Brawl in the Mall (part 2)

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Fuck! Mr. Buffy the Kid Slayer was as tough as he looked. Even tougher than Raph who was saying something. I was fighting the big guy in a shoe store. He had the ring and metal hand in his grasp. I leaped forward aiming for the ring; however, I blacked out only to be met with a fist colliding against my cheek. I crashed into a shelf of shoes. My body was covered in boxes and pairs of shoes. I gritted my teeth. I fucking hate that guy and the stupid ring! My third attempt at grabbing that stupid jewelry. I didn't expect the one tiny ring to have a major effect on me. It's not an ordinary ring; it's a mystic artifact.

The huge man had the nerve to laugh at my disheveled body. "What's the matter, Pretty Boy, your tiny hands can't hold a punch?"

I clicked my tongue after spitting out the blood. "At least I'm prettier than you. You have a face only a mother can hate. I bet she can't stand looking at you", I taunted, earning a sneer from my opponent.

Out of anger, he tossed the hand aside. He punched his fist against the palm of his hand preparing to come at me. I smirked. Good. Makes my job easier. "I can't wait to break your face!"

I gave him a toothy grin. "Ven aquí, idiota. (Come over here, dumbass.)" That got him angrier. He rushed over like a raging bull seeing red. I jumped on the shelf as he body-slammed it. I jumped over his head letting the shelf fall on my opponent; he was immediately knocked out. "Man, that was easy. Should've done that sooner", I mused as I walked over to the ring and metal hand. It was surprising how the ring remained in place. I reached for the ring, but as soon as I saw my reflection on the gem's surface, my vision began to fade. I quickly looked away, having my vision returned.

Fuck! I barely touch the little shit and my vision gets distorted. There's gotta be a way to get the ring without looking or touching. My eyes caught on the numerous shoe boxes scattered from the fallen shelf. I was drawn to a long box that belonged to a pair of ankle boots. It gave me an idea...

I grabbed the box tossing the boots aside. I stole a glance at the jewel. I sensed the ominous darkness surrounding it. It differed from the darkness I sensed from the shadows. Some shadows had ominous energies, yet none of them could reach the level the ring was giving off. It's more... sinister.



I took a deep breath and closed my eyes; I quickly swiped the metal hand without looking. I immediately shut the box with the matching lid. I sneaked a peek. No weariness or plague with haziness. Hey, it worked.

"Oh, hell ya! Gotta love loopholes!" I said, twirling the box on my finger. I casually walked out of the shoe store with the box in hand. I scanned through the floors searching for Leo and his opponent. I heard a ruckus coming from the bottom floor. Lee's having a party downstairs. Are his brothers with him? With all the noise we're causing they should've intervened by now. I'm done with my fight; I should give my little turtle boo a hand.

Before I could leave, the big Foot guy lunged at me, and we fell off the glass ledge. He got a strong grip on my neck. My back collided with glass and metal. My guess: I landed on an expensive car on display. I grimaced and groaned in pain having the extra weight crushing my body. I managed to get my eyes open despite the piercing ache in my head. Static and snow clouded my vision. Fucking bastard ruined my eye cams!

My large opponent raised his fist in the air preparing for a beatdown. I flicked my wrist; a knife appeared between my fingers. I plunged my weapon into his arm. The big guy screamed in anguish as I was freed enough to lift my leg and kick el hijo de puta on his chin. I flipped over despite the ache in my back. He growled as he harshly plucked the knife out of his arm. "Cheap tricks, little man", he sneered.

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