Cat Girl Maid Squad! Assemble!

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It's been two days since our Gumbus hunt. Merrill hadn't contact me. I was getting worried. I kept deciding whether I should call him just to check, but I didn't want to bother him. I was in my room laying on my bed and staring at my phone screen. I frowned at my reflection hating my friend for not contacting me and hating myself for not doing anything! I sighed heavily. I recalled his emotions that night. He was... depressed and guilty for hurting me. I knew he didn't mean to. I knew he had no control. If he were here, I would tell him that I don't blame him. I couldn't be mad at him for something he had no control over.

I wish that idiot would talk to me.

My phone's screen started flashing and caller ID showed GOTH BOY with a skull with crossbones as the caller pic. I jumped along with my phone. I tried to grab it before it fell. I grabbed it but I fell off my bed landing face first with a heavy thud. I straightened myself yet my bandana tails were in my face.

My back leaned against the bed with my arm laying on the sheets as I answered the call as casual as possible. "Merrill! My friend! Pal! Amigo! Compadre! How's it hangin?" Wearing it thin, Leon. I blew away the tails with a side blow. I'm happy our mind link doesn't interact through call.

"Hey, Lee", Merrill's voice sounded tired, "can you portal me to your place? I'm ready to fulfill my deed." I hate how he sounded. It breaks my heart.

"Sure... I can do that..." I could feel myself say. I hugged my legs. Come on... say it! Talk it out!" "You good?" Ugh! Not how I want to start it!

"Yeah... I'm good. I'm alive, aren't I?" I winced at his raw attitude.

"Yup! That's great!" I steadied my breathing and calmed my voice.

My friend sighed on his end. "Sorry. I didn't mean to sound like an ass. I just... had a lot on my mind... I shouldn't take it out on you..."

I felt a smile growing. "I get it. You still owe me a movie date. Lou Jitsu marathon. I don't care if it takes a whole week."

His chuckles rang in my ear. "Whatever you want."

"Merry Bear, is Leeny Beany picking us up?" Alex's voice was heard from Merrill's end. Alex was at Merrill's place?

"You're bringing Alex?" I asked.

"Yeah... they're not the only one coming... I'll explain as soon as we get there", Merrill said. We ended our call. He's bringing Alex. Wait... who else is he bringing? Was he also bringing Katie and Lydia, too? I frantically started pacing. I haven't told the fam about this!

Raph just met my new friends. He wasn't that ecstatic with them at first but then he like least I hope so... maybe this could be a good thing! Donnie and Mike would love them (not to mention, Alex would be over the moon seeing my other brothers to create more fashion). Oh no, Dad is going to meet them! My pops already hate Merrill! What if he hates them, too?

Back up, Leon. It's going to be fine. Katie, Lydia, and Alex are good people... at least Lydia is. I gulped. Oh, I'm getting queasy.

My phone pinged. I looked at the message.


Hurry up, Leeny Beany!

I need to see my DADDY!



Try to hold back ur urges.

I dont want my dad to have any reason to h8 u guys like Merrill



Warm up to daddykins 1st and then ask him to date ur brotha

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