Mrs. Cuddles Wants to Play (Part 1)

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Despite doing chores around the turtles' home, it wasn't so bad. The place wasn't dirty anyway, so we pretty much hung out. Leo was giving us the full tour of his home. April came a little later and she was shocked to see us in maid costumes in the turtles' home. Alex told her it was a new trend she was displaying.

"This place is incredible!" Lydia said, marveling at every detail she spots.

"Dude, if you think about it, you're living in a sewer mansion", Katie commented, "I mean you got a family room, a personal arcade, a skate park, and a laboratory for Smartsy Shell; you're just missing a few servants and you're living la vida loca."

Alex went ahead of the group. "See. What did I tell you? It was a good idea to come over and visit Leeny Beany."

"Alex, you stated you wanted us to come over to Merrill's house to have a "friendship meeting"." She air-quoted friendship meeting.

"I was gonna make up an excuse or ignore his call", Katie said, "whichever I was feeling."

Leo paused. "Friendship meeting? What for?"

I shrugged. "No clue. They –."

"She!" Alex stood beside me with a mature, feminine voice. She was very close to my personal space.

My eyebrow twitched as I shoved her face aside. "She didn't specify. Alex just wanted us all to attend, including you."

The slider turned to our fashion designer friend. "Okay... we're all here... what's the emergency?"

"I'm glad you ask, Leanie Beanie. The meeting we need to discuss is of crucial importance. It all falls to humanity!" We all held our breath. "...Halloween costumes." We all groaned. It was so Alex to be fucking dramatic. "What? It's crucial." she pulled out a sketchbook from underneath her skirt. I was surprised to see she was able to shove a spiral sketchbook up there. I was tilting my head until Lydia elbowed my side. The fashion designer was flipping through her sketchbook. "So, I made a few sketches. Lydziepop, I made you –"

"Alex, Katie, and I already have our costumes prepared."

Alex let out a dramatic gasp. "Le gasp! How could you?! Who did you see? Was it Patricia? That bitch is always taking my suggestions and claiming them as hers! Fyi, everything about her is fake. From her materials to her social media to her body. Oh yeah, her tits are fake! Those aren't twins. Her left breast is bigger than her right!"

"Don't get your panties in a twist", Katie said, stopping Alex before she continues her rant about her rival, "we planned this ahead of time. Sure, they're not as extravagant as your designs but we're not changing it. It's supposed to be fun but a runway show."

"KitKat, in my eyes the world is a runway show. You either be a strutter or a gazer and I was raised as a strutter."

"Sorry, Alex", Lydia apologized, " it's still a no."

"Hmph! Be that way! Wear your cheap costume with a lack of creativity! I bet Merry Berry would jump at my designs..."

"Nope", I answered, causing Alex to gasp again, "I already plan on being Sephiroth from Final Fantasy xv. I got the whole setup. White hair, black clothes, his long-ass katana, and his one black wing. I'm going full cosplay on this." I tucked a strand of hair over my ear.

"I feel betrayed. Humiliated. Shunned. Some other words describe my utter turmoil. Leanie Beanie! You're my only hope! Say you haven't found a costume yet!"

Leo looked away from her pleading eyes. "Um... Sorry, Alex... I was gonna be a character in Jupiter Jim..."

"Leonardo, I am mortified! I put my heart and soul into creating these designs! And what did I get in return? Neglection? You might as well finish me off by sticking a knife over my heart!"

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