki: have fun but don't go overboard, basically don't do nun you can't come back from
Fatima: okay I hear you... so are you saying I should go
Nicki: only if you want to sis, the decision is upto you! Don't worry about Yanah, you just go have fun but don't do anything foolish
Fatima: (smiles) I wont, ok I have about 2 hours before it starts, I need an outfit and to do my makeup
Nicki: (laughs) girl I just got a brilliant idea
Fatima: what
Nicki: since you don't have any party appropriate clothes here, I say go over the house and get ready there... walk out looking a snackkk
Fatima: (laughs) ouu yess!! That'll definitely show Zac that I can get with any nigga
Nicki: exactly! So who's gonna do your makeup
Fatima: uhh myself duh
Nicki: I love you sis, but no! We need a professional face beat, you need all eyes to be on you soon as you step in that building
Fatima: okay I'll call Lori to meet me there, she's pretty good at these things

Fatima calls Lori to meet her at the Taylor residence, she agrees. Then she shoots Zac a text "I'm coming over😈".

|Taylor residence|

Fatima and Lori arrived at the exact same time they stand outisde chatting for a bit.

Lori: (hugs her) hey girl, so what's the occasion
Fatima: I'll tell you later, for now I need you to take out your phone and start recording
Lori: (laughs) girl what
Fatima: I just wanna see Zac's reaction, he probably thinks I'm coming over here for a dick appointment (laughs)

Lori pulls out her phone and starts recording, she stands on the side so it appears that Fatima is the only person at the door

Fatima: (rings bell)

Zac opens the door wearing nothing but boxers customized with Fatima's face and he oiled his entire body

Zac: (leans in for a kiss) hey sexy, back for another round
Fatima: (dodges the kiss and starts hysterically laughing) baby what are you wearing
Zac: Tima stop playing, you and I both know why you're here
Fatima: ain't nobody here to see you Otis

Lori pops up from the side bushes holding her phone laughing, they both yell out "WORLD STARRRR"

Zac: (grabs a thrower from the couch and covers his private area) Fatima what the hell is this
Fatima: (laughs) it's payback
Lori: hey Zac
Zac: (pissed) hey Lori, what brings yall by
Fatima: I'm going out and I need some clothes, don't mind us we'll be upstairs
Zac: did you get my email
Fatima: (laughs) nope, it must've ended up in my spam folder
Zac: keep playing with me Fatima
Fatima: I'm joking, yes I did Zac, very sweet but you still got a lot of work to do buddy

The girls leave and go to the bedroom to get started on Fatima's makeup and also pick out the perfect outfit that screams "I'm that girl".


Lori: okay close your eyes, we're almost done
Fatima: (closes eyes) I can't wait to see how it looks
Lori: (sprays the setting spray) all done!! You look soo beautiful sis
Fatima: (looks into mirror) omggg thank you sm boo (teary-eyed)
Lori: (laughs) aht aht, girl retract those tears expeditiously!!! Ain't finna mess up all my hardwork
Fatima: (fans her face) okay okay, you're right
Lori: so what are you wearing
Fatima: (takes a dress from her closet) I was thinking this, is it too much
Lori: (in awe) too much my ass!!! Girl it's perfect!!! I just know Zac finna be shitting bricks soon as you go downstairs
Fatima: (laughs) you think so
Lori: hell yeah

After a few minutes Fatima finishes getting dressed and Lori takes her some pics for the gram, she posts with the caption I'm THAT girl. Within a few minutes it already has thousands of likes and hundreds of comments from thirsty men, meanwhile Zac is downstairs looking at the comments and replying to EVERY comment. Fatima found it funny at first until her notifications started blowing up so she just disabled the comments.

 Fatima found it funny at first until her notifications started blowing up so she just disabled the comments

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Zac: (drooling) baby you look soooo damn beautiful
Fatima: (smiles) thank you
Zac: I just know you gon be the hottest one at girls night
Lori: girls night?
Zac: yeah, aren't yall going out
Fatima: (chuckles) oh baby no! I'm going out alone
Zac: (shocked) aloneeee??! Looking like that?
Fatima: looking like what exactly?! A snack? Fine asf? THAT girl?
Zac: (serious) yeah alla that
Fatima: oh honey, unfortunately that's not your decision to make. I'm a grown ass woman and I got me, enjoy the rest of your night
Zac: (pissed) Fatima I swear on everything, if you dare leave out that door don't you ever come back
Fatima: you sure bout that
Zac: -silent-
Fatima: Zac what do I always religiously preach to you
Zac: (mumbles) that you could be on a yatch with a billionaire
Fatima: (smiles) exactly! Now are you sure you wanna push me right into the hands of that billionaire
Zac: (fuming) fuck it! Do you Fatima! IDGAF!! But I stand on what I said
Fatima: (chuckles) goodbye Zachary

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