Leonardo the Turtle Maid

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I returned to my home empty-handed. I was frustrated and infuriated with myself. Lady Karai entrusted me with this mission. My first mission and I failed. How can I look her in the eyes and tell her I lost the artifact to our sworn enemy: the Saki Clan? She would be devastated, crushed, and betrayed all mixed together into one expression! I heavily sighed. It was my chance to fight beside my brothers than waiting on the sidelines as a medic. I have just enough passion and drive as my brothers. With my mission being an absolute failure, Lady Karai will never send me out again!

"Misa!" I looked back at my oldest brother, Rinmaru, running toward me. He was the strongest in our generation and was promised to be the next clan head. I couldn't be any prouder for my brother, and I cannot help but clenched my mask. What was worse than telling the clan leader that you failed? Well, tell your family who had high hopes for you and looked down at you in disappointment. I couldn't bare to look at Rinmaru who came to me concerning my well-being. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt? Did you get the artifact?" I mustered up the courage to stare at his dark brown eyes. His bright red hair stood out in the shades. With a tight lip, I shook my head refusing to let tears stream out. "Oh, no. Lady Karai..."

"I know Rin", I told him, "I am certain the clan leader should be aware by now. She knows everything."

Rin put his large hand on my small shoulder. "I'm certain it's an exaggeration the elders tell us young ones to keep in line.", he reassured me. I knew he tried, however, he doesn't fully understand. Lady Karai knows all and sees all within these walls. It's hard to keep anything a secret. Everyone is afraid of her, even our father.

"Can you escort me to her?" I asked. I might as well accept my punishment beforehand.

"So soon? Can't you wait until you rest, get clean and present yourself to our ladyship?"

"No, I would rather confront her than for her to send someone to retrieve me." Rin and I walked toward her office. Lady Karai is not an easy woman to please. We made it to her door. My chest was tight. I'm not ready, but I must. My brother knocked.

A soft, yet commanding voice spoke beyond the paper doors. "Enter."

Rinmaru entered first. "Lady Karai, if I may –"

"Rinmaru Hamato, my appointment is with your sister. If your visit involves your training strategy for the new recruits, then speak now or dismiss yourself." Rin straightened his back and bowed. He laid a hand on my shoulder giving me a reassuring squeeze before leaving while I stepped into the lion's den. "Misa Hamato, approach my desk." I stepped closer to her. I noticed Lady Karai was in the middle of paperwork. She didn't acknowledge my unpleasant state. Even if she didn't look my way, I know she knows my presence. I knelt in front of her desk. My hands rested on my lap with the mask held firmly in my grasp. She remained working on her paper load. I endured the long silence. It's as though she wanted me to recollect my thoughts and recall my mistakes. After what felt like an eternity of long silence, Karai set aside her paper and stared at me with folded fingers. "You lost the artifact", she stated, bluntly.

"Lady Karai –" the clan leader held her hand up, gesturing me to hold my tongue. I shut my mouth.

"I specifically assigned you to retrieve the artifact, which our family was sworn to collect and protect these dark artifacts to ensure the world will not plague in absolute darkness and decay. Now tell me... why is it you return emptyhanded when you realize how important your mission was?"

I gulped. "I was ambushed... by our enemy clan. I did my best to fend him off, but he was proven to be a formidable opponent. We raced to get the artifact... I was faster, however, he proved to be more prowess than a lone wolf. Overconfident he was. I really did try, Auntie, I swear! If you can bestow me another chance, I will search for the next artifact as soon as it appears itself."

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