Stronger Together (part 2)

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I cut off the paper wrapping myself with the swords. Then, I saw where I was relocated to. I was in a rose garden outside of the castle with light snow falling from the sky. I was in a center where a suit of armor was covered in a rose vineyard. Great. I just escaped a rose garden and Greg brought me back again. Talk about adding insult to injury. And to make things worse, I wasn't alone. That's right. Worm Boy and Merrill's fangirl.

"Master!!!!" Cuddles started bawling her eyes out.

"Oh, God, we're back to this again", Warren grumbled on my shoulder. "Hey, rabbit! We don't have it all day! Gregory is going through his final metamorphosis! We won't be able to get our hands on the book now that he changed everything." His yelling only made her cry harder. I sighed. Raph was afraid of her. Correction, we "were" afraid of her.

"Don't get your body in a pretzel", I told the worm mutant, "Getting Cuddles upset won't get us anywhere. And Cuddles getting upset about Merrill won't solve anything."

The rabbit sniffed. "...okay... are we going to find Master?"

How could I say no to a sweet face? Even though she tried to use me and my family as her screaming vamp bank. "...sure. But you gotta be strong, otherwise, your master will be disappointed."

Cuddles rubbed her eyes and she nodded with aggression. "Okay... let's find Master so he can praise me!" I rolled my eyes. I'd rather have her be enthusiastic than be mopey.

"Um, hello! Forgetting someone here!" I frowned, feeling Warren jumping on my shoulder. "We need to get to Gregory to take back the book!"

"Right. So you could use it as your gain", I said.

"What?! No! How outlandish! I wanted to use it to get us home!" Whatever. But he's right. We do need to get to Gregory fast. If Warren said this was true, then Gregory is pushing himself. He harnessed the book's power to separate me and Merrill. Knowing my friend, he would be acting fast and pushing his way to find Gregory, which I should be doing, too.

"Alright... we need to get to Gregory... I'm sure Merrill is thinking the same thing and he's on his way to him or pulling a Raph punching through every wall he sees", I said without taking a breath. "This has been turning into a great day!" I picked up Cuddles and started jogging out of the garden.

What I soon came to realize was the garden was more of a maze than a garden. With every turn I took I either ended up in a dead end or back to where I started seeing Sir Rose Knight greeting me. This was getting ridiculous; I went through that metal suit six times! I swear Gregory was having a field day watching me running around in circles. I huffed in annoyance.

"Here's a thought. Why not use those yellow chicken wings and fly over this crazy maze?" Warren asked.

"I would", I answered, "but Light gave me a little boost. And since I have no idea how much that is, and I basically used a lot of it while fighting my way through ice sculptures, I can't risk losing more power."

"It's better than running around like a headless chicken."

"But Bluey has his head. And he's a turtle", Mrs. Cuddles said.

"Oh, my God. Can we please get out of here!"

I walked up to the suit of armor. It was posed as straight as an arrow with its sword unsheathed and pointed downward. "At least you look good in roses", I commented before sighing, "Can this day get any worse?"

Apparently, it can!

I felt something grabbing my leg. I shrieked looking down. It was a rotten fleshed arm wrapped in vines and dead roses. I summoned a sword and sliced the arm off. I jumped out of the way. The cut limb flopped around like a fish out of water. Me and Warren screamed while Cuddles hit her hidden growth spurt. The ground shifted. A moldy body popped out of the ground. It was Mikey as a gross, moldy, covered in dead flower with flesh peeling off. I almost gagged at my little brother's state.

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