A Magical Night to Remember (Part 1)

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As soon as we reached out the portal, we were greeted by the school with flashing lights. A banner hung over the entrance: Homecoming. Alex led the way dragging my big brother with them. They led us outside the courtyard where their peers were in casual formal wear. "Ladies and gentlemen, your night has gotten brighter!" Alex announced, "I am here to dazzle you with my latest designs! Photos are allowed." They struck a pose, but no one seem to bother or care to look at them. Alex wasn't happy. "Excuse you! Perfection at their finest here!" No one didn't respond. They were too focused on their phones.

"As much as I don't want people to notice me, I feel like I'm invisible", Katie commented.

"Everyone is too busy on their phones to enjoy the dance", Lydia said.

"Guys, come on", Merrill said, "sure their eyes are too busy staring at their bright screens, but who isn't these days? Everyone does it in every setting. Hell, I bet some of them take a few peaks at a funeral." I guess it made sense. Our cell phones are always in our hands wherever we go. I was expecting the students to start dancing or socializing at some point. Maybe we're too early.

"I'm sure it's too early", Raph said voicing my opinion.

"Early or not, someone should have noticed the fabulousness that entered their measly lives", Alex argued.

"Maybe if we move to the gym, it would be more excitement there", Lydia sweetly suggested. Everyone, including a reluctant Alex, nodded. We were about to go when April approached us. I wanted to say hi, but I felt an unsettling feeling; a feeling as though someone was watching us. I looked around and saw a large shadow gazing at a far window. I squinted to focus on the silhouette, unfortunately, April leaped into my focus.

"Wow, Leo, you look different. I barely recognized you", she complimented. I gazed behind her. The shadow disappeared. Was I imagining it? "Hey, good?"

I blinked and refocused on my first friend. "Yeah, I'm good", I replied with a smile, "you look great, Apes."

"Ha, she looks great?! Her outfit looks like a lemon and zucchini had a terrible sex life", Alex disapproved.

"Oooh, sick fashion burn", Merrill praised which caused me to elbow his rib.

"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up, clowns, but it's not going to bring me down tonight!" April said with a raised fist, "because you are looking at the newest member of the popular crew!" Merrill and his friends stared, while I and Raph praised our first human friend.

"And who are you?" Katie asked.

April's proud energy dimmed. "Seriously, we have the same classes!" Merrill's friends continued to stare. "Katie, we have Algebra together! Lydia, we took English I together last year. Alex, we sit together in French class; you complained how my French was like hearing an old man yawn." The fashion designer tilted their head. April slumped. "You kept saying I should dye my hair black because my red hair was an abstract color to my complexion."

"Ah, yes, now I remember!" they said with a snap of their fingers, "and honestly, I could care less."

"That's mean!" Raph said to the designer who shrugged without a care in the world.

"I'm sorry, April, but I was too focused on my schoolwork to notice you", Lydia apologized.

"More like you were too busy texting to notice", April muttered, yet we all heard her anyway. Lydia's face became a bright red while Katie scratched her cheek with a light blush.

"Hey, let's get to the gym", Katie redirected the conversation, "I hate standing around outside while the real party is inside." The group went to the building. I stayed behind and gazed at the area where I saw the shadow.

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