Mrs. Cuddles Wants to Play (Part 2)

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I brewed Alex chamomile tea. I used a spare kettle beside Dad's antique one. Dad is skeptical about anyone touching it except him. My friend took the cup silently. I sat next to her. She looked down at the tea staring at her reflection. I wasn't used to seeing her quiet and upset. I thought of her/them as a strong, outgoing person who speaks their mind.

"Hey... about those sketches... wanna share them with me?" I asked, hopefully, a bright attitude would enlighten her mood. Sadly, nothing. Not even a smirk. I sighed. "Listen, Alex. Raph... didn't mean those things. He's just... scared... I guess I'm kind of to blame for being part of it. I'm not sure how it started. Raph loves animals! He's not afraid of rabbits. Maybe it's just that first episode of Mrs. Cuddles we saw as kids, and he started to wet his shell and freak out. We never really know why. We were kids... we've made fun of him since... still, Raph shouldn't take his anger out on you..."

Alex was still silent until "Raphael looked at me like my father did." I looked at her. She swirled her cup around. "My father is a strict lawyer. He expects me to walk the same path as he does despite my... imperfections." Imperfections? I don't see anything wrong with her. "Let's say I was born rather unique. My mother, bless her soul, was a fashion designer and model in Paris, France. I wanted to be just like her. My father was fuming mad and wanted nothing to do with me. Raphael reminded me of the day my father told me I was a waste of life and that he had a better chance at adopting a sad orphan than having me as their child."

That was a heavy load to swallow. How can anyone be that cruel to their own kid? "Comparing us together, you're more normal than I am", I told her, "You're talented, headstrong, and you don't let people get you down. Your father shouldn't be any different. I know you're going to get far because you have got the drive and the determination." I pulled away and looked into her eyes. "As for Raph, I know he's not directly mad at you. I'm sure once everything clears up, he'll be as gentle as a kitten."

Alex grew silent as she placed her cup on the table. "What if he doesn't?" I tilted my head. "I like your brother, Leonardo." I blinked. "I like, like him." I blinked again. My face morphed to realization."Oh... Just give him some time to himself", I advised, "he'll come around."

Alex sniffed and offered a small smile. "You're a sweetheart, Leany Beany. God, I must be a mess." she took out a compact mirror. She gasped at her reflection. "Goodness gracious! I looked like the Bride of Frankenstein! Hold this dear." I took her mirror as she pulled out a makeup bag from underneath her dress. First a sketchpad, now a makeup bag. What next? A grenade?

I watched her wipe the makeup off her face and started applying a fresh coat. "I have a question", I said.


"How do you know if you like someone?"

Alex paused with her lipstick hovering over her lips. "Any reason why?" she resumed her segment.

I felt my face heating. "Well... I... you know... for Donnie! I'm asking for Donnie. My twin would use logic and data rather than asking a professional." Alex put her lipstick away and pulled out a tube of mascara.

"Let's not go around in circles, darling. I need the full story rather than a short tale." I sighed and told my fashionable friend everything from the dance up to the oozequitoes in the hotel, especially telling Alex about my almost engagement to a spider yokai. Xander was insistent I marry him. "You, my young turtle friend, are living a soap opera", Alex stated, putting away her makeup bag.

"The worst part is I said I'm in love with Merrill to my spider groom." I turned to Alex who was staring at me with her green eyes widened. "What?"

"You're in love with Merry Bear!" she shrieked before jumping on me. "Ohmigawd! Ohmigawd! You make me so happy! Wait a minute..." she pulled me away giving me a stern look. "You haven't told him, have you?"

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