Night of the Mutant Pizza

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I lay on my bed staring at my ceiling. It was two days after Albearto's destruction. Leo came a day later feeling better than ever. I wasn't in a talking mood. He must've sensed my discomfort and made up an excuse to leave. I didn't want to be rude, but I need to think things through. How was I able to do all that? The moment I touched Leo's sword, I felt a surge of electricity coursing through my veins. At first, I thought it was the circuitry pumping at hyperdrive. What shocked me of how I was able to summon a portal like Leo. Maybe it was odachi's power after all. I can't believe Leo believed in me to handle his weapon (I don't mean that sexually).

I swear my life got weirder the moment I encountered those turtles.

My lie has gotten weirder the moment I encountered Leo.

Should I hate it? I don't like it... I don't hate it... fuck, that turtle is messing with my mind and he's not even here! I grabbed a pillow and let out a muffled yell. Why am I so confused?! This shouldn't be a no-brainer. Do I enjoy his company or don't I?

Leo is the biggest pain in my ass! An immature, cocky little shit that I don't mind slamming his skull against the wall! However, he's better company than I usually get in my social life.

My cell phone rang on my bedside table. I reached it without looking at the caller ID and answered. "Hello", I called.

"Merrill", my mother's commanding voice came from the other end, "you will resume your education on Monday."

I blinked. "That fast?"

"But of course. No one can say no to me." Understatement of the year. My mother is known for her ruthless commandment. No one can neglect her orders, not even Father. "I cannot let you laze around the house with nothing to fill your time. Remember our deal, Merrill. Your time is not here, until then, you must continue to manifest your skills and gather intelligence." Mother was never a caring parent for all I knew. She was like a major in an army. "Do I make myself clear?"

"Crystal", I said, trying not to grit my teeth. I hate how commanding she is. She talks to everyone who likes a subordinate or those beneath her. Her call disconnected ending our conversation.

I sighed. I tossed my phone aside on my body pillow. So much for saying hello. Not so much as a tender conversation. An order to pass from the commanding officer to the soldier. So much for my freedom. At this point, I'm more of a leashed dog being harshly pulled by my owner.

I have until Monday. I might as well live it to the fullest. I'm not going to dwell on the negatives and I'm not going to let my mom sour my mood.

I pushed myself out of bed. My plans already circulating. Time to get started with my day.

The day went by in a flash. Servants came and gone. My training went through three hours, my reading time was one hour and thirty minutes, and I switched prosthetics to standard. The standard is basically ordinary limbs with no special qualifications. I barely used it, but my Iron Fists needed to be repaired so I might as well let it rest until then.

I was bringing an armful of junk food: from chips to cookies and to sweets and sour candy. Anything that gives me the biggest stomachache ever! All the food I grabbed I dropped on the couch in the living room. That's right, I'm going to binge-watch horror flicks and not just the new ages shit. I'm talking about Friday the 13th, Silent Hill, The Hills Have Eyes, Nightmare on Elm Street, and so much more! I'm not going to move from my spot until Monday. I grabbed the remote and pressed a button. The shelves parted as it revealed a beautiful, 65" by 55" flat-screen TV. I don't know why I never installed a heavenly chorus in the speakers. It would make the appearance grander.

"That is one big television."

"It sure is." I blinked and I quickly turned to the intruder. "What the FUCK are you doing here?!"

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