After Dark (Part 2)

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Merrill ran off chasing whatever he spotted. I chased after him along with April and Mike, but my friend ran so fast we lost sight of him. I frantically searched throughout the store. How could he move so fast? I shook my head. Obviously, it was thanks to his legs having the horsepower. The guy ran so fast we couldn't keep up.

"This is bad! This is really, REALLY bad!" Mikey shook, clutching his vacuum, "the Gumbus took Merrill! And he's coming back for Leo!"

"This is Merrill we're talking about", I said, doubtful, "he's just being an asshole, and I'm not being targeted!"

"...this doesn't make any sense..." April said, tapping her chin, "Merrill believes in the ghosts. Why did he vanish? Did the Gumbus got him? Is Leo's dark knight going to be sacrifice?"

I rolled my eyes. "Again. This is Merrill we're talking about. He's probably hiding around the corner ready to jump scare us. Well, he's not winning this bet!"

"Forget the bet what about us!" my little brother cried.

I sighed heavily as I walked backwards. "Mikey, I'll say this one last time: The Gumbus – or any ghosts – aren't real." My back collided against a wall. I rubbed behind me feeling hard abs underneath fabric. I jumped away. I looked up to see my emo friend. Merrill's top half blended in the shadows. "Merrill, there you are! See guys, what did I tell ya. Geez. Don't run out on us, man. It makes me wonder you like scaring us to death..." I stepped closer to my friend who kept standing there in the dark. "What's the matter? Turtle got your tongue?" he still said nothing. I waved my hand in Merrill's view. "Hello. New York to Goth Boy. Come in, Goth Boy." Something's not right. As much as he was used to the nickname, Merrill would've responded by now.

'' I blinked at the sudden request. My eyes widened seeing Merrill lift a kitchen knife. I slowly stepped back with him following my path. His face came to full view. His eyes weren't blue... they were violet and red mix together.

"Merrill...?" he dashed at me swinging the knife. I barely dodged the swing. My back collided with a shelf. Merrill threw the knife. It hit next to my head. I felt a trickle of liquid sliding down my cheek. I touched it. I saw blood on my fingers. I looked back at my possessed friend. His eyes never left my figure. He had two more knives out. His focus was on my only. Alright, Merrill, you want to play? Let's play.

"April... I need you to take Mikey and finish that stack", I said, pulling the knife beside my head.

"What? Are you crazy?! You're gonna get killed! He beat you and your bros that first time! Remember."

"I know", I twirled the knife, "but he's focus on me. This will give you enough time to finish the deed."

"What are you going to do?" I heard my brother say.

"I'm gonna bring my friend back. Now go!" They ran off. I was alone with my possessed friend. "Merrill... I know you're in there... and I know you don't want to hurt me and likewise with me... so, let's put away the knives and talk like civilized people." The emo didn't respond. He dashed at me with raised knives. His left knife clashed against my knife. Followed by his right. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Left. Right. Right. His movements were too quick for me to catch up. He managed to niche my left shoulder. The cut was shallow, but I could feel the blood seeping out. I barely parried the next strike. His speed was increasing. It was becoming a blur.

I played a risqué move. I gotten close to his space and disarmed one of his knives by twirling my wrist around his. Unfortunately, his other knife discarded my weapon; he kicked my plastron. I landed on my shell. He jumped on me with his raised knife. I held the arms back. It was getting harder to keep the knife away from my face. I stared into Merrill's red eyes. Come on, man, you're not gonna let a ghost beat you, right?

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