Stronger Together (part 3)

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Gregory's eyes lingered on us. He scoffed. "You always have a knack for humor especially when you are at your wit's end. I will say this one last time: stand down or face my wrath."

I stepped forward ripping more of my white dress. I messed up my hair a bit. "Suck on my dick, puta! That's never gonna happen!"

Leo stepped beside me. "What he said! Without the whole dick-sucking thing..."

"Right. Do you have a cloaca or a beak?" I asked my turtle friend with a smirk.

Leo let out a loud groan. "I can't believe you ask me that. Then again, I shouldn't be surprised."

"You love me too much to hate me", I commented.

The slider softly smiled. "Yeah... I do..."

I blinked. What was that about? He didn't mean it, did he?

"Oy! Heads up!" Warren warned. A large hand was coming for us. We separated. I summoned my shadow limbs. I stretched my arms to a floating island. I landed on the rock. I saw Leo floating a few meters away carrying Warren.

Cuddles hugged around my neck but did not choke me. Craig wasn't pleased. "Why fight your destiny?!" the villain hollered. "Everything will be perfect once you accept the changes!"

"Fuck that!" I yelled. "This place ain't our home! And you don't have a say in our destiny!"

"He's right!" Leo floated close by. "We have a say in where our paths lead. So what Beauty rejected you and chose the Beast! Big deal! You're a conceited jerk who thinks he's above everyone around him!"

"Ha! You're doing all this for a pity party? How pathetic are you!" I mocked the author.

"Silence! I will not be mocked by children!" Gregory said he tried swatting Leo like he's a pesky fly.

I growled. "Cuddles hang on", I ordered, to which Mrs. Cuddles happily obliged. I felt the shadows enveloped my legs. I jumped from rock to rock. As soon as I was close, I extended my shadow arms and threw a large boulder to Greg's face.

He didn't like that. I used my extended limb to hang onto a boulder nearby; I gave the bad guy a middle finger as I stuck out my tongue. He sneered at me. Cuddles laughed at my cheekiness.

Out of aggression, Gregory lifted his arm; bright, golden feathers flew out of his worn-out paper hand. I swung over to another rock, barely missing those feathers. One scraped my cheek. It sizzled on my skin. I landed on a rock. Seeing a flurry of feathers flying toward me, I extended my arms again and grabbed two boulders using them to block the projectiles.

A feather went through the blockage. It sunk into my shoulder. It felt like someone stuck a hot poker in there. I heard a yell at the east side. I dared a peek. Leo was fighting his own battle keeping Warren on his shoulder. A flock of shadow monsters with wings kept flying over to Leo. He slashed each one coming. Even at a distance, he was getting exhausted, but Leo was too stubborn to go down. I smiled at his dedication. I should keep going, too! We're too close to back down now!

An armada of projectiles flew toward my way. "Get off, Cuddles. I need to fight head on", I told the rabbit.

"Yes, Master!" she chirped, "Show Big Meanie Greggy your discord!"

Oh, I intend to. I jumped from rock to rock dodging feather to feather. Most of them tore through my dress and some scratched my skin. I threw one boulder at his face. He pushed it aside, but I lunged at his face punching him. I repeated it over and over again. I thought I had an edge until I was grabbed by a paper mâché hand. I winced as I was squeezed tightly.

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