The Wedding Crashers

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Who would've thought Barry the Sheepman would crash the wedding? I didn't. I was planning on charging headfirst on Mama's Boy for holding Leo like a favorite toy. I'm certain Raph would follow me with no hesitation. I haven't seen Barry in ages. Not since the Mayhem's rescue. I wasn't counting on him being on our side, though. Barry looked down at Big Mama and her son.

"My resources informed me of a wedding in progress", he said as his vine lowered him to the podium. Xander clutched harder on his hold on Leo. "Between your hellspawn and a kappa. Who would have thought it was one of my turtles?"

"Excuse you, I don't belong to no one, Sheep Man!" Leo protested.

"Except me", Xander stated causing us protesting to that exclamation.

"Baron Draxum. So nice of you to drop in", Big Mama greeted with a sickly sweetness, "unfortunately, you weren't given an invitation. On a side note, perhaps maybe you could use the dim door next time. Windows aren't cheap, you know."

"And you should learn real words", Barry countered.

I rolled my eyes. We didn't come all this way for this adult rebuttal crap. "Yeah... I ain't staying for this." Leo, catch! I tossed the odachi. It spun heading for the new couple. Leo headbutted the groom colliding his head into the bastard's nose. The blade sliced the web. Leo caught the sword as soon as his arms her free and made a portal for a quick escape. I was expecting him to stand next to me, instead, his portal opened, and he fell into my arms. I felt like he meant to do that. "Oh look, I got Air Mail."

Leo smirked. "Special package to one Merrill D. Ramirez. Are you happened to be him?"

I smirked back. "The one and only."

"This is disgustingly adorable", Donnie said.

"I think I'm gonna be sick", Raph said.

"I think it's cute seeing Leo happy with the man of his dreams", Mikey replied causing us to blush heavily and I dropped Leo abruptly.

"HE'S NOT YOURS, HUMAN!" we saw Xander's eyes turn red and his glamor dropped revealing a spider yokai like Big Mama.

"...all in favor of blowing his joint say aye", I said to the turtle crew.

"Aye!" the turtles agreed. We bolted out of the decorated room with the doors shut behind us. We ran down the hall. Raph had to carry Leo on his back because sadly his outfit wasn't running material. I slowed my pace. It's only a matter of time before we face off against an army of yokai, Big Mama and Xander, or Barry, hell, maybe all the above! I know for certain I can take out one equation.

"Hello!" a green hand was waving in front of me. I stared into Mikey's eyes. I saw he was holding the jar with the captured insects. I snatched it from his hands and dashed in the opposite direction. "HEY!!!"

I turned around. "You guys need to bolt. Try not to get strung along with the Spider Fam."

"I'm confused. What's happening?" Raph asked looking between me and his brothers.

"Raphael, our Dark Knight is offering himself as a scapegoat for Draxum", Donnie answered.

"Merrill, you can't!" Leo protested, "You just-!"

"I'm just leveling the playing field", I reassured the slider, "Besides, I was dying for another round with Barry." I was walking backward taking up the distance between us. Leo's eyes focused on my fleeting form.

'Be careful...'

I smiled. Always. I ran. I got a job to do. Just as I was about to enter the elevator the doors were blocked by violet vines. I smirked knowing where they came from. "Took you long enough, Barry."

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