Our NORMAL First Date

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The Big Day had arrived.


Me and Leo.

Our first date.

It would be beautiful, atmospheric, and, most importantly, romantic. I planned the whole night. A simple romantic dinner at a fancy restaurant in a skyscraper. I was going to give Leo a dozen roses and a cliché line "The roses are beautiful, but you're the most beautiful rose I see." He'll say it's corny yet blushes and tries to hide his face in the bouquet. Then, we'll head to the restaurant; we'll get the best seat in the house: the VIP area with red satin curtains, a private area with a personal bouncer, and a group of musicians to set the mood. We'll have the full course meal, from the appetizers to desserts. For the finale, we'll finish the night with a slow dance followed by a walk home.

Everything was going to be perfect.

My God, what the fuck was I thinking?!

Everything was turning into a disaster! And the date didn't start!

I don't know why but my nerves have skyrocketed since this morning. The suit I prepared for was damaged due to Cuddles putting in bleach in the washer! So, I had to rent a tux instead. As for the shoes, well, a certain penis bug decided to use one as a bed and the other as boat which concluded me also renting a pair. That was Bad Luck #1.

Bad Luck #2 was just as annoying as the first. The flower shop where I pre-ordered the bouquet had sold out! Like seriously! I've ordered ahead of time for a dozen red roses wrapped in a white wrapping paper with a sky-blue ribbon. Now tell me how it's fucking possible to mistake a weed killer and a growth spray! Unfortunately, the flower shop had a new part-timer, and their job was watching the shop and watering the plants. The dumbass was the jester of dumbasses! In other words, no roses, no quip.

And Bad Luck #3 was the worst! The restaurant I reserved called me. The spot I reserved was taken at the last minute! I was bought out by a wealthy lawyer so he can celebrate his second wedding anniversary with his wife. What a hypocrite! I hope he falls off the building or has his expensive suit on fire. On the bright side, the restaurant owner was sympathetic to the quick change, and she offered me an alternative. She called ahead to another restaurant in a fancy hotel (no, it's not The Nexus Hotel; thank God). It's better than nothing.

I was waiting in the park in my best suit. My hair smoothed and parted. My cuffs were diamond-encrusted. My tux was tailored and ironed along with a blue necktie to match Lee's mask. I didn't overdose the cologne. I dressed to impress. Even though my plans changed at the last minute, I still got something out of it. Not everything's gone. Guess this night can be salvageable.

I texted Leo I was at the park and he quickly typed back that he was on his way. Right. In a matter of minutes, we'll be on our first date. Nothing extreme. A lovely dinner in a hotel restaurant. The date will be successful, and I'll prove to Leo we should date more in the future. I don't know why I'm trying to prove him wrong. I like him and he likes me. What's the issue?

Why was I making this a big deal?

I do like him. I like where our relationship is at. I wanted to level up our relationship. Whatever happens, happens. I should respect the outcomes and Leo's wishes. Even though they might crush whatever pride I had. No! No bad thoughts! Not tonight! We are going to have a great night! Leo has got nothing to worry about because everything's gonna be okay! Just a normal date night between me and my soon-to-be turtle boyfriend. What's weird about that? Just a nice normal, quiet dinner at a hotel restaurant which I might bribe a few employees to help me out.

......what? Just 'cause my perfect night didn't come true doesn't mean I can try another way. I'm not known as the Sexy Lucifer for my dark hotness. I aim to please.

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