An Average Day in the Village

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Holy fuckity fuck nuggets! I have a fucking headache! I woke up to a loud ringing in my ears. My body ached with a heavy soreness. I really woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

"Finally awake, are we?" a booming voice echoed through the darkness. I willed my eyes to open. The brightness didn't help my vision. "Hangover. Consider that your punishment for starting a fight in the tavern. I told you resorting to alcoholism can lead to consequences. All for what? Jealousy? Sit, but slowly." I manually obeyed as I was handed a cup of warm liquid. "I thought I raised you better than that. Drink this. And take your time. Let the medicine process. I swear, where have I gone wrong?" His voice sounded familiar. I can't place my finger on it. "It's as though I never raised you in the first place."

I drank my tea. This shit is nasty, but I felt my headache lessen. Whatever he put in this, it was kicking in fast. I let this man continue his scolding for the last few minutes as I enjoyed his disgusting concoction; the aftertaste wasn't that bad.

"I know hearing the news of your childhood friend getting married must have been shocking, but it was decided long ago." Childhood friend? Is Kendra getting hitched? Eh, it's not my problem. "You need to accept Beauty's engagement." Beauty? I don't recall having a friend named Beauty.

The brightness dimmed as my vision became clear. Pacing back and forth was a yokai (I think) with purple skin, a chiseled jawline, and well-built muscles. He did look like someone I knew. Who did he look like? "Do I know you?"

The yokai stopped pacing to stare at me. He sighed. "Do I need to remind you of who your father is? Perhaps I need to do a diagnosis before releasing you out of bed rest." He came close with a stethoscope.

I gently pushed him back. "I'm fine! Just dandy!" with closer inspection, he really did look like... "Baron Draxom?"

"Baron?" Barry asked, "I am not a baron. I am a simple doctor taking care of a human child abandoned by his family. No one in the village calls me baron unless they refer to me as Baron of Medicine."

I slowly backed away. "That medicine worked like magic! I feel like a new man! I need some fresh air!"

Barry noticed my change in behavior. "Why are you leaving? I did not give you permission to leave!"

"Believe me I'm good! Bye, Felicia!" I yelled, darting out the door. I ran down the morning crowd.

"Merrill! I am Draxum, not Felicia!" I heard him call after me.

I maneuvered through the busy streets. Humans and yokai fraternize in harmony. My eyes wandered through the surroundings. I was in a small village in the countryside. Something doesn't feel right. I ran behind a house and jumped onto its roof. I watched Barry run past the house I was hiding. I released a relieved sigh. I looked over the horizon. I covered my eyes from the morning sun. I gasped. My hand. My arm; my arms! I pulled my pants up. They weren't metal! My eyes were... normal! What?

What's going on here? I know I don't live in a village. I know Barry isn't my father (even though he's more caring). I know my limbs weren't flesh and bone! I don't remember anything! It feels natural, yet it's not. I don't know!

Think, Merrill! Fucking think! What do you remember?!



... Leo! I know I was with him! I hope he's here...

Over the small stone bridge, over a river, was a cottage with a water wheel that gave me an idea. I hopped from rooftop to rooftop. Thank goodness I have accuracy and dexterity. I managed to land in a bakery and slinked down.

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