Let's Get Ready to Rumble (part 1)

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Merrill and I met my brothers at the stadium. Raph wasn't too happy seeing Merrill, but he pushed it aside instead. He was too excited to see his wrestling hero take on the championship title. I invited Merrill because I wanted to. He's easy to talk to if he's not a complete ass. We were on top of the stadium's scoreboard hovering over the ring. Donnie and Mikey were busy eating pizza. After what happened yesterday, I'd rather get distracted, and what better way to do so than have a wrestling match with my big bro. Merrill was off to the side brooding, I guess.

'Puta, I don't brood. I think.'

I rolled my eyes while Raph and I held in a hand-grip struggle. So says the edge lord.

'I'm gonna take that as a compliment instead of an insult.'

Take it how you see fit, Mr. Cool Guy.

I pulled my focus back to Raph who shoved me back. "Go Ghostbear!" he cheered, ripping his T-shirt that had an orange bear silhouette with '199-0' on it, and underneath was another shirt with the same design but instead it replaced 199 to 200. "He's the greatest ever! He's gonna win number 200 tonight!"

I hopped onto Raph's shoulders. "Buddy, come on. You know wrestling is bogus, they always pull their punches. Even I could beat Ghostbear." I poked Raph and I spit into my hands. Now watch this sweet move! I call this one the Three-Star Hurricane!" I started slapping my brother all over his head, which made Raph irritated.

"I'm with Leo on this one", Merrill said, taking something out of his pocket. We all became shocked to see a cigarette stuck in his mouth. We never met anyone who smokes before or encounter anyone who does. He pulled out a lighter and lit his stick. He puffed a few clouds before continuing, "Wrestling is all show for our entertainment. It's as fake as plastic surgery. They probably chose Ghostbear because he's representing Hispanic heritage. For all we know that overgrown man in orange tights probably cheated his way to the top."

Raph came to me with a snarl. "You take that, Merrill! And get that thing out of your mouth! Smoking is bad for you!"

Merrill is the type of guy who does what he wants.

'Heh, you know it, darling.' I felt my face get hot. I saw Emo inhale a long breath, turned to my big brother, and exhaled the biggest cloud. Raph coughed and rubbed his eyes.

"What do you know, smoking isn't good for turtles either", Merrill smugly said. He went back to smoking.

Wasn't that a bit harsh?

'No one, and I mean no one, is getting between me and my cigs.'

"You jerk!" Raph yelled as he slashed his drink all over his face, "you could've killed me!"

"But I didn't."

Raph's eyes were red; don't know if it was the effect of nicotine smoke in the eyes or he was mad. Before he decided to tackle Merrill, the ringer went off. We looked over the edge. The MC was next to Ghostbear.

"Ghostbear is the last man standing", she announced, "and when I raise his arm, he will officially be 200 and 0!" she started lifting his arm. Raph smugly looked up at me.

"Ha, told ya, Leo", he bragged. I could care less.

"Yay, go figure. Can we leave?" Merrill asked, already wanting to leave.

"Whatever. Ghostbear's just a chump in a costume", I said leaping out of Raph's back. "I could beat him. I could beat any of them." What I didn't realize was that I jumped off the ceiling's screen scoreboard. I heard my brothers and Merrill yelling my name. "AVENGE MEEEEE!" I called, trying to be comical even though I had a touch of fear growing. I landed on top of something and bounced back up like a ball. The lady held my arm. I was sweating! Everyone saw me. It wouldn't surprise me if my face was displayed on the big screen. This was bad.

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