I Brought a Turtle to School One Day (Part 2)

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Merrill left in a rush leaving me alone with the girls: Lydia and her girlfriend, Katie. It was a little awkward. The girls kept staring at me like I was standing there naked. Okay, I'm kind of all-natural with my belts, sash, sword, and mask. I rubbed my arm nervously. I'm meeting two humans other than April and Merrill without disguise. This was new to me.

"Um, hi..." I waved, "I'm Leo."

"We know", the pink-haired girl commented.

"Be nice", the peppy girl hissed.

"I'm not the one who fainted."

"Don't be rude!"

"Look", I interrupted, "I could just leave. I'm already an inconvenience to Merrill. So, I'll bounce before things get hectic." I head for the window, but Katie stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Oh, sweetie, no. You're not an inconvenience. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have fainted. It was rude of me." Lydia's sincere apology was wholesome like receiving an apology from an angel. Her apology made me want to apologize.

"No, no. Don't be. It's a natural reaction. I would faint if I saw myself, but mostly due to how good-looking I am."

"He wasn't kidding about your one-liners", Katie said as she thrust the clothes and shoes into my arms, "get change. We don't have time until the bell rings. We'll give you some space." The punk chick left the bathroom.

"I'm so sorry about her. Katie's not always like this", Lydia followed her girlfriend.

I went into the stall and locked it. The clothes Katie gave me were a plain gray tank top, a blue and black pleated mini skirt, a black cat hoodie with floppy cat ears, black stockings, a light blue scarf, and knee-high buckled combat boots. I tried them all. Besides the cat hoodie and skirt, everything else fits well, even the boots. I got out and checked my reflection. I don't look half bad. I could barely recognize myself. I pulled my hood up, and my scarf over my beak; my sword strapped to my back. Would they mind if I bring a sword to school? I head for the door, however, I stopped. My hand hovered the handle. I was going through an unknown territory without my brothers. I glanced at my exit. I could escape and leave the girls. I shook my head. That would be rude. Alright, Leon, you got yourself here, time to see through it. I opened the door a creak. I saw the girls in front of it. Katie noticed me.

"You good, Blue?" she asked in concern.

I finally got out. I kept pulling the skirt down, feeling a little uncomfortable. "I'm not feeling the skirt", I muttered. I looked at the girls who were staring in disbelief. Did I wear the outfit wrong? "Do I look bad?" I asked, nervously.

"What? No, you look fantastic!" Lydia encouraged.

"If you were a female, I'd totally tap that ass... or shell", Katie agreed.

"So, you wanted to date Leo, huh?" Lydia scowled.

"I said if he's a female, I'd tap that!" Katie discouraged, making her girlfriend huff. I chuckled. Their conversation eased a bit of my uneasiness. Then, the bell rang making me jump and grabbed my sword.

Lydia placed a comforting hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry. Stick with us. You'll be fine." Katie nodded and they led me to the rendezvous. Everyone paid no mind to us. Wow. So far, so good.

We made it to the library. All we need to do was wait for Merrill. My phone pinged. I took it out and a text from Merrill saying he was on his way.

"So, what's your relationship like?" Katie asked, drawing my attention off my phone.

"Relationship?" I asked, "Me and Merrill are friends."

"With benefits?"

"Katie!" Lydia scolded as I hid my face in the scarf. I knew my face was turning red. "What they do in their spare time is none of our business."

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