A Magical Night to Remember (Part 3)

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Everyone was having the time of their lives. I was, too... for a while. Don't get me wrong! Merrill and I were dancing to a pop song when suddenly, I was shoved aside by a herd of students, and they swarmed around Merrill. I decided to lean against the wall watching my friends enjoying the dance. Alex tried to teach Raph the dance steps to the song playing. Katie and Lydia were dancing at the far end. My eyes landed on Merrill; my blood began to boil.

Talking with Merrill was the popular girl, Taylor, talking his ear off. Merrill's expression screamed "kill me". What really got my blood boiling was how the tramp kept touching his arm and getting too close to his space. It pissed me off. Blondie needs to take a hint and leave.

"Meow. If that's not a glare, I don't know what is." I saw Alex coming my way with two cups of punch; they offered one to me. I graciously accepted their offer while focusing on Taylor. I tightly clutched my cup seeing Taylor whispering to my date's ear. "You know... you have every right to bitch slap the slut. Hell, I would back you up; nails are itching to scratch her fake face. The way she body pressed all over Merrill is discriminating; that girl has no shame."

I should do something – I WANT to do something – but we just survived an attack, and everyone came out of Hypno's trance. I don't want to attract attention. I'm surprised no one bother to ask about my skin tone. "Shouldn't you be whisking my brother off his feet or something?" I asked with a scoff, changing the subject. I didn't want my tone to be rude and all it just came out.

Alex smiled. Good, they weren't offended. "Raphael is in good hands; he's with April. I came over to see how you were fairing, Leeny Beany."


"Ah, yes. You reek of jealousy."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Says the jealous turtle." I huffed. This wasn't the night I wanted. I want to go home. "What's stopping you from going over there and teaching that slut a lesson? If it were my date, I would gladly beat her up for even touching him with her filthy fingers. My offer stands, though."

"I told you I don't want to attract attention. And no to your offer."

"Shame. I was hoping for some homecoming drama." Too bad. I lifted my beverage. "Did you know Merrill's a virgin?"

I spat out my drink. That's the second time I did a spit take. I coughed. "Why did you say that?!" I asked, furiously taking the handkerchief Alex pulled out. "And why should I care?" I wiped my mouth before any drops landed on my outfit. That info wasn't what I was expecting. How is Merrill a virgin when he went out with thirteen people and had sex within a month? That doesn't make sense!

They simply shrugged. "Oh, no reason. I'm implying our little Dark Prince is holding on to someone special." I could feel their eyes trailing my form. My face got heated. "Taylor believed she could be Merrill's queen. What do you think?"

My eyes hardened as I saw Taylor trailing her fingers over my date's lips. Merrill pulled back, repulsed. I don't know what came over me. My legs moved on their own. I weaved through the crowd until I was behind the bimbo. I lightly tapped her shoulder. She turned around.

"Oh, hello. You're Katie's cousin, right?" Taylor 'smiled', "Be a dear and get us some drinks. We're having a dry throat from all the chit-chatting." The queen bee shooed.

"He's not a servant, Taylor", Merrill protested but was ignored.

I smiled as I got closer to Taylor. She noticed how I didn't obey. "What? Are you deaf? I said go fetch us –" oh she got her drink alright. I poured it over her head. She was shocked. "YOU BITCH!!!" she lunged at me. I easily dodged and she collided with a boy with a lizard over his neck. The lizard got tangled in her hair. "MY HAIR! YOU RUINED MY HAIR!!!" she screeched.

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