The Beast Appears!

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(Sorry for the delay. I had a massive migraine during my week's hiatus; I think my left eye was blind temporarily. Anyway, enjoy another chapter in The Twisted Tale Arc. I should really catalog these.)

I watched Leo run to the woods. I should've run after him. I wanted to chase him. Maybe I asked too much of him. Should I go after him? I should've gone after him. Wait. No. I can't risk getting caught let alone being the center of attention. Did I push Leo too much? Maybe that's why he ran off.

"Merrill, a word?" Great... Mr. Boy Scout wanted to talk to me.

I looked at Gregory with an unenthused expression. I refrained from rolling my eyes. "Yes, Craig?"

"It is Gregory."

"I know what I said", I snapped while crossing my arms, "What do you want?" say your peace and walk away.

"I crave your advice." Advice? Big Bolooga here wanted my advice. The guy who everybody hates? Must be April Fool's Day. "Was I too forward?" Too forward? You proposed in front of the entire town. If that doesn't scream forward, I don't what does. "Since you know Beauty longer, it helps to get insight on what to expect from my future husband." Future husband, sure.

"I think you approached it at a leisurely pace", I emotionlessly replied while biting my tongue from spilling too much.

"Are you certain? You sounded unconvinced."

"No, I'm sure. You and Lee... I mean Beauty would be..." I held in the bile in my throat. "...would be happy together. You'll be the cutest couple here." My God, I need to stop talking. Keep it together. "You're going to live happily ever after." I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep myself from blabbing too much.

"I see... as long as I have your permission."

"Permission? Don't you need to ask the family permission for his hand in marriage?" Ay Dios mio, shut up Merrill! Don't give el cabron ideas!

"I have", the man replied, "and I also want to ask for his closest friend's permission for his hand in marriage."

Permission? Permission?! This asshole wants my permission to marry Leo! Leonardo, my best friend, who I hold dear! Wait, what? "Heh, heh, heh. Hold that thought." I grabbed a man's cup of cider and drank it whole. I took a deep breath. "Wha-wha-what was the question?" I asked, wiping my mouth with the back of my hand.

"Will you grant me your friend's hand in marriage?" he asked as sincere and gentle as the kindest person in the world.

"Right... you want... to ask... for my... permission... yay..."

" that a yes or a no?"

Without meaning to, my mouth rambled like it had a mind of its own. "Sure! Yes! You have my full permission!" I may have stretched my smile a bit wider. "You'll make Beauty the happiest turtle alive!" Where's the nearest cemetery so I can dig my own grave?

"Wonderful! I thought you were going to protest or disagree. You two were practically glued to the hip. Close as thieves. I am shocked to see you willingly give him off."


I'm two seconds away from jumping this motherfucker. I can play off an asshole as much as possible, but I won't stand here pretending I'm okay with the arrangement. He wants to see a delinquent then I will gladly show him how much of a delinquent I can be! To hell with how tall, strong, buff, and impeccable firm asscheeks! I pulled my arm back, but a random villager called Gregory over. The handsome man went to the caller. I huffed.

"That went well!" Warren said, plopping himself comfy on my left shoulder. "I was hoping for a little fistfight since he insinuated you gave away your boyfriend which by the look of it, you did. I can't wait to see his expression! The look of betrayal on his face. I bet it would be priceless."

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