Donnie's New Friends

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"Let me get this straight. Donnie became a Purple Dragon; join their cult; wears his new jacket like a second skin; sees those smartass motherfuckers as his new clique; and he's hanging out with them. Am I missing anything?"

"Nope. You're caught up", April answered to Katie. After a long afternoon of classes, the gang and I, along with April, were sitting on a wooden lunch table underneath a tree. I was lying on top of it listening to them talk. My arms were over my head and my hands cushioning my head; one leg laid across as the other was lifted and bent. "I tried to tell him it's a bad idea, but he's so fixated on that stupid jacket."

"Oh please. Those jackets aren't as hype as they look", Alex commented, "If Donatello wanted a jacket, I would happily create something worth having sex with."

"You don't think it's more than just a jacket, don't you?" Lydia asked, "he wouldn't be this invested in simple clothing. You know the turtles longer than all of us, April. What do you think?"

"I think Dee is making a huge mistake! But no! He loves that jacket more than his own friend's opinion!" You could hear the venom spilling out of her mouth. "Why are you laying there like you have no care in the world? Hello! New York to Merrill! Come in, Merrill!" the bitch had the fucking nerve to poke my head. I fanned it away. "Well? Aren't you gonna do anything?!"

I sighed. "Not a damn thing." a chorus of protest rang in my ears. I sat up. "Guys. We're not Don's Jiminy Cricket. We can't hold his hand and tell him what's right or wrong. He'll learn the hard way. We'll be there if he needs us", I told them.

"Uh, hello! You know Kendra more than any of us! You know how she thinks and acts!" April gave out good points. I know Kendra better than her; I grew up with the PD leader. I know she's planning something without a doubt; I know her too well.

What pissed me off more was the fact that Kendra knows me just as well as I do. She knows I know and knows I can't do anything with solid evidence. I can't just bust through the principal's office telling the old fart what the PD is up to; he'll think I'm BSing out of my ass on the spot which leads to me getting detention and sending me to the guidance counselor. It's pretty much the same scenario with the softshell; Donnie is the type to see the results rather than hearing it. Believe me. I'm just as concerned and aggravated as everyone else. Although there is nothing more than I would love to tell Donnie about his status quo, I know I can't rush into this. I had to step back and let things flow.

"I hate this as much as you do", I retorted.

"Doesn't seem like it", April countered with crossed arms.

I glared her way. "You had no effect either, pendeja. Why the hate?"

The African American girl grabbed my shirt collar. "Don't push it, Goth Boy."

Lydia went between us, holding April's hand. "Alright, let's not fight. This is not getting us anywhere."

"Oh, let it ride. We have enough drama as it is. Why not add it one more to the pile", Alex encouraged, "I'm sure everyone is on edge. What's wrong with letting loose some steam?"

"I bet April would win", Katie said making me narrow my eyes in annoyance. April's lucky she's a girl... rather, she's lucky I'm not a killer.

"Not helping", Lyds hissed.

"Guys, break it up. It's not worth the energy." We looked up at the tree to see Leo sulking on a branch. Leo didn't accompany us to our classes like the first time he visited. We found him above the table outside staring absentmindedly so here we are having our little meeting. The fact that it's about his brother and not putting in his two cents worries me.

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