The Climax

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(I might change the title)

I hate him!

I hate him so much that I wanted to slam his stupid face onto the wall and slide it across the ground. Why does it have to be him? I hate how Merrill is such an ass! A conceited, salty-mouthed bastard who thinks highly of himself. Compared to me I like to show how great I am and boast about myself. A match made in Heaven.

It's been over a day since our fight, and I was busy in "my bedroom" doing nothing. I wasn't sulking! I was debating on whether I go over to Merrill and demand an apology, but I stopped and realized if I went to him, he would win, and Leon isn't going to be the first to admit defeat. But staying in my room wasn't the best plan. I don't have my phone for entertainment, no television to watch movies, and the books in my room were about "sophistication" and "etiquette" that I tossed the books under the bed.

Apparently, "Beauty" was raised to be married off to another man of higher status. From expensive clothes and accessories to products and makeup. Even the bedroom I sleep in was posh and polished filled with silk and well-sculpted furniture. I could've stayed longer but Donnie informed me of dinner and a "special guest" will be joining us. It was a no-brainer that he was implying Gregory. The whole family was attempting to get me to reconsider my decision.

I hate to be that person, but maybe this could be my best chance to redeem myself. I felt pressured by the entire village watching me. At least I'm a little comfortable with some familiar faces. A crowd equals less tension. I think I could do this...

When dinner arrived, I rushed down the stairs. I spotted Gregory and jumped into his arms. I heard everyone gush. Good. It's something. When I pulled away, I thought I saw something at the window. I looked over to see nothing but the pink hue of the sky. Must be my imagination.

During dinner... yeah... I wanted to go back to my room. My supposed family kept complimenting me; giving me praise for my sewing, dancing, cooking, etc. Some of them didn't sound like me. They kept repeating how mature and well-cultured I was. I wanted to roll my eyes at that. These people aren't my family and I'm not the sewing type!

My real brothers know who I am.

My father is a rat, not this old, deaf turtle! My father knows me!

"Excuse me", I politely said, dabbing my napkin over my mouth. I pushed my chair back. "I need to get some air." I headed out the door while ignoring their stares. The moment I closed the door I finally breathed.

I stood outside the house finally breathing in fresh air. I walked over to the wooden banister to look up at the night sky. I couldn't stand being in the same room as those fakers; I couldn't stand being in the same room as the handsome guy who everyone wants me to marry for protection; I couldn't stand seeing the gentle face of an old turtle portrayed as my father. Everything felt unreal and yet I was sitting there with a bittersweet smile.

I didn't feel at home. I miss New York. My brothers. My sister, April. My dad, Splinter. My friends. My enemies. The crazy adventures we get into. I miss it all. I don't know how the timeline works here. Was it faster? Slower? Average? I couldn't take it anymore!

I miss home.

I heard the door creak. Oh, my gosh. Can't a turtle breathe a little air without someone coming over? "I want to be alone right now." I stretched out the "really" part. I didn't have the energy to encounter anyone or talk to them either.

"...forgive the disturbance, but I was on my way home. I did not mean to ruin your peace." I looked over to Gregory who had a sullen expression. Yeah. He had the body of a bodybuilder with soft features. Anyone would be lucky enough to be his partner. Yet, the fairy tale I knew was where Beauty chose the Beast over the hunter. Now, this story turned into a complete one-eighty spin. Beauty marries the hunter for her town's protection, but what comes next? There had to be something I'm not seeing. "Is there something you want to speak to me about?" His question threw me off. Was I staying too long? "It seems you have questions you want to ask."

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