The Morning After

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I dashed across the tree's branches. The night sky was my cloak. The darkness was my ally, my commandant. I descended from the forest to land on a tall spruce tree. My weight was light on its branch. My destination wasn't far. I shall retrieve the artifact to prove my worth to the clan.

...Hold on! Who am I trying to prove? What clan? This was sounding like an edge lord character build. I should play along and see where this takes me. I'm curious to see what plays out.

A flash of a shadow rushed out of the trees. No! Our enemy was already on the move! I need to hurry. Shadows, give me speed. My form descended into a dark mist before tailing the assailant. Closer inspection and I came to realize that he was a ninja like me. The ninja threw a kunai my way. I dodged with ease. My misty form took shape as I returned to my original body.

"What's wrong? Can't handle the competition?" I snide with cockiness, "just to be clear, I'll be taking the artifact. You might as well turn back with your tail between your legs."

He said nothing, but he drew his twin katanas and positioned himself to strike. I unsheathed my blade, but I kept my knife secure in my sleeve.

"Let's see who can is faster..." we charged. My opponent was fast as a lightning bolt. I was impressed with their swift and agile movements, steady as a river, ferocious as a tornado. My accuracy couldn't hold a candle against his. I wasn't willing to admit it, especially to an enemy! He managed to knock my sword and readied to strike the final blow. I was not one to lie down on my grave. I was willing to play dirty.

I summoned my shadows blinding him with darkness. I used my hidden dagger to dispose of his weapons. My shadows took the remaining weapons and pouch. It pays to have darkness as an ally.

I pinned him against the tree; he bore no weapons. I had him trapped. My dagger pressed against his neck. I won; I did it! Everyone will be so proud! My older brother, my family, and my clan will see I have potential!

"I guess our game of cat and mouse has come to an end."

My opponent was silent. He glared behind his mask, even though he was aware of his defeat. I surpassed him.

"Nothing to say... what a shame", I said, mockingly, "I was expecting more defiance with how the Hamato clan held their heads up high as if they are above the gods."

His dark eyes sharpened, yet no words come forth.

I smirked. "I struck a nerve, haven't I?" with my free hand, I yanked the face mask off the ninja's head. However, I was struck by the face reveal I encountered. For one, the ninja I was battling was a kunoichi – a female ninja – quite rare in our generation. Second, I was surprised by how young she was or the fact that I never met any woman who can match her appearance. Her light blue hair was pulled back, but it cascaded like a waterfall slipping passed her shoulders. Her dark black eyes – a unique eye color – reminded me of an obsidian gemstone. Her skin was as pale as the full moon. I thought I was meeting Princess Kaguya. Her form shifted into a kappa with a blue mask overlapping their eyes. "Leo...?"

~Lady Ai~

My eyes had difficulty opening. My body didn't want to move. Man, what a strange dream... was I in Naruto? Inuyasha? No. I don't recall those events in the series. What happened last night? What day is today? Let's see what I recall...

My mom called in last night... yes, yes... I go back to school on Monday she said. Oh! That's right! Last night was Friday! I was planning on having a personal Horror Film Festival for the weekend. Leo came over; we had a bet (I wanted to put him in a maid costume); mutant pizza invaded my home; we took down every single one; we cleaned the entire mansion together before sunrise. We were so exhausted we crashed on my bed without putting away the cleaning supplies.

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