Code Purple

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(Thank you to everyone who stayed this long! Welcome to the 50th chapter! I'll continue to do my best to make this story as entertaining as possible! Side note: I don't own ROTTMNT, except for the OCs I created. Enjoy!^-^)

November 1st.

First day of the new month. The day after Halloween. Back to the ol' grind. I carried Leo to my place. I haven't left his side since. I knew I had to go to school the next day. I hate the idea of leaving my unconscious friend behind, but I didn't want my parents to get a call from the principal about my absence. I was supposed to be on my best behavior. As the next day came around, I made Leo breakfast and wrote him a card along with a Peruvian lily from the garden. It was the least I could do. I even told Cuddles to make sure to give it to him before 12 (if he wakes up before then).

At school, I went through my day like any other average student. I kept thinking about hightailing it out of there, but I knew not to make a scene. Alex and the Sluts approached me as soon as they saw me. They kept asking questions about Leo's condition. I told them the slider was still asleep even after I went to school. Katie was close to strangling me if Lyds wasn't in her way. Thank God the bell rang, and we went our separate ways. The day dragged on until 12 pm. Dear Lord, I've never been so happy for Lunch period! My entire day was shitty as FUCK! I've been on edge the entire morning. It didn't even help that both teachers and students were looking at me like I was about to throw hands at anyone in my line of sight. No, that's not the case... I kept looking at my phone to see if I had any text messages from Leo praying that he was alright. I grew agitated seeing no response. I already had a quick plan in mind to sneak out of school and race to my manor when I received a text from Diana; she wanted my help in bringing in the library's new books. I thought about declining her offer and rushing over to Leo's side.

Man, do I sound like a Mother Hen or what?

Di offered to buy me lunch along with a free pass in case I become late for my afternoon classes. You gotta give her optimism. She makes a convincing argument. I decided why the fuck not and helped her.

I was walking side-by-side with my fake ex carrying a stack of books for the library while sneaking a few peeks on my phone for any updates.

"You know you could've said no if you had plans", Diana said after catching me taking another peek at my device. She carried a small stack.

I jolted, feeling a bit embarrassed for being caught red-handed. I guess I wasn't as sneaky as I thought. "No! No... I'm..." I cleared my throat. "I'm just checking something... let's keep going", I said, regripping the books as I put my phone away.

I felt her stare as we continued to walk through the halls. I tried to ignore her stares and the need to check my phone. "Do you want to talk about it? Is there an issue with you and Katie's cousin?"

I stopped to look at her in confusion. "What...?" Did Di think I broke up with Lee? To be fair, we haven't started dating or ever thought of that train of thought. Did we want to date each other? Two months as friends... did we want to start dating?

I vigorously shook my head. "No, it's not like that. I'm just expecting a text. Nothing serious." At least I hoped so. "You don't mind if I bolt after I finish, right? It won't be long."

"Are you sure nothing's wrong?" Di was skeptical. She's one of my exes who knows me.

"Yeah! I need to go check on something!" I reassured her, "Let's take a rain check in that lunch date. On me. Promise."

The girl's eyes gleamed through her glasses. "Alright. It's a date", she said with a smirk, "Only if you bring your "date" along. I need to see the lucky guy who's looking after you." she wanted to meet Leo. Should I? Was she as open-minded as the others? She went ahead as I still gave it some thought.

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