Moving Too Fast

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(This is Merrill

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(This is Merrill.)

~Lady Ai~

I just texted Leo after I sent a selfie. I was expecting him to reply but nothing. I grew anxious thinking about the worst-case scenario, but I held back. Maybe nothing bad was happening. I was probably overreacting. Then, my neck started to throb. Did I pull a muscle? Nah, that's not it. I normally don't get muscle pain unless I overworked my training regime. Something wasn't right.

An hour or two later, Los Tortuga Locas (Raph was outvoted on the name again) and I finished capturing over a hundred oozequitoes. As expected, Donnie ran out of webs. It was time for us to return to the Grand Nexus Hotel. I got off the empty gas tank and sat on a blue seat which I assumed belonged to Leo. The drive to the hotel was awkwardly silent. Candidly, Donnie hovered outside with his fancy invention. I kept massaging my neck. The pain's still there.

"You good, Merrill?" I turned to Mikey. I nodded. I didn't bother giving a reply. I didn't bother thinking too much about it... that was until I felt ghost pain in my legs. It wasn't just my thighs; my prosthetic legs were feeling it too. This wasn't coincidental. This was a sign.

...or maybe I was being paranoid...

Finally, we arrived at the hotel. We got out of the massive tank with Raph carrying a jar full of oozequitoes. I tried reaching out to Leo. Are you okay? Where are you? Did Mama's Boy touch you? I got scared when I didn't hear anything. It's like... it's dead silence. I shivered at the thought. Did Xander... did that fucker kill Leo?!!!

No, no! Stop being negative, Merrill! There's a good explanation for why he wasn't receiving my calls. He probably knew how to mind block... which I'll give him credit for since I don't know how to mind block.

"Guys..." I said, gaining the turtle crew's attention before they entered the hotel, "I... have a bad feeling..." I told them with a hint of hesitation. The three turtles looked at me in confusion. "I can't get ahold of Leo," I said a little white lie, but it's kind of true in a way.

"Really, now?" Donnie said with skepticism. His drawn eyebrows were raised. It amazed me how accurate it was. "Because during our ride over here not once have you checked your phone or even bother calling my brother. I thought you two were close friends."

Okay... that was random. "What's with the sudden gang-up? I said I had a bad feeling. It's not like I wanted attention", I explained, "I wouldn't be saying this if it wasn't necessary."

"Call me curious or suspicious, but I wanted to know what's your relationship with Nardo." I didn't bother holding back my confusion. "You announced you and he is soulmates. What does that title mean to you?" I felt small under his gaze.

"Yeah, what's with that", Raph agreed, "you're taking advantage of Leo! I don't know how, but you're manipulating him! When this job is done, Leo isn't going to see you anymore!" have you ever felt like your whole world shatter? Whelp, that was what I was feeling right now. This was the downside of being known as a bad-boy player. No matter how much my reputation grew, there will always be rumors that will bring me. I kept telling everyone I don't care how everyone sees me... however, there was always a whisper of doubt in my mind.

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