You Broke Me in More Ways Than One

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Leo, look at me!

I know you can hear me!

We need to talk!

This isn't funny!


Look at me!

Lookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatme lookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatmelookatme - I will keep playing this tune until you talk to me! Oh. My GOD!

This is so FUCKING STUPID! How long are you going to give me the cold shoulder? How long are you planning on ignoring me? I just want to talk. Why are you ignoring me?!

I swear to God I will pee on your Jupiter Jim comic collection and action figure!




' wouldn't dare.'

Oh! Now you're talking to me!

I thought just playing with my dick on my hand (jk, not gonna do that) and waiting for a certain turtle to call me I decided to make the first move. I thought 'okay, I'm here. Time to start on the progress.' Unfortunately, the moment I said 'we need to talk', Lee avoided me more than once. I swear every time I'm within a few meters, he would either go in the opposite direction or pull a fucking Houdini disappearing act. I was getting so frustrated I had to control the shadows to not violently respond to my emotions. I had to remind myself to be patient. Time rewards patient people. Whoever said that is an idiot.

If cornering him didn't help, I turned to our mind link. Once again, that plan backfired! I just learned that you can mentally build a wall in your mind. So, Leo managed to figure it out before me. Okay, I wouldn't go far as to say it's a wall; it's more of a shield. A barrier, actually! I didn't know there was a way to do that! Anyway, so I tried to talk to him telepathically, right? Do you know what I heard instead? A perfectly memorized description of one of Jupiter Jim's comics. I'm talking about the entire start-to-finish word-by-word narration. I cut the ties as soon as my brain was screaming in sheer agony. I just wanted answers! Was it too much to ask?

Leo's eyes looked up from his phone and finally locked eyes with me. I sat on one side of the ramp with Leo sitting on the cross. I didn't want to sound poetic but the distance of where we sat describes how far we've become.

'You're threatening to pee on my prize possessions. Obviously, I'm gonna respond.' I rolled my eyes at his response.

Since I have your attention, can we talk? Or are you gonna keep giving me the cold shoulder?

'Later. Tonight's a big night for me and my bros. Can we put a pin on this discussion?' The slider focused his gaze back on his phone.

I let out an irritated growl. Seriously?! First of all, you ignored my calls which, by the way, thanks for blocking me, cabron! Secondly, since I got here, you kept staying away from me like I had an infectious disease. What did I do? Why aren't you talking to me? Excuse the pun but why do you keep putting me in the dark? What's goin' on?

I felt his anger boiling like a hot pot of water. 'I'm not doing this with you!' he said, standing up, furiously. 'Seeing you here isn't helping!'

What do ya mean? Am I putting pressure on you? Did I hurt you? Am I an asshole? Okay. That last part we both know that's a given; it's part of the package.

Lee made brief eye contact before casually scurrying away with a sense of... longing. What? Longing? Longing for what? Why couldn't he tell me instead of giving me a Rubix cube and expect me to solve it in a minute?

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