The Siren's Lament

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Okay! Quick summary! Xander came looking for us to help him stop a siren – who is apparently the Halloween Murderer – from killing people. Raph said we should split up into teams of two so Merrill and Xander won't kill each other; unfortunately, they ended up together anyway. Lucky for me, I was partnered with Alex. I can hope the two overcompetitive idiots can set aside their differences for a little while. Fingers crossed.

Anyway, Alex had an idea to use the Ho Method which is standing next to a lamppost and looking attractive; let the siren chick come to us. I applaud them for their idea. It sounded plausible enough to work, but it was a massive waste of boredom and getting hit on and flirted with by random strangers. I ignored them. I kept thinking about what Merrill said. He wanted to kiss me! Me! A talking, mutant turtle! The Sexy Lucifer wanted to kiss me! We were about to kiss, and he wanted to kiss me! I just wanted to jump in the air and scream!

"Leonardo!" I was brought back by two fingers snapping in my face. I turned to look at Alex who was looking at me.

"Uh, you said something?" I asked, thinking I wasn't paying attention to whatever my friend was saying.

"I said my plan was a bust and suggested regrouping with someone close by. Then I looked over at your way and saw the massive grin on your face. Judging by the goofy smile, something happened between you and Merry Berry. So, it would be in your best interest to spill the tea."

Was that obvious? I didn't realize I was grinning. "Sorry. Got some stuff in my mind."

"Well... aren't you going to tell me?"

"Um... there's not much to say. Merrill and I talked it out in the park, we danced a little, and we almost kissed. Nothing to be excited about."

Alex laid their hands on my shoulders and shook me violently. "Are you daft? "Nothing to be excited about" my ass! Who kissed who? I must know!"

I gently took their hands off. "Alex, relax. I said we almost kissed. Xander came before we get the chance."

Alex huffed and took out their phone. "That spider is with Merry Bear, right? Let me call him and see if he can rendezvous with us so I can tear him to pieces."

"Alex, no. We're already on Big Mama's bad list. I'm not letting you and the rest of our friends join us."

The fashion designer groaned. "Fine! I never thought you were a spoilsport, Leany Beany." I chuckled wholeheartedly. I knew they meant well. I just don't want to risk it. "Since nothing out of the ordinary happens, other than getting flirted with by random strangers, let's meet with the others."

"Yeah, that sounds like a good plan." We walked down the street. Alex was quiet. I grew worried. They were excited a moment ago. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"You and Merrill just talked? And your relationship is fixed?" they asked.

I titled my head. I'm not sure what they meant. "I guess... I told him about my insecurities, and I guess we moved passed them. We still have a few things that need to be said, but it's a start." Alex hummed in thought. "Do you want to talk about it?"

"Am I being petty?"

I blinked at their question. We stopped walking. "What? You're not petty. Who told you that?"

"No! No! Don't get the wrong idea! I was thinking about my behavior toward your brother." oh. That's what they meant. They felt guilty for not apologizing to Raph.

"Do you want to apologize to Raph?"

"Yes...? Maybe. I want him to know how much he upsets me. I know Raphael is trying to speak to me, but I kept pushing him away. Does that make me a bad person?"

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