My Words Aren't My Meaning

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(Be prepared for a lot of screaming.)

My head is ringing! Whose idea was it to give me liquor? I can't survive after one cup. Did someone spike the apple cider? Was someone stupid enough to spike the cider? It shouldn't surprise me. It would be a plot twist that the cider is a hallucinogenic elixir. Let's focus on the muscles. My back is sore. I could move my fingers. I tried moving my toes; they're good, too. I have no broken bones. Swore limbs but nothing major which is good for me. I forced myself to open my eyes. My vision was blurry for a moment until it got clearer. I was met with a wooden ceiling; sunlight streaming through a nearby window. Feeling the cushion underneath me, I know I'm lying on a bed. I sat up and looked around. I was in a normal room, a clinic maybe.

"Master!" My face was attacked by none other than Mrs. Cuddles. Her size was reduced to her original height. Her tears of joy were wetting my face." I miss you! I thought you were never going to wake up!" she yelled close to my ear.

I grabbed the back of her neck to look at her. I noticed she had a few bandages around her belly and limbs. She had it rough. "What happened?" I asked.

"I defended your honor!" she said.

"She tried. All she got was bruises on top of her bruises", the worm said. I saw him relaxing on the bedside table. Warren was sipping on a drink from a thimble. I gently put Mrs. Cuddles down on the bed. "You, my young Goth, were rammed into a house."

"I'm not Goth, I'm Emo", I said. Flashes of events appeared. Leo was chased by the Beast. He chased after him to the village. I remembered colliding against a house then everything was fuzzing after that. I was lucky to be alive.

"Is Leo okay?" I asked, fearing the worst.

"Yes, yes. Your turtle boo is fine if it wasn't for the town's hero. He saved both the town and your boyfriend. I don't know about you but I'm on Team Greg."

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with Leo in case he's in danger again?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Question. Can salt kill worms instantly? I'm willing to test that theory."

Warren matched my glare. "You wouldn't dare."


The said rabbit leaped into action. "I know where the kitchen is!" she exclaimed. Just then, Leo and, ugh Gregory, walked into my room.

As my turtle friend saw me, a smile spread across his face. He instantly went to my side. "You're awake! Thank the Supreme Pizza in the Sky!" he sighed in relief. His response made me chuckle, but I stopped noticing the giant third wheel in the room.

Greg stepped forward. He gave me a gentle smile. "Yes, I too am happy you are alive and well. It was a good thing I made it in time otherwise the Beast would have ended your and Beauty's lives", he said. I hate how he praised himself. A big giant with a big ego to match.

"I'm too stubborn to die", I said, offhandedly, "Your praise isn't appreciated."

"That's Merrill's talk for thank you", Lee defended. I decided to look out of the window. Outside was a pot with a little daisy on it. "Thank you, by the way. I don't want to know what would've happened if the Beast did hurt us." ...anddddd I want to barf.

"Please. It was my pleasure. I am the town hero. I have a role to fulfill. Not as a hero but as your future spouse." Now I'm more eager to barf. What is he? A saint? Mr. Perfection? "Oh, and Merrill, thank you for your permission." My body tensed at the musclehead's words. You fucking asshat!

"Permission? What are you talking about?" Leo asked, looking between us in confusion.

At this point, I was starting to sweat. "Uhhhh, Greg? Now's not the time to bring it up."

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