Curtain Call!

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Everything was going to shit! This wasn't supposed to happen! I had the notes! I wrote every key point there during each loop we've gone through! Why wasn't it enough? I'll tell you why! Gregory, the town's "hero", was the author – the mastermind – behind it all! He has the high advantage of changing anything to his whim! Me and the rabbit saw Gregory use the book to suck in Merrill. It wouldn't surprise me if he already had Leonardo with him as well. After he closed the book, Gregory just scoffed at us and left without doing anything.

I never felt so offended in my life! I tore apart my papers. I didn't care! We've been outsmarted by a man we thought was the male lead! He thinks we're not good enough to be up to his level! Ha! I'll show him! I'll show them all!

"MASTER!!!!" The rabbit wailed, crying out crocodile tears and bawling her eyes out. "HE'S GOOOONNNE!" What's worse was her waterfall of tears was falling on me.

I felt a vein popping above my eye. "Quit the tears, rabbit! It's ruining my hair! Besides, we got more pressing matters at hand!"

The light blue rabbit used her ears to blow her nose. How unhygienic. "What're we gonna do?" she asked with a sniffle, "Big Meanie Greggy took Master. And Bluey was with Greggy. Big Bad Guy doesn't make sense to Cuddles." Hate to say it, but she got a point.

I pulled out my favorite comb and started fixing my glorious mane. Gregory was the author this whole time, but what was his objective? A happy ending? To make Goth Boy the antagonist? Why capture the kid if that plan was already a success? And what about Leo? Gregory wants the turtle alive, yes, that statement was true. Gregory wants to marry Leo to get the happy ending he desperately desires. So where does it place Merrill?

Merrill, portrayed as Beauty's childhood friend, was the Beast in disguise. Ingenious I must say. Gregory is preparing something big. In doing so it includes Merrill. "We need to get to Gregory", I said.

"Yes! We go to Big Meanie Greggy to kick his butt!" Cuddles said.

"Love where your head is at, but not the direction I'm thinking of."

"I don't get it."

I sighed. Out of everyone to be stuck with... I'd rather stay with the blue turtle! "Gregory is powerful in his domain; however, he has one Achilles' heel."

"He named his heel Achilles? Who does that?" I forgot whom I was speaking to.

"Correction. Gregory's powerful but his greatest weakness is his power source." Cuddles owlishly blinked. "The book. The book he carries is both his power and his weakness! We take his book and he is as powerless as the average man!"

The rabbit continued to stare until her eyes grew big. "Ooooooh! Like how Mrs. Cuddles gets bigger with screams of fear then gets smaller with laughter of joy!" At least she understood the concept.

I jumped up. "Once we get the book, this world will be at MY mercy!"

"And Master will praise me!" She pumped her stuffed arm.

I leaped onto her head pulling on her yellow bow. "Let's go, my long-eared comrade! We have a book to steal!"

Cuddles rode off through the hallway like a horse. "We're going to be heroes!"

Yeah. Sure. Whatever.

~Lady Ai~

I ran through another corridor after running out of another room. No sign of Gregory or his stupid book! The castle was bigger on the inside than I thought. All the hallways looked the same! I swear I've passed that woman pig portrait already! I'm so close to cutting down a wall to get it over with.

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